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14 hours ago, TheQ said:


Go outside.:mellow:  Fall down:o. Break hip.:mad: Call 999.:unsure: Go to hospital:unknw_mini:.  Go to bed:sad_mini2:. Wake up, hip fixed.:biggrin_mini2:  Now the long rehab begins!:unknw_mini:  A little less than twelve hours, all free on the NHS. Not me ... but emergency treatment in the UK is still very quick.

Whoever does the job, the rehab is the worst part.  I've moved parts that haven't been moved in years for which pain is the constant reminder.  Pass the Tylenol!


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So, today at work



Lazy @rses a plenty.

Some severe PICNIC events going on.


But despite all that I did manage to be productive and was only 30 mins 'over' :)


A friend kindly invited me to meet for cake and coffee at Mercia Marina so an enjoyable walk there and back (with Bingley) was had and even managed some household chores after mi tea/dinner/supper.


A cold (non-alcoholic) beverage is called for; I think it will be guava juice and fizzy water.

Edited by leopardml2341
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9 hours ago, polybear said:


The trick that underground maintenance workers use of lying in the trench beneath the rails as trains go over the top has always rated as being pretty low on this Bear's wish-list....



Tight pawed?  TIGHT PAWED??  Moi?

Especially as having just had a visit from Tom the Roofer to settle up.....:cry:



Alternatively, if you're not so lucky:

Go outside.  Get knocked over by some scrote riding a leccy scooter on the pavement - who fails to stop - and the Police are "too busy" to investigate, despite being told who he is.  Break Hip.  Call 999.  Wait four hours for an ambulance cos' it's Friday night (= p1ssed up fight night in the town centre).  Get taken to a Hospital that's further away than your preferred one, all because of what postcode you live in.  Wait in the back of the ambulance for ages cos' it's all kickin' off in A&E (fight night again...).  Wait on a trolley in a corridor for hours before you are seen.  Then wait for hours before the X-Ray is available (fight night....).  Get told your hip is busted - and you'll have to be admitted.  Wait for hours in a corridor cos' there's no beds.  Discover the Surgeon qualified last week - from a med school in Ouagadougou (he's working on his English...).  Get an infection.  Get told the wait for physio is six months. Get discharged too early cos' they need the bed, despite the fact that home help has yet to be arranged.  And to cap it all, discover the mice have scoffed that LDC you've been saving.....

Cynical?  Moi?


Bear's off to the chippie, to console myself after paying for the roof....


:lol:True enough,  It would appear hospitals all over the world have similar problems.  Its a wonder we all survive; still they must be doing something right!


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been quite warm today but according to the seaweed twirlers tomorrow the rain will arrive. A good year for poppies, they are coming out of everywhere including the gaps in the paving bricks of the front path. I noticed that there are more of the normal red coloured poppies this year, most of them used to be a deep pink cultivated variety but they are being displaced by the normal red ones. 

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So match has been watched...Yorkshire won despite the antics of the two ex County Cricketers pretending to be umpires.. they were dreadful!


In other news @Coombe Barton Leeds City Council have stated that our surge in Covid Cases is all in the 18 to 22 year old group, hence why our hospitalisation and death rates are very low.


As most of the students are on the way home (having dumped their rubbish from their rented houses in the streets) the figures may see a decline..as they have in one particular hot spot in uni land.



Edited by Barry O
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19 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Went for a drink at a new gin place (distill their own) instead, quite nice but it is a bit like drinking perfume.  Expensive way to drink, enjoyed it I suppose but won't bother again.

I wouldn't know, I don't drink perfume:rofl_mini:


Apparently, these were the words I said to Sheila when we first met. However, for some unknown reason, I have no recollection :drink_mini:

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2 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

I could write pages on the lorry driver shortage having worked in transport for many years. Back in the early 2000s there were anticipated driver shortage s when the licencing routes were changed so you couldn't go straight for your class 1 then there was the working time directive which caused a massive fright throughout the industry that there wouldn't be enough drivers.



Bear wonders if the new rules have had a significant positive effect on reducing accident rates?


In other news:

A successful early visit to Wickes - three various sink waste pipe fittings were purchased, one of which did the job very nicely.  The other two will be going back on my next visit....

Much time spent on creating a neat installation for the hot & cold supplies to the kitchen tap; the tap is now fitted to the sink and *all* that remains to do is fit the sink to the worktop (sealed and secured with a silicone bead all round) and connect the two flexi tails to the H&C supplies.  I could've done it tonight, but it got to half five and I'd had enough - and siliconing a sink in neatly isn't the kind of job to do under those circumstances.  So that will kick off tomorrow's job list....


Oh yes, I forgot to mention one of the newspaper headlines seen yesterday during a Co-op fodder run:  It seems that having Botox injections in your goolies is the latest great idea :rofl:.  I reckon I'll pass on that one, thanks all the same.....

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40 minutes ago, polybear said:

Oh yes, I forgot to mention one of the newspaper headlines seen yesterday during a Co-op fodder run:  It seems that having Botox injections in your goolies is the latest great idea :rofl:.  I reckon I'll pass on that one, thanks all the same.....


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Good evening everyone 


The 2 shopping trips planned for today have been done, Sheila has bought all the birthday cards required for the next few months and is now a happy bunny. No unexpected expensive purchases done today, so I think the credit card has breathed a sigh of relief! 


I had every intention of walking to the bookshop this afternoon, but I rather stupidly sat on the sofa and read for a while, before undertaking a spot of eyelid inspection, by the time I woke up, the shop was shut, I thought it closed at 5 o’clock, but it actually shuts at 4 o’clock, so to quote Polybear, turdycurses! So the plan is to knock off a little earlier tomorrow afternoon and walk to the bookshop, then have a slightly later than usual afternoon muggertea when I get back. 


This evening we had some rain, it wasn’t heavy and it didn’t last long, but we are sure some tomorrow, allegedly. Not that it’ll bother me, as I’ll be in the cellar, nice and dry. 

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Oh yes, I forgot to mention one of the newspaper headlines seen yesterday during a Co-op fodder run:  It seems that having Botox injections in your goolies is the latest great idea :rofl:.  I reckon I'll pass on that one, thanks all the same.....

38 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:


It's marvelous the way they're using botulism (well botulinum toxin type A) these days. ;) It is apparently helpful for migraine sufferers. I cannot imagine a therapeutic benefit to the nether regions. If cosmetic, really, what's the point?

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14 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

@Pacific231G Did you know Wally Watson?

The name doesn't ring any bells but I've a rotten memory for names and it was a very long time ago. If he was on the PW gang at that time I probably did meet and even work with him.


Looking at the weather forecast for the next few days I skived off from the writing I'd planned for today and committed aviation instead, that made it a good day and I visited a friend on the way home to pick up some magazines so we had a good chinwag in his garden and I avoided being on the M25 when it was in carpark mode. Traffic was dreadful today.


The weather was murkier with low cloud for longer than forecast so I didn't do anything too ambitious but it brightened up in the afternoon so I went up to Newbury racecourse then followed the route of the Newbury-Winchester line back to as far as where the A303 crosses the A34. I'd  thought the A34's upgrade to dual carriageway had used more of the route of the railway than it had. Some of it did but on most of that stretch you can see the line of the railway quite clearly running a little to the east of the road  (You can of course do the same exercise using Google Earth) 


I must apologise in advance to anyone in the London area for the  weather tomorrow (Saturday) I accepted an invitation to an  open air theatrical production in the afternoon and that seems to have had the inevitable meteorological effect.


Good night everyone and don't forget to switch off.

Edited by Pacific231G
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