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  • RMweb Gold


I can't imagine this will make it across the Atlantic but perhaps you'll get a warm up late next week...


Best, Pete.


I'm not sure if Aditi is expecting bad weather for our trip to the Austrian Alps in August but she has asked me to to get her a Kindle!

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  • RMweb Gold

It was a change of mind, Tony.


I had looks of approval from the sales person when SWMBO couldn't make up her mind between two different sets of earrings and I said, "Have both".


Unfortunately I spoiled it a bit by saying that one earring would look silly.


My wife has learned to tolerate that sort of comment as well. Though in my case it is easier as she is the one who earns the money anyway!

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Lion first impressions... I'm not keen on the new version of Mail - preferred the old style where I could have a list and a viewing pane at the bottom... and I'm not keen on the counterintuitive directional scrolling. Can I go back to Snow Leopard please? ;)

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I'm not sure if Aditi is expecting bad weather for our trip to the Austrian Alps in August but she has asked me to to get her a Kindle!


Perfect for travel! Save taking a stack of heavy books. My Wife has had one since they came out.


Best, Pete.




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Lion first impressions... I'm not keen on the new version of Mail - preferred the old style where I could have a list and a viewing pane at the bottom... and I'm not keen on the counterintuitive directional scrolling. Can I go back to Snow Leopard please? ;)

Thanks, Mike................................................................

Best, Pete.




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Good moning all.

No rain came yesterday and an article in today's paper says it's dryest July for years.

I don't have a garden, so I don't mind, though it my mean water restrictins come Summer.

Save water, bath with a friend! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Dry outside at the moment, so we may well go outside later today. It still is rather noticeable it's the holiday period over here as the streets and cities are much less crowded than usual. Though the mediocre weather we're having may be a contributing factor just as well.


Have a good day, folks...

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Good Morning All,


Nothing much(exciting or otherwise) to report from this part of the world..............weather forecast says 28c max today, 23 tonight.....


Enjoy your Friday folks!




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Although it rained during the night it is brightening up now.

I think today is a day of many small tasks. I think I should make a list.

It was interesting yesterday, I helped Matthew with his research for his trip to Vietnam. We were trying to find out the best way to take travel money. It seems to be the same as many other places, Mastercard or Visa cards (US dollars are also acceptable in many places).



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Morning all...


Dry outside at the moment, so we may well go outside later today. It still is rather noticeable it's the holiday period over here as the streets and cities are much less crowded than usual. Though the mediocre weather we're having may be a contributing factor just as well.


Have a good day, folks...

I take it that Mainz has a net loss of people during the holidays. Edinburgh, on the other hand, has a net gain. Particularly during the Festival and Fringe in August.


I've not yet booked any Fringe shows but have got tickets for 2 events at the Book Festival. I'm going to talks by Neil Gaiman and Jonathan Agnew. There are a number of unticketed free Fringe shows so I may go to some of those, for instance I know that Norman Lovett (formerly Holly on Red Dwarf) is doing one.


Tony - thinking about Matthew and his currency reminded me of this. When I went to Russia back in 1992 I was told to take all currency in US dollars which we would be able to swap on the street for roubles. We were also told to take Marlboro cigarettes as we would be able to use these to barter with as they were hard to come by. Unfortunately things had changed considerably in Russia in the couple of years since our teacher had last visited (since the fall of the Berlin Wall). There was now a Marlboro kiosk on the corner of nearly every city centre street so the cigarettes were worth considerably less than we'd paid for them in Duty Free!


The food was pretty awful in the hotels where we were staying, including black bread and cabbage soup. Breakfast would be some indeterminate yoghurt sludge in a cup. We spent 3 nights in St Petersburg then took the overnight sleeper train to Moscow. We were all hugely relieved when we discovered the newly-opened McDonalds near Red Square...


Being there in December 1992 was certainly interesting. The privations of Soviet rule were still clearly in evidence - food shops would typically have tins of caviar and bottles of pink champagne on their shelves but no bread or other essentials. In less than a year, Yeltsin dissolved the Supreme Soviet, the parliament declared Yeltsin's Presidency invalid, there were battles in the street, and tanks shelled the Russian White House (the Parliament building).

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  • RMweb Premium

I take it that Mainz has a net loss of people during the holidays.


Well, Frankfurt at least did seem emptier this week, so I figure it may be the same in Mainz. Holidays in Hesse (and Rhineland-Palatinate) will end on 5 August – and my five-week school internship which begins on 22 August thus draws nearer, too. I am looking forward to this on one hand, but am also worried that I might find this may, in fact, not be the kind of profession where I would feel comfortable. I guess it's certainly good for all concerned that we do get to have these internships early on, rather than ending up in a job which only causes frustration or even greater grief. But seeing how much time it had taken me to decide to give it a go, I believe I would be disappointed in this kind of situation anyway... :unsure:

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Morning All,


Another somewhat grey morning. We are flying back to Germany today.


My neck seems a little better this morning. I sincerely hope so - I had a very uncomfortable night.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold
I...I am looking forward to this on one hand, but am also worried that I might find this may, in fact, not be the kind of profession where I would feel comfortable. I guess it's certainly good for all concerned that we do get to have these internships early on, rather than ending up in a job which only causes frustration or even greater grief. But seeing how much time it had taken me to decide to give it a go, I believe I would be disappointed in this kind of situation anyway... :unsure:


I went into teaching as I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do. I did a one year post graduate course and teaching practice and observation of lessons took place throughout the course. Some people realised it wasn't what they wanted to do quite quickly.

What age group will you be teaching?



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  • RMweb Premium

I went into teaching as I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do. I did a one year post graduate course and teaching practice and observation of lessons took place throughout the course. Some people realised it wasn't what they wanted to do quite quickly.

What age group will you be teaching?


I'm doing a curriculum for secondary schools, so I would be teaching students between about ten and twenty years. The internship I'll be doing in a few weeks will involve both teaching practice and observations, and we also have a mentor at school who will be there for consultation.

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Teaching is great if you have a subject you love and the ability to communicate well your enthusiasm for it, and have a passion for helping others learn and grow. But you knew all that already.


Go with your gut. The career you want is the one that gets you out of bed every work day morning (provided that you are not truly medically or accidentally incapacitated) with happy anticipation of what is to be achieved this day. I have worked in a wide range of environments, and the difference between those who are there because it is what they want to do, and those who are there because there are bills to be paid, is very noticeable. It is not a matter of competence: one of the most able people I ever worked with did his assigned tasks professionally and well, but was manifestly depressed by working in a (challenging!) industrial field rather than at the cuttting edge of high energy physics, which had been his goal and for which he was amply educationally qualified. Had he really been engaged in a commercial career, he would probably have been on the board after the decade he had spent working there...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Six weeks off in the offing.

Holiday mood hasn't really kicked in yet.

That usually happens sometime during the first week and then I start relaxing.

At about the same time as the lists start to arrive.


First on my own list is to tidy the layout room and study area, then I might be able to do some modelling.


Talking about tidy layout rooms I wonder how Gordon is.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a knock on the door last night means the Porsche will be going soon and the sun has shone. The auctioneer has set a reserve on the house and if the house sells for less than we owe the endowments should cover the short fall so it will all be over by November.Slow start to the day as FIL has an operation today which should be over soon.




Gordon has been busy making things looking at his eastwood thread so maybe doing instead of talking.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Rather cool outside at the moment and the sky's mostly clear. We ended up going for a swim yesterday, as well as as walk after dinner, so we sure did get our ration of fresh air. I think I'll need to tidy up some today.


Cheers everyone! :yes:

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Am back after a very enjoyable breakfast. I used to enjoy FULL English breakfast, but nowadays

a simpler bacon, egg, tomato and toast are all that I can manage. Neverthless most enjoyable.

I hope every one else has a good start to the day.

I have been looking back to see if Gordon has been around but no sign of him for many days/weeks, but he has been active on his layout thread.

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice morning here in Germany. A little chilly, but sunny.


Just reading back through the comments from yesterday, I see you are thinking about teaching Dominik. Are you considering becoming a Haupt-, Real- or Gymnasium teacher? Germany certainly needs more male teachers!


The little guy and I had a good flight back from England yesterday. We landed half an hour early - and cleared customs amazingly quickly. That's the way air travel should be.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning guys, I'm fine, but many thanks for your concern. I'm still dealing with some health issues, but they have been overtaken by my brother losing his job and us having to put together a claim for unfair dismissal. I've been back an forth to his solicitor and barrister for the last few weeks as we build a case for his appalling treatment, so have used the layout as an escape.


Once I get this and the remnants of my health issues resolved I'll feel more like joining back in the banter.

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