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Afternoon all,


The s*ddin' editor has been cleared again - beats me why the idle git can't do it for himself?   Happy anniversary to Jamie & Beth - enjoy your day.  Good to hear that Flavio survived being stress tested - when they did it with me I was going well on the treadmill until my trousers fell down and the test collapsed into hilarity at my expense.  Today has involved the letting of blood with the Good Count's daughter Natasha going for broke and collecting some which is booked to be collected for diabolic purpose next week.  it seems that food poisoning can result in weight loss judging by a quick weigh-in - Natasha said that when she was nursing in Russia food poisoning was common place (does that explain something about the Russian psyche I wonder?).


As far as i'm concerned rap so called  'music' has that important letter C missing from the leading edge of the word.  Interestng comments on sociologists.  When the lad received his Journalism  MA at Shefiel Uni (the original one) the award ceremony was conducted by the Head of the Sociology and what he said about sociology graduates who would be going forth with their shiny new degrees to change the world had me in stitches.  I've never even heard a politico who was that demented or so far disconnected from the treality of life as that bloke, i think he'd been 'educated' in cloud cuckoo land.


This afternoon we are - so I'm told instructed - going to the garden centre.   Enjoy the rest of yiuyr day and don't melt or get burnt id f you can help it.  It's the grockle season here and you can tell 'em a mile off.  And Harrods caff has got lots of seats and tables outside, mostly taken - must be grockles who hadn't the sense to loopk at the prices first.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Just sat through one of the company online "learnings"..


You click on the link for subtitles because you're on a computer without sound.. and guess what... The quiz at the end is voice only. Enjoyed taking the micky of the yanks for that, in the, online how was the course? bit,, Also pointing out words in American English don't necessarily  mean the same in UK English..


 The first system is now done and progressing through it's cross check. Just preparing for tomorrows system ..


Also thinking of what goodies to take with me on the guardship, in the way of foodie treats.. Yep Tes and Co on the way home in 3/4s of an hour.


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10 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

.... And Harrods cafe has got lots of seats and tables outside, mostly taken - must be grockles who hadn't the sense to loop at the prices first.

Either that or they are lucky bu99ers that don't have to worry about the prices. (there are more of those without the need to "go for the best price" than you would think)


Even Captain Cynical (who as a responsible Evil Corporation CEO is very budget conscious) doesn't worry too much about prices in London (or, especially, the rest of the UK). given that most London pricings are in the low to moderate range by Swiss standards.


Unfortunately, going the other way means that British visitors really have to be budget conscious in Switzerland (not quite "should I remortgage the house and buy another beer?", but certainly eye-watering especially in places like Gstaad or Klosters)

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4 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Did they stress you chemically, physically or both? I was a bit concerned about  the possibility of cycling and although some was involved the stress was created  chemically. 

No chemicals were used before or during the stress test - just some serious legwork on the bike. Afterwards, chemicals in the form of C2H6O plus a cocktail of flavournoids was taken orally

4 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Great news from iD, but was it he, or Captain Cynical that undertook the tests?  I have an image of Captain C thundering away on the treadmill, cape streaming out behind....

Unfortunately, it was iD that did the test, Captain Cynical is mostly bionic (although he's tight-lipped about it, it is rumoured that more than SFr 6,000,000,000.oo was spent in rebuilding him). Captain Cynical sent iD for the stress test, because as a conscientious evil supervillain CC wants all his minions to be in tip-top shape - both mentally and physically...

Edited by iL Dottore
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Work completed for the day and did more than anticipated. As the sun is streaming through my office window I will call it a day as it’s getting hot and I can’t make out the computer screens.

Pims out on the patio listening to the Sex Pistols, what could be better? (Actually don’t need the ? mark as it’s a rhetorical question).

Back later,


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4 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

I am waiting for someone from sleep clinic to come and fit a new modem on my cpap machine.

I am glad to be spared that level of invasive monitoring. I was diagnosed with "mild" sleep apnea at least ten years ago. My CPAP machine requires the memory card to be physically removed and placed in a reader.


No one bothers to do this, particularly since the pulmonologist retired (the condition he treated me for is resolved) and the provider of CPAP equipment is about as 'fly by night' an organization as you can find. Their business model is to ship you with as much replaceable equipment as they can claim "necessary".

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7 hours ago, AndrewC said:

... on rap. ... Although these days just about all disposable pop, hip hop, "music" contains at least a bit of c-rap as a replacement for the guitar solo of yester year.


"Just think, for every copy of Justin Bieber of everything he has ever released, there are 8 copies of Dark Side of the Moon. "

In full disclosure, I'm not a rap fan and wouldn't defend it's artistic merits or otherwise. Mostly I can't follow the lyrics anyway, though that is also true for Creedence Clearwater Revival ("dinosaur Victrola" and 'there's a bathroom on the right' come to mind.) On the subject of misheard lyrics "S'cuse me while I kiss this guy" (Jimmy Hendrix) is one of the best of all.


But I'm sure there were plenty of septua/octo/nona/genarians to complain about the long hair and noise of "Mr. Floyd" (and why was his first name "Pink"?) or those lads who couldn't spell "Lead" properly back in the late 1970s.


Then of course there is this quote from a fictional Mr. Bond that presumably represented the thoughts of many in 1964:


My dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That's just as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!


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5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

To end on a morbid note; given the support provided on ER, I suspect most of the ER denizens will attend my funeral service: 3 or 4 to mourn my passing, the rest to make sure I am properly dead and buried:jester:

We have the sharpened wooden stake and mallet prepared, with the garlic and crucifix as back up.:jester:

Edited by PhilJ W
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Finally finished putting the laundry away, worst job IMHO is folding sheets, easy job when there is two of you but not so easy solo. I usually do them on the bed which helps stop them from dragging on the floor. Examination of my linen cupboard reveals a number of towels and items of bed linen that hasn't been used for years, a load for the charity shop I reckon. Tea has brewed, be back later.

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Good evening everyone 


Like yesterday, the weather has been glorious, sunny and hot all day, the drop in temperature when I walk into the cellar from the garden is quite noticeable. 


Anyway, more progress has been made in the cellar, the alcove to the right of the fireplace has had 2 skins of plasterboard fitted. The first was off cuts from yesterdays activities and the second a brand new sheet. Unfortunately, the off cut from the top sheet, didn’t fit the side of the chimney breast as I’d hoped. However, the good news is that it will fit elsewhere, so won’t get wasted. Once I’d finished that wall, I made a start on the wall that separates the 2 cellar rooms. Again using off cuts, by the time I’d packed up for the day, it has now got it 1st skin on. It doesn’t look pretty, but it’s basically packing and a way of using up left over bits. I’ve cut the 2 sheets that will make up the top skin, but I haven’t as yet cut out where the sockets will go. That’ll get done before they get fitted tomorrow. There are still 2 full sheets as yet un cut, so I might even have enough left to do another wall! I got a lot further than I expected to get today. 


This afternoon when I watered the plants again, I was able to harvest 2 strawberries, which isn’t bad considering I only planted them just under 2 weeks ago! However, some of the plants did already have fruit on them. These will be eaten with tomorrow morning’s breakfast. 

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Sometimes I have wondered how Rap actually fits in with centuries of music.  Is it novel? I have heard people say "it isn't music" but is it and does it have its roots in history.


Two things that stood out were performances of religious music and opera.

If we look at it as speaking in musical terms rather than, say singing, then it could compare with the intonation of, say the priest - in plainsong - followed by a full choral work e.g Priest in plainsong Credo in unum Deum, followed by a fully sung Creed.


Or, as in opera: "two modes of singing: recitative, the plot-driving passages sung in a style designed to imitate and emphasize the inflections of speech, and aria (an “air” or formal song) in which the characters express their emotions in a more structured melodic style."



Like it or not, it seems Rap may have its roots in a very old tradition.  I am open to opinion...

Edited by southern42
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14 minutes ago, southern42 said:

Rap may have its roots in a very old tradition.  I am open to opinion...

The first US chart topping (only top ten in UK) in 1981 song to feature rapping was Rapture by Blondie. I am so dim I only realised the title reflected the rapping by Debbie Harry last week while sorting out some iTunes. 

Edited by Tony_S
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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

In full disclosure, I'm not a rap fan and wouldn't defend it's artistic merits or otherwise. Mostly I can't follow the lyrics anyway, though that is also true for Creedence Clearwater Revival ("dinosaur Victrola" and 'there's a bathroom on the right' come to mind.)  ...snip...


Actually "there's a bad moon on the rise".

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Good Evening from a now sunny part of the south coast.


Must try some Rainex on the car screen to try and repel the tree sap which I have to wash off every morning.


Since my last visit:


11 hours ago, polybear said:


Found it....no laughing at the back now, Puppers.....


Here I sit

Broken hearted




I trust you refer to this amusing (clean) album filler (remember vinyl?):




4 hours ago, TheQ said:

Also pointing out words in American English don't necessarily  mean the same in UK English..


UK and america: two countries separated by a common language! Although I have heard it said that the separation stared with the Mayflower and that in said ship's destination country, the language has been less diluted by external influences than that of its country of origin.


Hey Ho; off to translate, as necessary, a couple of articles into UK English before supper then maybe look at a bit of SQL before bed!


BTW; iD: good to hear about your results; with hindsight, could you not have undertaken the stress test in the dentist's chair; dental work is enough to stress anyone!

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As I post, I am given a fine example of a good old pun:


1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

'there's a bathroom on the right'


10 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

Actually "there's a bad moon on the rise".




Edited by JohnDMJ
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2 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

reedence Clearwater Revival ("dinosaur Victrola

As that was on the first LP I bought have been told many times it is dinosaur used as “very ancient’ and a Victrola was a model of a phonograph/gramophone. The one on Mr Fogerty’s lawn was playing Buck Owens. 

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