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2 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Evening All,

Just had a zoom meeting with the wheel tappers and shunters club.

We are now proud owners of a semi-derelict church. Only taken seven years.

Watch out for an invitation to our first open day!


Do you get a graveyard too?

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1 hour ago, J. S. Bach said:


It never appears on any "best" lists but the 1965 movie of the book  is one of the most thought-provoking war movies I've seen.


And Ive seen at least 4.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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Good morning all,

After a combination of pluvial deluges, “soggy doggies” and lots of detail oriented data review, I have finally had an opportunity to get back to reading ER and seeing what the inmates / miscreants are up to. 


My sympathies to DH for the “good news/bad news” situation he finds himself in with his father. Unfortunately, at that age recovery will be slow (but I hope in the end a full one).


Basically, we are not designed for longevity. It’s interesting to note that the aches, pains and malaise of age  (which - arguably - is the body starting to malfunction/stop working properly) often start in the early to mid-30s. The age at which, in much much earlier times, one would have already become a grandparent (this is assuming that reproduction occurred shortly after reaching sexual maturity - as is the case in most mammals). With the survival of one’s offspring assured (one’s children surviving to have their children), one is basically redundant. Your DNA has ensured its own survival - game over.


As much as I am a misanthrope (Captain Cynical didn’t just appear out of nowhere, y’know), I find humans - as a species - endlessly fascinating. Especially, if you view humans as just another animal species, as did Desmond Morris in his book The Naked Ape (and boy did that cause a kerfuffle when it was published in 1969) I read the book in 1971 or thereabouts and it seriously  impacted on my world view and thinking. Over the years I have enjoyed taking humans apart to see how they work (and occasionally I’ve also had to put them back together again - chiz). And the more I learn, the more I realise how little do we actually know about our biology...


Of course, a pivotal moment in our evolution was the mastery of fire - without which humans would have had a different history, probably very short and without either LDC or PIE. Fortunately, my (our?) ancestors tamed the flame, which means that this weekend I will be indulging in a pie-baking marathon....


So, a request to the ER community: any thoughts as to top-notch pie fillings? I’ve already got steak & ale, steak & kidney, chicken & mushroom, cheese & onion and game lined up - any other possibilities???

Have a Happy Hump Day



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

I have read a few of those; right now SHOGUN by James Clavell. I started that after reading his NOBLE HOUSE and finding out that it is a part of his Asia series, I just had to get the rest. For some reason KING RAT is hard to find; at least at the low/bargain prices of the rest of the series. Note that most of these are quite long and will allow me to have lots of good reading time.

I'm also a James Clavell fan.  Whirlwind is my favourite, set in and around Iran but with various links back to The Noble House and even Shogun.

7 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Not that keen on Bridies, but you don't say that too loud when in Forfar lol


G'night all

I could have been a bit partial to Bridie, she was a gym teacher.





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Off out for a walk in a mo after my ablutions and catch the glorious sunshine, because the forecast is for rain later. 


Nothing serious planned for today, so will probably disappear into the POD and may even do some work on the MR :nono: and play some Guitar later.:P


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and well.:dancer:

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Dry and sunny here in North Somerset, but showers are promised later. However, I have put some washing on in the hope the showers will be slow to arrive. I watch them on the rainfall radar in these situations, so can rush outside if necessary and bring everything in. :sarcastichand:


I will have to contact Virmin Media about their router, which my iPhone now decrees is too insecure for the phone to even bother connecting to the internet. 


Phones with built-in arrogance. That is something I never thought I would see, but I suppose computers are destined to take over, and mere human laissez-faire attitudes are unthinkable to a machine other than Marvin The Paranoid Android. 



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  • RMweb Premium

I hate autocorrect on my phone.. it guesses a word from your typing in three letters and is invariably wrong then sends it suggestion anyway. I have tried turning it off to no avail. PAH!!

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

So, a request to the ER community: any thoughts as to top-notch pie fillings? I’ve already got steak & ale, steak & kidney, chicken & mushroom, cheese & onion and game lined up - any other possibilities???


3 hours ago, polybear said:

A full english....

Now there is a concept!  :yahoo:


Full English Pie!  (leave the Black Pudding out of mine please)


I have to say, I am rather missing my  Sunday morning rides on an old motorcycle and stopping off somewhere for a Full English and to put the world to rights with  similarly worn out old bikers friends.    Still it would appear that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Morning, late on parade due to storm interrupted sleep, seems we are an island again and all but one road out of the village are under water, including the one the council are currently adding storm drains to, I knew that wouldn't work. River comes up, water table rises and storm drain has nowhere to send the excess water.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, jonny777 said:


I will have to contact Virmin Media about their router, which my iPhone now decrees is too insecure for the phone to even bother connecting to the internet. 

Just how old is your router?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I hope Dave's dad and Gordon S continue to improve though its going to take some time. Arthur Itis was making some noise this morning but I dispensed with the pain killers and as I suspected moving about is just as effective at putting him in his place. For those interested in recipes and CAKE  here is one for namoura, a middle eastern dessert traditionally served up after Ramadan.


Its made with semolina flour and as semolina was one of my favourites when I was a lad I would like to give it a try. A full English in a pie sounds great, as long as they leave out the baked beans. Some supermarkets do 'Full English' sandwiches. Some are not too bad but some are awful (main ingredient tomato sauce).

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Al this talk of pastry encased objects has reminded me that I haven't had a home made steak and kidney pud for over fifty years since my mum cooked it.. Must look out a recipe.

And find a source of kidneys. I could get them in Sainsbury's until lockdown closed the butchery counter.

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5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:



So, a request to the ER community: any thoughts as to top-notch pie fillings? I’ve already got steak & ale, steak & kidney, chicken & mushroom, cheese & onion and game lined up - any other possibilities???



steak with chilli and chocolate


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