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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Another hot day in prospect and the pollen count is through the roof according to the forecast. The forecast for the weekend locally is el scorchio, high twenties no less. Time for breakfast, be back later.

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47 minutes ago, leopardml2341 said:

.......so any F@@kwits and C'@ckwombles better watch out :yes: starting with the attendees of the meeting which I must now attend......


There could be a bloodbath :)

There was :D due to one Covidiot pushing the wrong buttons.


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Morning, glad to say it's cooler up here, 18 degrees is plenty hot enough thankyou, cut the grass yesterday without breaking into a sweat and the Old Summer House was the right temperature for an hours running of wheels on parallel bits of metal, might go fishing later on. Stay safe all.

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Greetings all from Sidcup which is sizzling gently in the increasingly warm sun. The advantage of wfh is that I don't need to don a suit; t shirt and shorts is fine thank you very much!


Last night saw a return to the Hackney Carriage for a few beers followed by a curry at Curry Mahal. Neither were particularly busy. The pub has plastic screens between tables which were flimsy but presumably did the trick. It was all table service.


Today seems to be a reasonably busy one; someone has put a meeting in at the time I like to go for a walk, so I will have to go a bit later when it will no doubt be hotter. I imagine the woods at the edge of Foots Cray Meadows will still be fairly cool.

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Hello again from Estuary-Land. Just emptied the washing machine and just as I'd finished Si Attica jumped in. A brace of Nurofen has been deployed but a stretch on the bed will get rid of it.

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Good morning everyone 


Up late today, as I had a rather disturbed sleep! 


The plans for today are to spend it in the garden, the back garden needs a few weeds removing and there are some to remove from the block paving of the drive. At least it doesn’t take much thinking about. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Just finally managed to catch up with ChrisF's  presentation, really informative and well delivered - it's not easy to do these things if you're not practiced and familiar with doing so.  I once had to be trained to do such things as part of my HR qualifications, and the first time is terrifying.


Cracking photo of the GW railcar towing no less than four wagons as tail traffic, hopefully the route didn't have any notable gradients.


Nice to see Tim too.

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2 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

There could be a bloodbath :)


Pictures please.....:biggrin_mini2:


53 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

I then joined the Birmingham office of the "Mike Tyson" firm and even 3 years after their merger, there were clear fault lines; one side dominated the audit department, the other tax department and they did not get on too well. Incomers like me who were from neither side fared no better; we weren't from either side and were therefore fair game to all. It's a long time ago and I left after a couple of years.


Bear has experienced a site closure in the late 80's (they closed the wrong site :angry:) and moved many of us ten miles up the road; both sites had significant job losses as a result.  Many employees (the older ones with long service in particular) were very happy to go out the door (up to 2 years salary as redundancy money) - though many younger ones were dropped right in it.  We were treated by the remaining site as though we'd stolen their mate's jobs.....

In later years there were numerous mergers with European companies - a french one in particular.  Those who'd been with the company for a lot of years know we got the sh1tty end of that stick :angry:


Charity stuff done - now for plants....

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1 hour ago, leopardml2341 said:

"As you have chosen not to be vaccinated you should take steps to protect others when working in close proximity - in that way you will comply with company guidelines and do your bit for humanity to protect others despite refusing vaccination"


Another colleague chimed in at that point and my response was in no uncertain terms JFDI - end of and if I catch you not doing you will be reported.




I may have mentioned before that I support a persons rights to choose but if they so choose then I believe that they should automatically be enrolled on the Totally Withdraw All Treatments Scheme and that they should be rounded up, deposited in a secure, unserviced encampment via a one-way access point and left until such a time that the materials from which they are composed are released and allowed to return to the surrounding environment in order to support another future form of life.


Or is that a bit harsh?


Edited by PupCam
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5 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

A colleague had just invented a new very appropriate phrase that I'm desperately trying to incorporate into my feedback on dissertations.


Oh, that's such an amusing game!    


I remember many years ago (i.e. when it was particularly topical) a number of colleagues trying to incorporate Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease into a number of technical reports.   Given those technical reports related to "functional testing of some aerospace equipment" you'll appreciate that that was no mean feat!   

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42 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Good afternoon  from a sunny Charente. Salad lunch has just been had and the cherry clafutée has been finished with cream.  It's a hard life.  This morning we were off reasonably .early  for Beth to see her Diabetolugue in St Jean  of the Danglies.  That was not brilliant as somethi g that had been ordered has not yet got to the pharmacy. That means a return trip to zthe Danglies when the gizmo arrives.  On return we found evidence of Mr Fox on the lawn. That has been disposed of.  


This afternoon I need to load the trailer ready for the tip tomorrow.  Not a lot else to report so I will wish you all good day.




PS, it was good to see that one of our numbers return to work day consisted, in part of reading my American  photos thread. I will keep their ID anonymouse to protevt the innocent. However  I'm glad to be of service.



You don't happen to know who gave Macron a slap do you? get them to give him one from me if the chance arises again lol.

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3 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

You don't happen to know who gave Macron a slap do you? get them to give him one from me if the chance arises again lol.

Unfortunately not, I do know someone who shook his hand one though. She thought he was quite dishy.



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32 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Oh, that's such an amusing game!    


I remember many years ago (i.e. when it was particularly topical) a number of colleagues trying to incorporate Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease into a number of technical reports.   Given those technical reports related to "functional testing of some aerospace equipment" you'll appreciate that that was no mean feat!   

We once had our minister up for a BBQ and the subject of of PAT testing at church was mentioned. I told her that the phrase was tautological and then challenged her to use the  word in her next sermon.  Fair play to her she did.  I got a mention as well.





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1 hour ago, leopardml2341 said:

Another colleague chimed in at that point and my response was in no uncertain terms JFDI - end of and if I catch you not doing you will be reported.



Mean, Moody, Magnificent......:jester:


34 minutes ago, PupCam said:




I may have mentioned before that I support a persons rights to choose but if they so choose that I believe that they should automatically be enrolled on the Totally Withdraw All Treatments Scheme and that they should be rounded up, deposited in a secure, unserviced encampment via a one-way access point and left until such a time that the materials from which they are composed are released and allowed to return to the surrounding environment in order to support another future form of life.


Or is that a bit harsh?


Seems fine to this Bear....


25 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Oh, that's such an amusing game!    


I remember many years ago (i.e. when it was particularly topical) a number of colleagues trying to incorporate Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease into a number of technical reports.   Given those technical reports related to "functional testing of some aerospace equipment" you'll appreciate that that was no mean feat!   


Mickey Baldwin (RIP) incorporated the following into such a report:

"Mickey and Minnie went to the Fun Fair; on the way home they had Candy Floss".

At a subsequent meeting he asked how many had read the report - all had, apparently.....

"Anyone got any questions?"  All except one said no; the last asked what colour was the candy floss.  All the others were totally confused - Mickey B took great pleasure in going round the table saying "You haven't read it, you haven't read it, you haven't read it, you've read it....."



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11 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Unfortunately not, I do know someone who shook his hand one though.



Hmmm....doing so whilst having something "distasteful" on your hand might be considered somewhat subversive - and very difficult to detect or take subsequent action against miscreants......

Cunning, or what? :laugh:

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