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8 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

I didn't have any problems.with my ill health early retirement H R were very helpful they even chased the Drs for my medical records on my behalf the Drs had invoiced them and not sent them.



A friend at work (mid/late 50's at a guess) had a significant dose of The Big C - and all the treatment it entails.  He was off work for a long time as a result.  That, plus the fact that he'd been promised voluntary redundancy several years before (which HR then reneged on) he was pretty confident of retirement on ill-health grounds.  That was without the input of the Company Doctor though (who was also a serving GP, apparently).

"I don't know what you're complaining about", he said.  Followed by "You should be grateful you're alive..."

It was all my friend could do not to deck him there and then - only the thought of his pension stopped him.  He did several more years (no choice, financially) then banged out.  I heard a couple of years later that the Big C came back for him.


7 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Bear has been unfaithful to LDC again


Guilty as charged, M'Lud.  In my defence I would like to point out that that the LDC lasts longer this way :lol:


13 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

As to HR in my former job, I'll not comment but suffice to say that No 2 son offered to empty a slurry tanker over one HR officers house for me.  I was very touched by his concern but politely declined the offer.



Spoilsport - could've been a Youtube sensation :yes:


In other news:


Bear's first job of the day will involve getting in the loft and covering everything in sight with cotton dust sheets; I did ponder using those cheapo lightweight plastic sheets, but (a) they're a b1tch to use without tearing (and there's plenty in the loft for them to get snagged on), and (b) I realised that when the old felt is removed then any breeze will simply blow them all over the show, unless they are carefully weighted down.  I have several dust sheets to use, and buddy next door has offered some too; certain south American ladies are on standby just in case - they're cheaper than S/F at the moment, and that includes next day delivery too.


After that it'll be a visit to neighbours/friends three door away, to ask if it'll be ok to park the Bearmobile on their (large) drive at various times over the next week, starting tomorrow.  Not keen on the idea of it being in the firing line of scaffold poles/clamps/bits or roofing tiles/battens/dross somehow....


And after that it'll be playing Plumber and attending to the cold water supply outlet for the washing machine - hopefully I have all the necessary bits in stock.  I could really do with the new aqua stop pipe being delivered today though, to make sure I don't get it wrong.


I also have a visit from Nurse Covid later this morning - if only the vouchers could be used for kitchen worktops.  Or roofs....

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24 minutes ago, chrisf said:

My late father had a spell of personnel work at Green Shield Stamps.  I imagine he was rather good at it, particularly the ‘sympathetic ear’ part of the job.


Several years ago, and don't ask me why - cos' Ive no idea, Bear suddenly wondered whatever became of Green Shield Stamps.  Google came to the rescue - they still exist, amazingly - and are now known as Argos.  There's some useless drivel to add to the pile :yes:

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Dull as expected this morning but still humid, but the promised rain only ever turned to a dribbling tap and the Night Light Show never appeared to my knowledge around these parts.


A visit to the Vampire Blood letting service is required at lunch time, so I've been very good since Monday and cut down on the cakes, well that is what I keep telling myself, I'm still a ginger bickie picker when I walk past the tin.


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and keep well. :dancer:

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Morning all.

It rained overnight. It is still raining. I don’t think I will be doing any gardening today though if the rain eases I will attempt to reattach a climbing rose that has come away from a trellis. It must be due to the weight of the water on the blooms and foliage. 
Other excitements today include a food delivery from Waitrose. We really wanted to go to Hyde Hall tomorrow but it was fully booked hence the visit yesterday. It does look as if Friday wouldn’t have been as pleasant as yesterday. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A very wet and soggy E-L it is. Not much thunder and lightening last night except an enormous flash of lightening with the accompanying thunder at one o'clock only a short distance away to the north approximately near the town centre. It looks as if the rain is here to stay for at least a week, the only 'dry' day will be Saturday. At least its cooler and the pollen has been suppressed.

5 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

Morning all from the boring borough. Thanks to all for the well wishes on the new employment. 


@Tony_S, hope you enjoyed the seedier (see what I did there) parts of Hyde Hall. SWMBO wants another visit as we've not been for a few years. She also has designs on a visit to Bridgewater and Harlow Carr. No move needed for the job but I will have to visit the mother ship in Newcastle from time to time. Good excuse to ride on one of those things that can't be mentioned here. 


If your going to Hyde Hall by car avoid the A13 and use the A12 instead. 

The bin wagons dawn chorus is now in full swing so its time to go, be back later.

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Hello again from Estuary-Land. Great to hear Daves dad is improving and I hope things progress at the same rate. Stopped raining here at last but getting very sticky and the pollen is rising fast.

57 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:



OK, washer is calling for attention (one stroke of the bell?) then I have honey-do jobs, then just maybe re-assembling that bike engine - again.  3rd time lucky.


53 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Fingers crossed!

Better uncross them before starting on the engine.:jester:

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