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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The hay fever is only just beginning to subside so I might have a more comfortable night. I have four thermometers dotted about the house. The one controlling the central heating is showing 25C. the one in my bedroom is showing 22C. The one on the landing which is on the cooler side of the house is showing 21C. But the one in the brick shed was earlier showing 31C.!  The reason for that is it has only a single skin brick wall and is on the western side of the house in full sun for most of the afternoon. In winter it doesn't get any sun at all but jutting out of the side of the house and exposed to the prevailing winds its usually freezing. Just checked it again and its now showing 28C. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.

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A bit of an early spotting of the fox tonight. He came up the track behind the houses and got to the bit where it turns to a street promptly turn round and shot off from whence he came twice as fast as he came.


I couldn't see anything to startle him but im sure he is more attuned to scents then I am.


Usually its 1030 at the earliest that we see Mr Fox or foxy bingo as we call it

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  • RMweb Premium

We have foxes, muntjac deer and badgers locally. The badgers are known to venture into back gardens near their sett and the muntjac can be heard at night, they bark and have been taken for a dog before now. The foxes are everywhere but when the covid lockdown started they were deprived of their main source of food, discarded left overs from the local kebab shop which was forced to close.

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We have deer nearby on part of the old pit site more the old open cast part. But they don't come round this way as yet. As it happens the Mrs saw one on the New road to nowhere or the eastern link road to give its proper title as she went to Asda Glasshoughton.

Was going to turn in but i decided to watch 999 what's your emergency its South Yorkshire so it's miscreants from Donny mainly.  Some right specimens. Including a woman who came home to find the boyfriend in bed with a prostitute.

There are a lot of dissatisfied with the police including 3 brothers who kicked the stuffing out of a druggie who robbed their mums house. The druggie had been charged and then found not guilty.

I was waiting for some Dee dahs taken to the police station on the imaginatively named Letsbe Avenue its near the old Tinsley marshalling yards where the Airport was built

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


The weather has been absolutely glorious, sunshine all day and very warm too, low to mid 20’s. The cellar has been cleared of rubbish and some items that needed recycling have also been disposed off, so there’s a little more room in it now. The big orange DIY shed was then visited and I came away with the timber for packing the door frames in the cellar. I measured up and started cutting some of the wood before dinner. 


After dinner work continued and the packing the frames, the frame around the small access door has been completed and a start made on the internal door has started. I didn’t get this finished, as I knocked off early as I had other plans for the afternoon. A neighbour dropped off some rhubarb on Sunday afternoon, so during last night’s Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, I bought a large punnet of strawberries. This afternoon I made some rhubarb and strawberry jam (3 jars) and a small batch of stewed rhubarb too, the aroma coming from the kitchen whilst I was doing so was very nice. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight all 

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Greetings one and all


I may be tempting providence but I am about to book my Christmas and New Year holiday in Switzerland.  I am only too well aware that much can go wrong between now and then.  For a start, Switzerland is in the amber zone, but so are most other countries – for the time being.  It was quarantine issues that wrecked the trip last year of course.  Ffestiniog Travel tell me that travelling out via Paris instead of Brussels, Aachen and the Rhine Valley is cheaper as well as giving me longer in Switzerland.  I asked for my trip to be customised because the route via the Rhine Valley, though nice and scenic, is no longer a novelty!  We shall see what happens.


Some G-word got done yesterday afternoon.  I wielded the fork and ripped out a selection of weeds but my troublesome knee did not like it at all.  The garden waste bin is now all but full and I must remember to put it out tomorrow so that it can be emptied.  In the evening I enjoyed a presentation of archive pictures via “good old” Zoom.  The presenter’s choice majored on Ireland in the 1950s and was supplemented by some useful graphics.  For the next few nights my bedtime reading will be about Ireland!


Today there will be laundry.  My joy is unconfined.


Best wishes to all, especially all the sick and missing.



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After yesterdays day of two halves, today looks a bit similar. I have a friend and his wife visiting from Stockport this evening, as he is down in Pompey visiting his Sister and Brother. He will pop around for a coffee, and it will be the first time we have had a meet up since 2019, so that should be quite a nice evening.


Its very misty here this morning, but as I've been browsing and now typing it has started to lift, and I can just make out the outline of the woods to the rear of us, (about 150 yds away), so I'll finish this and go for a walk I think.


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and keep well.:dancer:

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