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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

...enjoy your meal, Stewart

I did and 30747 also likes Scottish foods (strange as she's a Londoner) and the dog will get the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow.

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Had to call off the drive to Glasgow. Looks like it may be the indicator fuse relay or the flasher unit that's broken. Nowhere that can help was open today in or around Newcastle.


I've driven back up to Edinburgh as I felt using the A68 was safer than going via M74 to Glasgow. At least driving the straight road back to Edinburgh with no need for lane changes was safer than the motorway.


Had to use hand signals at a couple of junctions. You do get some funny looks now for using hand signals!

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Guest Max Stafford

Showers a plenty in these parts today, but by the time I reached Whitrope they had passed for a while.

This weekend, metal has rolled on metal there for the first time since the demolition trains in 1971 and I was fortunate enough to 'cab' the loco, a Fowler diesel for some Waverley 'mileage'.

To say I'm thrilled to bits is an understatement!




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


I seem to have caught a sniffle, for which reason I guess it's no surprise I was feeling grumpy yesterday :mellow: . Need to stack up on some foodstuffs later on. Perhaps I'll be getting some cocoa as well as I was having a feeling I may have overdone it with my coffee consumption lately.


Cheers everyone! ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, gloomy in these parts which matches my mood. Not only is it the start of another working week but I discovered this morning I'd lost my debit card over the weekend. Phoned the last ports of call but of course no joy. A new one is on its way, I just hope nobody has caned it on the internet.

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Morning All,


It is a rather blustery morning here on the South Coast. Still, no rain at the moment!


We went to Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum yesterday. They had a classic car show on. Bentley is well worth a visit - a very friendly atmosphere, and very reasonably priced compared with many of the attrations.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all - just. Thought I'd wait to post till I'd heard the outcome of Thursday's interview. Unfortunately I didn't get the job but was a close second. Never mind. Plenty more coming up at the moment as there seem to be a lot at that level have taken early severance or retirement recently.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all. I'm not sure what happened to my earlier post this morning, I suspect I didn't press the right button.

It rained very heavily yesterday and is supposed to again later today but hopefully I'll get the gardening and washing (drying of) tasks completed before it starts. Matthew and I are just off to take Robbie for a walk (and I suspect a swim for Robbie).


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Cloud cover's breaking and it actually looks like we're getting some fair weather – however, rain is predicted for the afternoon and evening. I still have to make a list for the day, though.


Have a good one, guys...

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Brighter here - at the moment.


SWMBO's birthday on Friday.

Any ideas for a present without going to the shops?

Huh! That'll be the day.

She has already booked us in for lunch in Chester on Thursday - what a coincidence.

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Morning all. BoD - congratulations on the Silver Wedding Anniversary. Just think, you're now halfway to your Golden Wedding Anniversary...


Bit of a dull grey morning here, and felt very cold on waking up, almost had to go put the heating on...

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  • RMweb Premium

Our 25th wedding anniversary today.


Congratulations! Hope there will be many more years... :yes:


Couldn't afford it anyway - I am still paying off the wedding.


How much of the UK's population did you invite?

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Morning All,


Congratulations on your anniversary BoD.


Commiserations on not getting the job, Mike.


The weather appears to be reasonable here - which makes a pleasant change from yesterday. Hopefully it will stay sunny!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy anniversary, BoD. Aditi doesn't like silver jewellery so I bought a rose called "Silver Wedding". I thought it was traditional for any children to pay for a silver wedding anniversary. Matthew was nine when we had ours and his grandmother gave him £10 to take us out. We went to Pizza Hut in Basildon.

Dd. I do appreciate the problem of buying birthday presents. I've settled on flowers and a nice meal as safe presents. I suspect that Aditi would be very happy if I took her to Chester!



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  • RMweb Gold

I'd be happy to arrive at something she didn't throw at my head, Tony. (not really).


She is looking at laptops.



I have bought laptops in the past for Aditi, but not as presents. She researches all the possible candidates and chooses the most expensive one. Then of course there is the need for a "nice bag" to transport it in. Aditi also has a shopping superpower . In shops that don't display prices she is magically drawn towards the most expensive item in the shop.



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