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13 minutes ago, PupCam said:

There used to be a joke that went round work along the lines of "Sociology degrees

Says more about your work colleagues than sociologists really. 

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39 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Pupper's doesn't know Robert Dingwall, professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University or indeed have access to the huge resource of data that no doubt he has.  


He has the same data that we have. I prefer the voices of the other scientists I quoted.

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35 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Pupper's doesn't know Robert Dingwall, professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University or indeed have access to the huge resource of data that no doubt he has.  


Doesn't stop Puppers from not having a very high opinion of Professor Dingwall ......


There used to be a joke that went round work along the lines of "Sociology degrees are available in the paper dispensers in the cubicles of the toilets".  Perhaps slightly unfair and apologies to anyone here with a sociology degree ....... No offence intended.


36 minutes ago, PupCam said:



There used to be a joke that went round work along the lines of "Sociology degrees are available in the paper dispensers in the cubicles of the toilets".  Perhaps slightly unfair and apologies to anyone here with a sociology degree ....... No offence intended.

There was a similar message in the university library toilets but the the one liked most was,

Some come here to sit and think,

some come here to sh!t and stink,

but I come here to scratch my balls,

and read the writing on the walls.


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1 minute ago, Erichill16 said:

There was a similar message in the university library toilets but the the one liked most was ...

Perhaps the most published poet of all time - at least in terms of publishing in alternative media.

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On the above, ISTR a regular appearance in the Rag Mags of the late 70s, early 80s relating to some students not looking out of the window in the morning.


For my part, I had little time to look out of the window for most of the day being (theoretically) engaged on a course involving at least 30 hours of lectures with the expectation of doubling that in your own time! Relaxation came in the form of practicals in Dynamics, Tribology and Fluid Dynamics.

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

I think that some of our experts need to do a course on forensic research of data. They seem to be unable to work out what is really happening but are quite prepared to say out loud some of their thoughts. Time they actually did a holistic review of the data available.. and they need to stop using the "we need more data" option. After all, they are some of our best academic experts...lummy!


Unfortunately none of them are engineers......


Edited by Barry O
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Good evening everyone 


The weather has once again been glorious, although a few clouds appeared in the afternoon, it still remained bright and very warm. 


As I mentioned earlier, after watering I continued working in the cellar, during this work I kept the French doors open all day, which made a pleasant change. Today I continued where I left off yesterday and cut a  thin piece of plasterboard to go next to the one I cut yesterday. These were then fixed to the wall using the ‘dot and dab’ method. The remainder of the sheet was then used to cover the section of wall next to the door, which is opposite. I then fitted the metal plaster beading to the corners around the window and above the door. After dinner I filled the gaps where the floor and the bottom of the plasterboard meet. This has been done as I found that if the gap was too big, it made fitting the laminate flooring awkward. The room temperature is quite stable so there won’t be as much expansion of the floor, like you’d expect in centrally heated rooms. I also filled the corners where the ceiling and wall meet too, as well as the corners and around the sockets, spur unit and switch, as I’d deliberately cut the holes oversize to ensure they fitted without needing to keep removing them and trimming. All that’s left to do is fit jointing tape, which I’ll do once the plaster has dried. So, after today’s efforts I now have 3 sections of wall that are now ready for plastering. 


The photo below shows how it looked earlier this evening. 



This evening I completed the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, Sainsbury’s was fairly quiet this evening. I normally do this on a Monday evening, but it was delayed due to yesterday’s ban collar day. 

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Good morning one and all,


Off to the dentist followed by a trip to the cardiologist for a stress test this morning. What fun! At least by at lunchtime I will have perfectly polished teeth and will know whether or not I have a “dickie ticker“ (I doubt that I do, as everything is rather atypical - but better safe than sorry).

Earlier, Gwiwer, referred to “c-rap” music. It never ceases to amaze me that how widespread and popular this so-called “music“ has become. When you consider the really great music that has come out of the black American community - jazz, soul, R&B, the blues (Delta, Chicago, etc.) and funk - one can but shake one’s head in amazement at how the talentless can rip off other peoples music (they call it “sampling“) spout some misogynistic, pro violence and epithet laden words over the “sample” and make millions, whilst real musicians (playing jazz, blues et cetera) who have spent years if not decades honing their craft labour on in obscurity. 


To paraphrase the great showman PT Barnum: one can never go broke underestimating the taste and intelligence of the general public.

Earlier in the posts of the last day or so, there have been some rather disparaging remarks made about Sociology. Sadly, there are too many people in Sociology who (in my rather biased opinion) really are “not fit for purpose“ and really do drag down the discipline. Properly applied with rigourous scientific discipline, Sociology is a useful branch of the social sciences.  Unfortunately, too many in the discipline are what I would call “third rate academics“ (and if I may be very contentious here, the tendency for many UK and US universities to – to put it politely - shy away from any contentious or non-politically correct/approved opinion, is only going to encourage the placing of third-rate academics in too many universities).


Puppers (and others) may enjoy the following joke: In the 70s a committed left-wing activist working in the civil service goes in front of a promotion board, which, like many boards of that time, was composed of old-fashioned ex- Colonels and Captains. The promotions board interviews the young man and reviews his extremely impressive qualifications and performance. After the interview, the board sends the young man out of the room while they confer. At the end of the deliberations the chairman of that particular promotions board, a retired Colonel, comes out and tells the young man that his application for promotion has been turned down. The young man, understandably, is angered and says “this is totally unfair! You know that I am very well qualified for the job. You’ve only turned me down because I’m a socialist“ At those words the Colonel turns bright red and stammers out the words “my dear boy, we are so terribly sorry, but we thought you said you were a sociologist


So it goes...


Happy “Hump Day”

Edited by iL Dottore
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As for footballs landing in your garden , there is no legal requirement to return them nor let them in to collect it.....

Until you touch the ball, then it has to be returned or actually, offered to be returned.

In MK next to a play area we often received unwanted balls. We took the procedure of not returning the ball for several hours, that gradually reduced the number of incoming balls. Especially if they landed in the vicinity of the dogs teeth..

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Ey up!

Sunny morning here up in the North West Highlands so far. The birds are singing merrily and long may it be so.


Not really certain what we are doing today... I believe a trip to visit a relativenor two may ge on the cards.. no shark wielding today though.


Mugatea needs drinking so TTFN!


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Mornin' :)


Bright and sunny with a cool breeze here in South Derbyshire at the moment.


However, the local roadworks teams are out in force - but the planning coordinator seems to have gone AWOL, no less than four holes in the road in my immediate vicinity:



Whichever way you look at it that is ludicrous. The orange dot is almost outside my house and is a set of roadworks with three way traffic control and it is (perhaps not) surprising how many colour blind drivers there are - effin c@ckwombles.


Right, time for breakfast then a trip out to the blue and yellow Swedish shop for some blinds for mi summershed.


Hope today brings nice things for all.

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