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1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

Re LDC, = I did buy a nice slab of freshly baked Lemon Cake whilst getting the paper earlier.


It has not, to my knowledge been Drizzeled on

It would get quite heavily rained on here never mind drizzled! 


In other news there is a Red Velvet buttercream-iced cake ready to be enjoyed later.  Dr. SWMBO has been busily preparing to mark the final day of my sixty-third solar circumnavigation.  Tomorrow being a Day of Attendance for us both we agreed that we would "do" the event today instead.  Sister and BiL are on their way from Sussex as we speak.  All of us have tested negative this morning.  


Welcome to Sun Day.  I doubt it will live up to its name on this occasion.  The large grey things are massing overhead and are already leaking; there is a sense in the air that leaking will turn to full-on burst before many more minutes have passed.  It is time for Muggercoffee The Second.  As we are entertaining for a while I may or may not be back later.  Stay well.  

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2 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Re LDC, = I did buy a nice slab of freshly baked Lemon Cake whilst getting the paper earlier.


It has not, to my knowledge been Drizzeled on, but has a nice lemonie sugarie looking coating on top.


I will report the findings back after coffee at 11ish.


Reporting back as promised, the topping was lemonish, and yes drizzlie, so you could class it as LDC, with a lovely creamy lemon filling, and very light and fluffy.

Simply put = delicious. :good:

Edited by Andrew P
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see that my English breakfast omelette meets with the approval of ID. The reason for only two large eggs is that I only have a small frying pan. Those two eggs would not leave much room for anything else when placed in the frying pan. On/off on/off rain and sun today so staying indoors.

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Good afternoon everyone


It's a beautiful sunny day here in England's northwest. Up late again this morning, so straight outside to do some work in the garden. I've got 400 camomile plants arriving in June, so I want to get the ground prepared, so when they do arrive, they can go straight in. 


Rick. Happy birthday for tomorrow. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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2 hours ago, jonny777 said:

I try not to buy commercial cake, as a lot is made using palm oil. 


I prefer to keep the bits of the rainforest we have left, and see nothing wrong with sunflower oil - and the bees have a good time too. 


It is not as if cake is difficult to make at home, and people know what the ingredients are.


2 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Reporting back as promised, the topping was lemonish, and yes drizzlie, so you could class it as LDC, with a lovely creamy lemon filling, and very light and fluffy.

Simply put = delicious. :good:



Given @polybear's recent shocking revelations of changes to the construction of his favoured LDC, @jonny777 highlighting the negative environmental impact of commercial cake manufacturing (including LDC no doubt) and @Andrew P's recent report on what sounds to have been a particularly fine example of LDC  I have (in my role as Business Advisor) a confidential business proposal for Poly's post-kitchin re-development and pre-get on with that blxxdy railway activities.   


Specifically, I suggest  that he puts the new kitchen to good use developing as the first product of "Poly Bear's Country Kitchin"TM brand a LDC along the lines sampled by Andy (but of course, superior to that particular example) and using ethically sourced ingredients in accordance with a sound environmental plan. 


Whilst full Business Advisor Ts & Cs are still to be agreed, it will be obvious that I will be designated Chief Scoffer Tester with assistance from Andy who will be responsible for taste comparison testing and Jonny who will be responsible for insuring the ethically sourced ingredients do not have a negative impact on the taste, texture and general presentation of the finished product.    Poly will of course be responsible for all aspects of material procurement, the LDC production  (whilst wearing the regulation Corporate "Poly Bear's Country Kitchin"TM  pinny), sales and distribution (mostly to his advisors/helpers).


Can't wait for the first tasting!

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Afternoon All


First off, the usual apology for non attendance - many excuses, some more feeble than others, but I'm still here, and so far, still testing negative, as is 30747. 


We've both been trying now for two days to record our negative tests on the .gov covid test website with no success, and the site giving various reasons for non availability - PAH.


Other than that, not a lot to report, other than, well not a lot.  Looks as if a few good wishes are specifically needed, so all the best to GordonS and Dave.  And generic greetings are, of course, on offer to all other fellow ERs - and I've no interesting music to share - well maybe just one that I don't think I've shared with you yet - if I have, then please forgive me, but then enjoy it again.  Chase Truran, the lead vocalist on this really has amazing pipes.


Regards to All




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28 minutes ago, PupCam said:




Given @polybear's recent shocking revelations of changes to the construction of his favoured LDC, @jonny777 highlighting the negative environmental impact of commercial cake manufacturing (including LDC no doubt) and @Andrew P's recent report on what sounds to have been a particularly fine example of LDC  I have (in my role as Business Advisor) a confidential business proposal for Poly's post-kitchin re-development and pre-get on with that blxxdy railway activities.   


Specifically, I suggest  that he puts the new kitchen to good use developing as the first product of "Poly Bear's Country Kitchin"TM brand a LDC along the lines sampled by Andy (but of course, superior to that particular example) and using ethically sourced ingredients in accordance with a sound environmental plan. 


Whilst full Business Advisor Ts & Cs are still to be agreed, it will be obvious that I will be designated Chief Scoffer Tester with assistance from Andy who will be responsible for taste comparison testing and Jonny who will be responsible for insuring the ethically sourced ingredients do not have a negative impact on the taste, texture and general presentation of the finished product.    Poly will of course be responsible for all aspects of material procurement, the LDC production  (whilst wearing the regulation Corporate "Poly Bear's Country Kitchin"TM  pinny), sales and distribution (mostly to his advisors/helpers).


Can't wait for the first tasting!

I'm up for taste testing.

Doctor wont be pleased as I'm not really supposed to be having any, but hey ho, if its a service to the community then it needs to be done.:dancer::notme::good:

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On 13/05/2021 at 21:37, Tony_S said:

Aditi  deferred earlier this week our already deferred cruise this October to July 2022. This was with Cunard, they seemed pretty flexible. 

Sorry for delay in responding.

Only option we appear to have is pay balance or loose holiday.



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Not a lot to report, just an offer to be made......


If any of you need rain in your areas, just invite me along to do some outside works, yesterday it was hanging out of laundry which caused rain - today outdoor painting. To quote a phrase "Pah".


Indoor domestic chores then now, If I can be @rsed.

Edited by leopardml2341
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5 minutes ago, leopardml2341 said:


If any of you need rain in your areas

It stopped raining this morning so Aditi decided she would plant some herbs out. As soon as she got her trowel out it started raining again but she stayed out until she had finished. She does like gardening apparently. 

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Afternoon all.

Finished the heavy lifting on editing yesterday so now I just have  to decide what to defer to the next edition.

Sunday is normally "petit dejeuner" day so French bread and a croissant with a poached egg, cheese, orange marmalade (actually St. Dalfour made using grape must, a  by product of wine production, rather than sugar) and café au lait.  By this time of year I might expect to be able to have it in the garden but today I could only dream of being somewhere warm in la France Profond with a steam tramway running down the road  rather than in unseasonally cool and rainy west London.

I did  manage to avoid getting wet on my walk this noontime. Fortunately the wind was light enough for the brolly and the really heavy stuff had the good manners to wait till I got back home.   The lawn is saying it needs mowing but the weather is saying no. 

It seems that the person ultimately responsible for most of the sports that give people who don't model railways something to fill their lives with like football (in all its forms), cricket, tennis, croquet etc. was Edwin Beard Budding in 1830.





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6 hours ago, jonny777 said:

Cloudy here in North Somerset. Spitting with rain but not a lot so far. 


I had a strange dream last night where I had gone to spend Christmas with my parents, but was worried that I would not have time to go and visit my dad and step-mother. My brain seemed to have no problems with my father living in two separate places with two separate women at the same time. I stopped of at my grandmothers where I found her sitting in her normal chair by the fire looking at a Christmas cake she said had been given to her by the BBC. It was a large thing, in the shape of the Big Ben clock tower, and fully iced with clock faces and everything. 


This went on with a big Christmas party, and queuing down the street to buy something in a shop, but I won't bore people with any further nonsense. 


You been sniffin' the MEK again??


6 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Re LDC, = I did buy a nice slab of freshly baked Lemon Cake whilst getting the paper earlier.


It has not, to my knowledge been Drizzeled on, but has a nice lemonie sugarie looking coating on top.


5 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

In other news there is a Red Velvet buttercream-iced cake ready to be enjoyed later. 



That's it lads, rub it in why don't you?  Bear's in mourning and you're scoffin' cake.....


4 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Reporting back as promised, the topping was lemonish, and yes drizzlie, so you could class it as LDC, with a lovely creamy lemon filling, and very light and fluffy.

Simply put = delicious. :good:


Just like Co-op LDC used to be....:cry:


2 hours ago, PupCam said:




Given @polybear's recent shocking revelations of changes to the construction of his favoured LDC, @jonny777 highlighting the negative environmental impact of commercial cake manufacturing (including LDC no doubt) and @Andrew P's recent report on what sounds to have been a particularly fine example of LDC  I have (in my role as Business Advisor) a confidential business proposal for Poly's post-kitchin re-development and pre-get on with that blxxdy railway activities.   


Specifically, I suggest  that he puts the new kitchen to good use developing as the first product of "Poly Bear's Country Kitchin"TM brand a LDC along the lines sampled by Andy (but of course, superior to that particular example) and using ethically sourced ingredients in accordance with a sound environmental plan. 


Whilst full Business Advisor Ts & Cs are still to be agreed, it will be obvious that I will be designated Chief Scoffer Tester with assistance from Andy who will be responsible for taste comparison testing and Jonny who will be responsible for insuring the ethically sourced ingredients do not have a negative impact on the taste, texture and general presentation of the finished product.    Poly will of course be responsible for all aspects of material procurement, the LDC production  (whilst wearing the regulation Corporate "Poly Bear's Country Kitchin"TM  pinny), sales and distribution (mostly to his advisors/helpers).


So Bear does all the graft whilst you herberts scoff the profits?  Not on your nellie, sonny jim....


2 hours ago, PupCam said:

Can't wait for the first tasting!


Bear predicts you could be waiting a while.


In other news:

Bear has cut and planed the two sheets of decorative end panels :yahoo:.  With each being 20mm thick, 6ft tall and 2ft wide they're bl00dy heavy, I can tell you - manoeuvring one from the kitchen into the back garden (with a right angle turn and the conservatory to negotiate) is real fun - all whilst ensuring nothing is scraped cos' they're pre-painted.  Happy bunny now.


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Disney’s Snow White is at centre of latest cancel culture war after suggestions Prince Charming’s kiss was non-consensual.


























Whilst in America, my son and I went shopping in Wal-Mart. 
I asked the cashier if they had any Kinder eggs. 
"Oh no, sir, we don't sell them in the States - they are a health hazard!" 
"Okay," I replied. "I'll just take these two assault rifles then."


And finally...you'll love this one.....








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33 minutes ago, polybear said:

So Bear does all the graft whilst you herberts scoff the profits?  Not on your nellie, sonny jim....

Blast!    He's seen straight through my Get Rich Fat Quick scheme    :mad_mini:


There's nothing worse than a non-compliant Bear!

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found another round tuit today, sorting out a pile of old magazines. Only problem was I spotted an article in one mag and started reading it so I ended up putting the round tuit away for another rainy day. Arthur Itis is banging on his drum so a couple of nurofen have been deployed. Tea is brewing so its be back later.

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7 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Good night was had last night, Canadian hospitality at its best.  Poly would be pleased to know the host, is amongst many other things (he has a brain the size of a planet), something of a noted military historian, and naval bombardments were discussed. 

Those details, plus a local building - I can guess who the host might have been.

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Afternoon awl.


My apologies for missing @polybear's little ruckus with the Co-op's Customer Relations Dept. I hope the missing fire support did not inconvenience him too badly. I blame the Communications Department and will be having some 'little chats' with them. Feeble excuses along the lines of Rabbit was too pre-occupied with a grade A b'll'cking of Rabbit's estate agent and developing 'enhanced interrogation' techniques to apply to a certain useless [custard] are unlikely to be well-received... 


More than a few drops of rain have been spoiling my paintwork lately. Those seasonal duck ponds in the back garden are back. But those and the warmer temperatures have certainly fired the starting gun on a growth spurt of the greenery in t'garden. The Welsh Poppies are now at the stage where the number of blooms have increased every time you look out of the window. 


Culinary adventures earlier, following the withdrawal of one of Rabbit's more favoured foods from one of the RTR suppliers, I decided it was high time to do my imitation of a (if not insane, then definitely irate) scientist and see if the end results could be recreated using the best traditions of British improvisation. I think the phrase is 'ver-ry in-ter-es-ting' - some progress appears to have been made, though the acid test will come in a few minutes time when some cold dishes are sampled. 


Sadly, too much of the day taken up with paperwork and official correspondence. (See grumble re estate agent). 


2 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

Not a lot to report, just an offer to be made......


If any of you need rain in your areas, just invite me along to do some outside works, yesterday it was hanging out of laundry which caused rain - today outdoor painting. To quote a phrase "Pah".


I used to be good at this. In fact I could have turned professional. My trick was going on a sailing holiday. Wherever I went, the area could have been suffering from drought, parched grass, cracks appearing in the ground, even Bob Geldof appearing on news programmes - and the instant I appeared and loaded the luggage aboard, the worst monsoons, typhoons, hurricanes and williwaws for a generation would loom over the horizon and proceed to unleash excessive precipitation, storms, flash-floods and storm-surges upon us all... Fresh-water or salt-water, Britain or further - same result. After people started calling me Uncle Albert, I gave up and confined myself to sailing boats in the bath. (Next post, details of the time a hole in the roof in our bathroom appeared mid-bathing)... 

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14 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Without Palm oil or other oddities, DIY LDC




you can make Lemon Drizzle Cake without the need for Sugar at all.... I just wish everyone realised that some ERs are diabetic and are desperate to keep away from sugar...Palm oil is bad news but Sugar.. forget it... now back to my non sugar based biscuit and mugadecaff.



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