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  • RMweb Gold

Another week ends, where did the last one go?


The west side of the Dark Peak seems to have missed most of the rain this wreek soi much of the G word done and now almost up to date. 

The grandsons had two cricket matches played. Third one postponed due to Covid outbreak at school attended by several of the opposition so they couldn't raise a team. Two big wins with both getting plenty of runs in their allotted overs without penalties for losing wickets.Both bowled their overs well with no wides or no-balls and both took wickets, so happy bunnies.  Sammy seems to have been made preferred opening bat and 'Death Bowler'

Weather looks dry here today so some outside jobs to do but can't see much chance of the cricket or Mrs SE's tennis match tomorrow, so may even get round to invoking the M word. Have three lots of etched sides to prepare for the waiting donor coaches.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Where did this morning go? It might be something to do with the latest Railway Bylines dropping onto the mat this morning. Must get on, need to get to Tess Coes for eggs and milk and to see if there's anything I'd like to try on the reduced shelves. 

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  • RMweb Premium
17 hours ago, polybear said:

At last - firm proof that not wearing a mask can be seriously harmful:



Please - no laughing at the back - it's not funny.....





Oh yes it is...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


The sun's playing dodgeball with the clouds. It feels like we need a 'good' thunderstorm to clear the air, it's very muggy. 


A busy (and productive) morning, envelopes stuffed with a certain society newsletter and invitation to part with some money, then the combination posted. The butchers visited to lay in stocks of essential supplies. Half an hour in the garden - the sparrows and blackbird were exceptionally bold, the former interested primarily in dustbaths, Forget-me-not seeds and peanuts and the latter in scoffing the redcurrants mentioned a few posts ago. I may not be much of a poet but from observation:


I sample daintily

You consume freely

He scoffs wantonly

We have a nibble

You indulge uninhibitedly

They gorge themselves silly.



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Afternoon all

At least it's not raining today but yesterday two of my near neighbours' back gardens, and in one case garden office, were flooded as was the road close to my house. Oddly the Brent wasn't really in full spate when I went for my walk after lunch so I guess the run off from NW London has probably drained into the Thames at Brentford by now. 

I was just gettig aclimatised to the hot weather last week but now 16deg. feels cold. 

Enjoy your respective weekends.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Herself has visited Tesco while I walked round their car park to a total distance of a little in excess of three quarters of a mile.  The rain stayed away - as it has all day (thus far that is) despite a mass of dark grey clouds passing overhead.  more rain tonight.  The rain has alas damaged much of next door's flower garden - tall things like foxgloves and lupins being very hard hit apparently.


No other plans for today however I am bidden to clean the vacuum once the GD has risen from her pit, hopefuly having had a good kip.  Incidentally it sounds as if Jamie needs to be searching fora china egg - if such things are still to be found? - which was the traditional method of dealing with a broody hen.  The idea was  having got her thoroughly fed up with sitting on it with nothing happening she'd be back to normal after a while.  the otehr way of dealing with a broody was an early conversion into Sunday dinner, sarnies, soup, and so on.


Have a good day one and all and stay safe.



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

Why is it that one can spend a couple of hours in the garden, get somewhat less than pristine whilst performing the required tasks, endure aching knees, pricked fingers and arms, fill a large bin with weeds then stand back at the end of it all and notice not a scrap of difference?  



You have just explained the reason why I HATE gardening and why when I sold my fathers house, I bought a flat on the 5th floor. No gardening and as I am the top floor, no dancing on my ceiling!

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21 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I did restore the climbing roses to a more vertical state and fixed a few other plants in place. We then had a few drops of rain. My nephew phoned to ask my advice about dogs. we spent ages chatting.

I did have a trip out, first to get the Fiesta fueled and then collect my medication. I get a carrier bag for it now. 

I watched the F1 practice and qualifying.



Not to vertical I hope for the climbing roses as otherwise they will not flower in profusion.

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  • RMweb Gold
18 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Not to vertical I hope for the climbing roses as otherwise they will not flower in profusion.

Perhaps less horizontal was a better description. They are so covered in blooms the weight of all the rain water pulled them away from the fence. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Hello again from Estuary-Land. I spoke too soon about the TV, it started scanning again when I switched it on at lunchtime. Switching off at the socket and letting it stand for a few minutes seemed to do the trick. I'm even more sure now that its the heat that causes it as it was rather warm at the time. I've no need to watch anything this evening so its staying off until tomorrow and maybe even not then. Arthur Itis has been playing up so more Nurofen has been deployed, now time for a muggatee, be back later. 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

Perhaps less horizontal was a better description. They are so covered in blooms the weight of all the rain water pulled them away from the fence. 


Bear has examples of that too - along with mucho rose petals all over the lawn...:angry:


In other news:

Bear has just watched Episode 2 of Clarkson's Farm - seeing JC get electrocuted by his own leccy fence brightened my day up no end :laugh:

He also learnt that sheep farming is not a great way to make money - it's a brilliant way to lose it though....

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16 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I came back to find Lucy stretched out across the sofa, forcing me to try and get a few more winks in my Chesterfield wingback chair. Not terribly successfully, I have to say :cry:With Lucy’s permission I might be able to take an afternoon snooze today

Why do we give into our pets so much?  Our cat who is otherwise quite independent, demands in cat style that one of us go up to bed with her when she returns in the evening; no if ands or buts!  Silly us; we will comply, missing part of a favourite TV programme or some of our supper.  This something none of us would normally be doing but the cat gets away with it.:unsure:


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