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  • RMweb Gold
24 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Morning all, I normally stay up all night to watch Election programs, but last night I gave in at 02.30, but back up at 5am and now waiting for the Hartlepool By Election result.


I'll re shut the eyes again later.


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and keep well.:dancer: 


Another election night nerd like me.

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Ey up!


Slept well. No pain in my jabbed arm. Hopefully, like jab 1, I should be fine today .


Looks more and more that we will have a weekend washout for cricket. Pah!


@andyram from friends in the trade April has been a bumper month for sales.. hope it continues in your shop and online.


Time to get the mugatea sorted.


Back later


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Morning all. Welcome to POETS Day. Good to see Andyram and with good news to boot. 

Voting was done postally some time ago. I doubt it will make much difference. No matter who you vote for the most popular person seems to win. 

I’m off to Ye Olde House of Funne. See you for drinks later. 

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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, PupCam said:

Oh Buffer!     I have to admire the accuracy with which you (very nearly) hit the centre of the cable though .....


Glad you've recovered the situation swiftly(ish) and without too much collateral.



A very, very brief moment of humour occurred yesterday, courtesy of Alexa.....

Bear has Alexa set up to respond to questions etc. fired in quick succession without the need to repeat the command "Alexa".

The discussion went like this.....

"Alexa - laptop off"  (Bear uses a smart plug to connect the mains adapter, since the socket is somewhat inaccessible)

"OK" reports Alexa

"Sh1t" says Bear, after I'd just realised I'd not checked what time Travis Perkins closes before shutting down.

"I haven't been equipped to do that" reports Alexa......


Just as well, really.


6 hours ago, Pacific231G said:

The last of the billioaire's cheesecake was consumed after dinner. The Millionaire's Cake has about three small helpings left. So far it hasn't lost any flavour.



Almost enough for Bear's elevenses then....


6 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Good evening everyone 


This morning’s sunshine didn’t last long, it started to chuckinitdarn just after 11 o’clock, it’s been on and off all day, in fact it’s still chuckinitdarn at the moment. Not that it mattered though, as I was in the cellar this morning completing the alterations required to add the spur to the ring main. 


Bear's Tip Of The Day:

Make a good note of all cable positions from known datum points at socket/switch level and ceiling level, if that cable is gonna get plastered over.  Bear has done this on those kitchen walls I had to take back to brickwork, but a certain other wall already had sound plaster on it, hence no such map :sad_mini2:


6 hours ago, BSW01 said:

This evening, it was acting up again, I’d ‘LOST’ all my email folders, only having an inbox, which was empty. So I repeated what I’d done last night and got them all back. However, I still can’t get my NOTES to appear on the iPad, so my plan is to email each NOTE to myself, and then copy and paste the text, then create a NEW note. It’s all a bit long winded, but it’ll work. 



Bear suggests an external hard drive for backups might be a good investment, ideally kept away from the house if at possible (or failing that then in a fireproof storage box) and backed up at least monthly (ideally more).  Think what would happen if your PC hard drive died and you lost everything :scared:

Bear has an intense distrust of cloud-based storage (whatever they are) as it seems like an invitation for some scrote to go looking inside the cloud for stockpile levels and location of the SCR  (they'd be unlucky - it's all in Bear's head, and torture won't reveal it's location.  Capt. Cynical's Henchmen made a very amateurish attempt at that one once - all I'll say is stay away from Fray Bentos meat pies for a few months.....)


In other news:

Somewhat sick:



Talk about starting young:



And how does the US ensure it can leave Afgan safely?  Send in more troops....:rofl:



DIY Chemo, anyone?  Destined for the UK market, apparently:



Today?  Kitchen.....


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring awl, Inner temple Hare.

A poor nights sleep..

3.5 hours sleep

Wake up Sky News discussing no results,

1.5 hours dozing

Wakeup Sky news discussing no results,

1 hours badly dozing

Sky news discussing no news from Hartlypuddle

1.5 hours sleep

Sky news still discussing no News from Hartlypuddle.


Ben the unhappy last night Collie was happy this morning.. Why was he unhappy? he's a creature of habit.. At his due time for his late evening walk it was chucking it down, and he wanted out but didn't.. He doesn't like the rain..

This morning a very much happier Collie went out on patrol, blue skies, frosty, but less of that than yesterday. No wind..


 I spent a good time last night adding F.A.Y.  V.10A and V.14 along with R.Y.A  P.Y., to  P.H.R.F. to produce B.H.  Still a long way to go on that.. Need to do much revision to the layout to make it presentable..


Yesterdays results were added at the time to the master spreadsheet, I'm now taking each result and adding that to the individual resistor in the box's page .


The radio has just announced a result at the puddle..

Our council results, they aren't even starting the count till tomorrow..


Time to do more playing with spreedsheets.



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Greetings all from the boring borough. Warmer than yesterday but still bloody cold for this time of year. 



Package containing "stuff that must not be mentioned" from Canada was released after paying the ransom. HMRC have over charged the VAT by a significant amount. Most likely they converted from USD instead of CAD from the declaration form. Strange that trying to get a refund is the only process of theirs that still requires a physical printed form + physical evidence. Cost of getting a printed and stamped card statement as well as postage will eat up a fair chunk of the rebate. I can see why they do it. Anything under £10 is just not worth jumping through the flaming hoops to recover. B*stards. 


Hopefully some good news from Mr Hunt sr, and Gordon is forthcoming. 


Work still sucks. One of the expected ship jumpers fired off his resignation yesterday. That means my team is now down to 6. That leaves just one more flight risk who is still waiting his formal offer. <sigh> I've got another interview this afternoon. We shall see. None of the supposed new hires will be in place before either of them go. I really don't have time or patience anymore do do the onboarding. 


Smart meter installation day. The bonus of this is I can cry off a meeting that I've been dreading all week. (not bad, just dealing with c*ntpuffins of epic asshattery levels) "sorry, power going off for meter install, can't make it" 


Votes cast via post. I long ago learned to support the person that will f*ck me over the least. That's why I've put my X next to Count Binface. He's got to be the least useless of the whole bunch running for London Mayor. 


coffee calls. 



On that note, I bid you all a good day and enjoy the weekend. 

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27 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Facr has now been checked. Leeds is on the Amber list for travel to Jersey..Barnsley is on the green list @Erichill16..



Funnily enough we’re booked to visits Jersey later in the year whilst on a cruise. Hopefully by then we won’t need a Royal Navy escort.

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Morning All


As ever, much skipping, and not a lot to report.


Guitarists among us might just appreciate this wonderful rendition which popped into my inbox.



She is a wonderful player, and very attractive too - and that smile at the end just melts me - Sweden is lucky to have her as a resident


Regards to All


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10 minutes ago, Ref44 said:

One positive result yesterday. Rather than lugging the old dishwasher to the recycling centre, I tried leaving it by the front drive. The metal fairies removed it with a couple of hours. Heavy lifting or failing that a £22 fee for the council to collect avoided. The task of decluttering after 33 years residence is being started should a move be needed. There is a lot to do!

A scrap yard would probably given you £5 to £10 for it.. Where do you think the metal fairies go with them?


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Good morning everyone 


A bright sunny start to the day, thankfully the overnight rain has stopped, but it’s very wet out there, but cool, currently 6C. Now that breakfast has been consumed I’m about to head off to the butchers, for the weekly meat rations and hopefully a pastie for dinner. Once I’ve returned with said rations and they have been put in the fridge, I’ll head off to the Trafford Centre for a few more provisions. 


After dinner, we’ll more towards late afternoon, as it’s quieter then, I’ll then head off to Costco to stock up on items we buy in bulk.


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. As usual I was woken by Arthur Itis this morning but he soon went back to sleep so did I. Reading through ER's this morning I feel there's fewer posts than when I started so perhaps Jamie's post wasn't the only one to disappear. Bright sunshine this morning but not predicted to last. Rain is a bit of a mixed blessing, it washes out the pollen in the air thus easing the hay fever but Arthur Itis loves doing a rain dance.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, TheQ said:

A scrap yard would probably given you £5 to £10 for it.. Where do you think the metal fairies go with them?

The nearest country lane round these parts!  :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:


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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Ref44 said:

One positive result yesterday. Rather than lugging the old dishwasher to the recycling centre, I tried leaving it by the front drive. The metal fairies removed it with a couple of hours. Heavy lifting or failing that a £22 fee for the council to collect avoided. The task of decluttering after 33 years residence is being started should a move be needed. There is a lot to do!

I would urge caution on adopting such an approach;   If the "metal fairies" decide that they don't want your carp "valuable re-cycling material" after all and decide to deposit it in the scenic tidy tip (just about any local country lane) then IF it can be traced back to you you could (quite rightly IMHO) be prosecuted.  


I've no idea were you live but round here (rural Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire) fly-tipping is a huge and disgusting problem that makes my blood boil every-time I see the latest deposits.     To be fair, the Council (once again IMVHO) are their own worst enemies; they should make using the local amenity tips the easiest way of disposing of rubbish NOT the hardest which, of course, does not excuse the dirty fly-tipping scrotes but perhaps goes some way to explain why they do it.   Of course, them having no pride or indeed brain cells does go quite a long way in that explanation too.


I'll get off my horse now ......

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