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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Do any fellow ER'ers happen to know what plant this is please:



Bear has several examples in the garden - they seem to work quite well year after year and need diddly squat care (so right up my street); there are other places in the garden where I would like to plant some more examples.  Do they come in different colours by any chance?


It looks like a cowslip or a toadflax. Toadflax can also be purple.

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Good evening everyone 


Well I managed to finish re-fitting the remains 8 cellar lights before dinner, when they are on (all 14) the cellar looks a heck of a lot brighter, even from when the lights were only temporarily installed without the ceiling. For some reason it also looks bigger too, but that’s probably just an optical illusion. 


After dinner I swept up the mess made from drilling the 14 - 63mm holes and then got some empty cardboard boxes ready for recycling, then went outside and did a bit of gardening. I spent a short time deciding where the best place for the rhubarb was, then I planted it. I then turned my attention to some hostas and also a pale yellow cistus shrub. In between these tasks, I spent a bit of time chatting to one of our neighbours, as she was asking how the wedding went yesterday. We also discussed home improvements, as they are thinking of having their kitchen chimney breast removed and was asking us about how it all went we removed ours, some 35 years or so ago! It’s a huge chimney breast, about 8 - 9 ft wide and just over 1 ft deep, it made a huge difference to the size and layout of the kitchen too. 

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Goodnight all 

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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Hare,

Six hours sleep which followed 3 hours of intermittent eyelid inspections yesterday. 


My back is still complaining as are forepaws which are very stiff at the moment, I don't think they'll like the sander later.


The 5 day ahead forecast is now showing a easterly 9 mph for next Saturday, that would be interesting I don't recall a 3 Rivers Race with that wind direction. The out going tide would be in the opposite direction, giving an effective higher wind speed.

The forecast also shows fog till 10am which would be clear for the start of the race, but if it occurs over the following night as well, makes for some interesting sailing in Hickling broad when you can't see the deep-water  markers. Which are telegraph poles in dark green or red hammered into the mud.


Of sailing on the Broads, I've just finished reading an old amusing book on holiday makers holidays. It is pre 1971 as it refers to Pounds Shillings and Pence. It also refers to some sailing events which as a side reference shows that time broad navigation regulations were different to anywhere else. 


In those days a sailing boat on the Broads, with the wind behind it, had to give way to one tacking no matter whether , the tacking boat was on port or starboard, or whether the running before the wind boat was on port or starboard.


I'm not sure when that regulation changed to the same as everyone else, but up til then.  it must have caused interesting events when an outside visitor sailed to the normal port starboard regulations of the rest of the world.


Also in the book is a reference to to possibilities of Hippos on the Broads , along with pirates and other unexpected visitors but no mention of bears .

Of that it appears Jamie Oliver is floating around on the Broads at the moment.






Edited by TheQ
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8 hours ago, Northroader said:


Corydalis lutea.


You're a Superstar - many thanks. 


6 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


No definitely Corydalis and it's also in pink.


Many thanks - Bear has now seen mention of other colours too - blue, purple, white, pink and yellow, though the plant appearance seems to change a bit.


In other news:

Bear predicts some noise from a power planer and circular saw may be in order - trimming the decorative end panels.  And I must remember to isolate the cooker supply before fitting the isolator switch - a belt from that one will sting a bit.....

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Ey up!

Bit hazy here at the moment but it should be a good day weather wise.


No input from @chrisfyet today.. hope hebis ok.


I need to cut the front lawn (it will help to dry it out) today. A lower cut tomorrow before setting off for swalwell and cricket should tidy it up.


Our meal last night was very nice. It was good to get out and about again. Staff were very helpful. Her indoors enjoyed it all so that was a big tick in the box.


Time to.. drink my mugatea and prepare for mowing!


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Morning all from sunny Carlisle. A grand weekend away has been enjoyed. Road diversion via Barnard Castle on the way up. (Saw the Specsavers) Pizza night, Keswick and 6km of walking, movies & games, catching up with my son and his good lady. Just getting ready for brunch then the drive home. 

jabby stabby #2 in the morning. 

will try to catch up on 4 days of posts later. 

enjoy the day. 


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1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

Just had to check my Diary, and it definitely says its a Bank Holiday here in the UK. 


But the Sun is shining, so something must have gone wrong, rain however is forecast for tomorrow, so as a Retired person, I will consider tomorrow an EXTRA Bank Holiday for Amp Sher.

Yes. Definitely a Ban-Collar Day. The sun is trying to burn off another layer of low cloyd above the Hill of Strawberries and it is nicely warm. 

Another rather indifferent night was spent attempting sleep. That came and went in waves. It was mildly disturbed by the arrival home of Neighbours (Upstairs) but I was back asleep before they had finished their hippo-dancing and gone to bed. 

There are small feathery things chirping loudly in the trees. His Catship is at the window chattering back at them. Breakfast has been enjoyed - scrambled eggs on olive sourdough toast - and muggertee inserted with a Loratidine anti-pollen device. 

Now to resume the snoring-on-the-sofa posture in front of the ID 10T tube while Dr. SWMBO “watches” something less interesting than watching paint dry. 


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Finally getting on top of the spring cleaning, the last few items are about to go out to dry. Then it will be the turn of the sheets which are about to go in to the washing machine. Speaking of which there was a piece on BBC breakfast this morning about testing and rating household appliances for noise. A few appliances are labelled with the rating but not all. My 35 year old washing machine when its running must be heard half way down the street. Won't be venturing very far today, most of the local roads will be chocker with people heading to Southend.

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