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Greetings one and all


Some gardening got done yesterday.  I spent about 45 minutes tiring myself out removing unwanted vegetation and consigning it to the green bin.  By the time I stopped the bin was more than half full but the garden looked barely touched.  Then it rained.  I may do some more today once I have done the fodder run.  Before my exertions I went out to buy my lottery tickets and was pleasantly surprised to learn that I had won £5 and a free lucky dip.  More good news came with the return of my landline, two days ahead of the date given by BT.  Clearly it was not a serious problem but I do wonder why such trivial failures occur.


Tonight the weekly mileage racked up by my car will take a significant leap.  To the weekly total of 8 incurred by two fodder runs will be added approximately 25, that being the distance to St Neots and back.  In a bygone age one just turned up at a folk club, had a few beers and usually enjoyed the music.  For tonight’s Hut People performance I had to e-mail the organisers to secure one of the 25 available places and will have to take my own drink – no alcohol though.  For event organisers the process of recovering from that ruddy virus will be a long one but I rejoice that a start has been made.


I rejoice also that Mike Bellamy and John Coombe Barton have heard of Cyril Tawney.  Many of his songs are sung by other people but often badly.  I have been known to do “Five Foot Flirt” and “On a Monday morning” myself, but I never learned “Sammy’s Bar”: maybe I will if I ever visit Malta.  These days my less than dulcet tones are seldom inflicted on an audience, especially if they have paid to come in.  I take the implied point that some of the artists about whom I enthuse are less than familiar.  For me they are happy discoveries which I am happy to share. 


Continuing warm thoughts to Dave’s Dad, Gordon S and all missing persons.  Best wishes to all.



Edited by chrisf
left something out
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wall to wall sunshine at the moment but its not predicted to last. The bees on the California lilac are making the most of it while they can. Now off to run a bath, be back later. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but there are a few white fluffy things up there too. According to the weather app on my phone, we are due some rain this afternoon though. Hopefully I’ll get a good run at laying the wheelbarrow run down the centre of the path this morning. With a bit of luck and a fair wind behind me I should have got to about the halfway point by dinner time. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A chicken parma looks like what it is - one of those peculiar (to foreigners) strange Australian proprietary 'foodstuffs' which combines several different good ideas to produce something that looks revolting and might well either taste as bad as it looks or has sufficient taste bud tickling additives to make you crave more.


A good day was had yesterday - firstly the Head Gardener and assistant planted out the runner beans duly protecting them from frost and muntjac with various contrivances - I hope the muntjac are suitably impressed.  Then a locksmith arrived to deal with the recalcitrant backdoor lock - excellent bloke, excellent job and the back door can now be unlocked without lots of curses and chanting of spells to get the lock to respond to the movement of the key.


On a completely different tack I received an email from a friend inviting us out to dinner at a rather nice hotel 'somewhere in the west Country' later in the year.  I had in any case been wondering about possibly going to spend a few days in said somewhere later in the year so have duly booked us into that hotel  in some months after the peak season.  i can probably now be able to give you the starting date of the next lockdown but you never know - we might actually be able to go suitably unlocked down.  I've booked B&B hence he can s treat us to dinner plus that allows us the freedom of visiting a top notch chippy situate in a nearby town without worrying about over-eating and we might even take a trip on a tram although distancing might be a problem thereon.  There is also another nearby-ish location involving even closer spaced parallel strips of metal which should still be open at that time of year. 


Back to food and surelythe way to cook steak is on a griddle or grill (or a hot stone - that gets good results in my experience?  Does that make me a foody?


Have a good day one and all and stay safe, especially those of you in certain areas seemingly partly populated by some of those on whom that message has been totally lost.

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