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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, some blue sky but a cool breeze need to get on with my own list. Sorry to hear about your troubles Gordon I won my case due to the arrogance of the manager who fired me but it looks like it may be more difficult for your brother.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all *checks clock* - yep it is still morning!

Haven't really done anything worth posting about recently but I've done a few bits and pieces on my challenge entry.

I'm hoping to go to the model shop later on to pick up a few bits, I've already written a list of things I need.

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Morning all! Dry and sunny with little wind in Edinburgh today.


Gordon, sorry to hear of the troubles, but hopefully they'll get sorted soon.


Don, sounds like a lovely breakfast! I'm on muesli though at the moment as I'm trying to shed a few pounds (well, about 20...).


I'm planning to head out shortly for a bike ride. At 34 am I too young to be classed as a MAMIL*?








*Middle-Aged Man In Lycra

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


First off - good to know that Gordon is around, albeit in a less cheery and active form. The number of unfair dismissal cases around these days is disgusting, and they do seem to be in the more mature age group. We've discussed modern young management style here before, so no more... I am currently working under a temporary manager whose last experience of "management" appears to have been pushing the other kids around in the playground.


Don the full English is nothing, the full Scottish is the thing to go for - egg, Ayrshire bacon, sliced sausage (2), potato scone(2), black pudding, fruit pudding, with a good quality Scottish morning roll on the side, a cup of strong tea. I can now get all the ingredients for this cholesterol-fest locally - watch my blood results go to pot over the next few months as a result. I'd rather die younger having eaten well that get a couple of years more while trying to enjoy rabbit food.


Hopefully Mick all will now start to pick up for you, and you can put your previous problems behind you.



I've already written a list of things I need.

Don't forget the important last thing - your wallet and some money...


Anyway, I'd best have a look round - it is a model railway forum after all..


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Although I suppose I'm at the top end of middle age I wouldn't inflict me in Lycra on anyone. The world is not ready.


Truth be told I haven't had the bike out this year at all. Is there such a thing as an armchair cyclist?

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  • RMweb Premium

Just reading back through the comments from yesterday, I see you are thinking about teaching Dominik. Are you considering becoming a Haupt-, Real- or Gymnasium teacher? Germany certainly needs more male teachers!


The curriculum I'm doing (as an addition to my existing MA degree, if you will) is for Gymnasium, or grammar school for our ERs from the UK. For the teaching practice internship I mentioned, I've been assigned to a school in Bad Homburg, which suits me well as it's rather near my place :yes: .


The thing I was worrying about in recent days is that I am not sure I would immediately be able to come up with an alternative, should I find out that teaching adolescents is actually not what I would want to do for a living during this internship :unsure: .

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  • RMweb Premium

Don't worry about something that has not happened yet, concentrate instead on preparing your first few lessons making sure that you have too much material for each session so they are successful lessons. When you have completed your internship and had feedback from your mentor is the time to examine your feelings for the profession.I always enjoyed the moment of understanding to me that was the point of teaching. Just remember no smiling until Christmas!

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Good Sunday morning all :)

Off to Church shortly. Will log back in on my return.

It's still pitch black outside so can't see the weather but I can hear the wind whining!


"Just remember no smiling until Christmas!"- Mick, why?


Stewart, I couldn't get through a Scottish breakfast as described by you, but what about the porridge?

I don't know what type it was, but the bacon yesterday was EXCELLENT )3 rashers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


'Tis a calm Sunday morning as usual. Just doing my bit of work for my side job at the moment so that I have this out of the way – it is good that I can work from home :yes: . Though I guess I need a cup of cocoa now!


Cheers everyone!

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Back from Church. That wind I heard whining earlier is a South Easter coming straight off the South

pole and is bitterly cold.

I've put on a second pullover and feel like putting on the heater! Brrr.

I hope you are all warmer.

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Just heard the radio news which warns of bitterly cold weather today with snow inland and on the mountains! Another brrrrr!

However the thermometer in my lounge is registering 16C, so I'm warmer than Dominic.

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Guest Max Stafford

It was showing a mere 8 deg here at 06:30, but it's a cloudless, perfect blue and I'll hopefully be finished my work at 16:00. Last night was a nice relaxing evening. Hopefully, tonight should be the same. I'll be collecting Abi and I think I'll take her for an evening walk.



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Morning all, it's possibly a little warmer than either Dominic or Don's temperatures here in Edinburgh, but it's still early. Off to Glasgow shortly to see Jamie. If it's nice and the traffic's not awful I might take her down to the beach at Largs.

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Morning all,


Well seeing as temperature reporting is this mornings theme, 26C at the mo, rising to around 30c later in the day. But nowhere near what the folks in north America are getting.


Then work-wise got the boss coming for lunch & to do round up of all the projects under my control.........so much for my Sunday afternoon snooze...


Enjoy your day



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  • RMweb Premium

However the thermometer in my lounge is registering 16C, so I'm warmer than Dominic.


Now that's some depressing news... :laugh: Though I am finding it very soothing to be sat on the easy chair behind the big living room window with a cup of coffee, overlooking the rain-drenched outside world and browsing some railway-related sites... :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Cold morning here although it looks like its going to be a lovely day.

I'm working for the next four days so I won't be returning until Thursday.

I'll be setting up the horse jumps for the New Forest Show again. They are very heavy - made of solid wood they aren't exactly the easiest things to move on your own (which is quite often the case). Pay has also gone down by around £60 on last year but I guess its still a job. On the plus side, they have given me a considerable amount of food vouchers to use at the show...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It seems like a nice day here. The forecast east coast rain probably missed Essex.

I'm not really an Early Riser this morning. Matthew and I spent 6 hours at Southend A&E yesterday evening. Matthew had some pains that the out of hours doctor said needed to be checked at A&E (I thought perhaps 2 paracetamol myself but I'm probably a bad parent!). Fortunately it did turn out to be a case of take paracetamol until the pain eases.

When we all wake up properly we are off to Enfield for lunch with MiL.


Don, I went to Ireland in the 1980s and can remember being offered a choice of English, Scottish, Irish or Continental breakfast.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, don't smile until Christmas is advice given to new teachers Don it is intended to help you get your classes understanding the boundaries that you expect so that you can teach the whole class not just the front row.There was also the advice that once somebody had written on the board Binnsy is a B...... then you had won respect and could relax a little. Weather wise a mixed sky, warm sun and dark clouds scudding about. FIL's operation was botched and he is back in theatre now two GAs in two days is not good for an ex miner.

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"Is there such a thing as an armchair cyclist?"

Couched in language aimed at ER type answers. So fa there aren't any. Perhaps they'll settle on some later.

What did you use for your glazing, BoD?

Did you intend to use marmalade and picked up the peanut butter by mistake?

Off to doze in front of the GP.

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  • RMweb Premium

At least we aren't saddled with a chain of tyred puns. Sofa so good is all I can say.


Have a good one all. Off to the local (Excellent) Indian restaurant for a spot of lunch. The Sunday buffet is rather good. :)





P.S. Where are the pedals on an armchair?

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  • RMweb Premium

At least we aren't saddled with a chain of tyred puns. Sofa so good is all I can say.


Have a good one all. Off to the local (Excellent) Indian restaurant for a spot of lunch. The Sunday buffet is rather good. :)





P.S. Where are the pedals on an armchair?

Somewhere near the stirrups for armchair jockeys?

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