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Good Morrow!


Dry  and calm here although may have to defrost the car!


1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Errr, not really. It may be “just a pipe” to you, an engineer, but biologically (and medically) there are very different bits making up that pipe. To cite but two differences: the mucosa (lining) is different depending on what part of the GI Tract you are looking at, as is the pH environment (interesting factoid: dogs rarely get ill from eating carrion [e.g. “road kill”] as the pH of a dog’s stomach is less than 1.0 during digestion, thus able to eliminate most food borne pathogens).  Also, unlike a pipe which is (as I understand it) neutral as to which way what it carries flows, the GI tract is most definitely one way only. The last thing you want is your stomach contents to start going back the way it came in (e.g. GERD).


OK, so if you consider, say, the pipes in a house, you have (possibly) a water softening process and a heating process (stomach and intestines, perhaps!). However, with the tank-free system that seems to prevail these days and with the right valves open, pressure at one end affects the other end. However, when your boiler technician looks at a fault in the boiler, he may diagnose the cause to be external to said boiler and resolve it. In my experience, I have yet to encounter, say, a colorectal specialist diagnose that the cause of the problem may be nearer the input to the system, i.e. in the E.N.T. department!


I agree that the body is an incredible machine achieving what it does in often such a compact enclosure; however, all things considered, it is still built around a pipe!


4 minutes ago, TheQ said:

That bridge was part of one of my OU courses, it gets everywhere..


Agreed! And also agree that it an interesting case study. However, after the first 5 or so viewings, it gets, for want of a better phrase, predictable and somewhat monotonous. I've lost count of the number of times I've been 'forced' to watch it! I wonder if the Millennium Bridge will suffer that same fate in 20 or so years (if it hasn't already)?

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Nice walk in the sunshine this morning but still chilly on the fingertips. 


Bit of excitement / drama around here last night. There is a Bungalow about 100 yds down the road, and he seems to deal in old cars, and seems to have scrap parts behind a high fence, so not to visible from the road. Anyway last night something caught fire. Two Appliances and an Ambulance, the road was closed off for a while, and there was a lot of popping and banging, that could have been aerosol cans. LOADS of smoke and then the Fire Crew were on the roof of an extension and removing tiles to get the hoses in from above.

I did a quick visual inspection / being nosey, on my walk today and things don't look to bad apart from half the extension roof gone. Smoke was coming out of all the windows last night so I guess it was more a case of the smoke finding exits.


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and well.:dancer:




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Cloudy and cold here in North Somerset. We have had a few showers overnight judging by the wetness of the garden path. 


Nothing much happening today as our council seats are not up for re-election. We do have a poll card for the Police & Crime Commissioner but I can't be bothered with that. Jobs for the boys, it would seem - as they don't appear to do anything significant. 


I will have to go out at lunchtime though, because I have to have my second covid jab today. Let's hope the showers stay away then, or I am going to look a bit bedraggled in front of nurse syringe.  

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Morning, it was sunny when I got up, by the time I'd had a shower the sun had risen above the horizon and disappeared into thick cloud, I have a feeling we may not see it again today, now raining, oh well the ground needs the water.

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On 30/04/2021 at 14:24, The Lurker said:

Whereas I am in the opposite boat; we live in the Boring Borough and so have the chance to vote for all the mayoral candidates, all of whom seem equally odious (with the possible exception of Count Binface), 


You cannot be serious!  

One of Count Binface's policies is the nationalisation of model railways. :angry:

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10 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

The TNB was apparently built as cheaply as possible and that was a contributing factor.

I'm reminded of the very sobering thought attributed to John Glenn ......

‘I felt exactly how you would feel if you were getting ready to launch and knew you were sitting on top of 2 million parts — all built by the lowest bidder on a government contract.’

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Late on parade due to work (again)


Not much to report from here, other than @polybear - just finished mi first Co-Op LDC :).


Best wishes to all, make the most of, what is a nice day (at least here in S Derbyshire) and I'll be back........

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Greetings all from Sidcup where it is cool but sunny, albeit the clouds are gathering. Yesterday early evening we had a tremendous thunderstorm, and the first substantial rain for ages. Younger Lurker reported hail too.


Today sees the weekly LDC and Autosport run. It also sees me voting, though as referenced above may be I will have to change my vote. 


The boss set us all a big new project which will keep us on our toes; and if it gets legs it will generate work for the next 5 or more years. 


I am also about to get busy with a project from one of the board members which has been "bubbling under" for a while now.


Oh well, keeps me out of mischief!

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4 hours ago, polybear said:

Ahh - but how long was he a Policeman for, or was he the Nephew of the Chief Constable who was fast-tracked with barely a day on the beat to show for it. 


I come from Bedfordshire so out of interest I looked him up.  Definitely not the above.

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5 hours ago, polybear said:

.....Along with numerous others quickly and quietly disappearing where they hope no-one will find them....


Bear recalls when "the employer" suddenly decided that computer modelling was indeed a wonderful idea - and would prove designs without the need for very expensive Trials conducted at wet & windy remote locations.  Well the first system to be subjected to this (mid/late 1980's) was generating answers so outlandish as to be obviously wrong.  And then the first time some believable answers popped out the other end of the great modelling machine everyone leaped on them and declared "this is how it'll work".  I'll leave you to guess the rest....


Sadly the glory days of Trials (as Bear knew it) are long gone - though I very much doubt anyone is capable of producing a program capable of modelling all the variables that systems encounter in a real-life environment.

I can remember a number of instances when the "bright young things" (that'll be the computer modellers then) were perplexed when real-life didn't match the modelled expectation and then tried to explain how real life had got it wrong.    One had to tactfully suggest that what was observed did actually happen and was therefore correct and could not be wrong even though it might not have been what was expected.    Which leads to the inevitable conclusion that whatever that expectation was based on was at best incomplete or  at worst just plain wrong.   Always a bitter pill ......


5 hours ago, polybear said:

In other news:


I see the French have got the 'ump again - and are now threatening to plunge Jersey into darkness if they don't get their own way with fishing rights.  Send in the Navy.....


Don't send in the Navy, just send in a load of big, industrial generators! :yahoo:


Looking at the relative size of the "trapped" ship to the "toy boats", surely they are not a problem if you get my drift ......


With regard to Anglo/French Marine matters I saw this on Faceache the other day which made me chukkle






5 hours ago, polybear said:

Cynical?  This Bear?

Yet more excellent evidence!    I declare that PB has now achieved fully certified, quality cynicism in accordance with ISO9001:2015.


4 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:

I agree that the body is an incredible machine achieving what it does in often such a compact enclosure; however, all things considered, it is still built around a pipe!

Which would be incomplete and completely ineffectual without the many intermediary valves, receptacles, pumps, ejectors. injectors, restrictors (you get the picture) ........  


Is that a bit like saying the railway between London and Edinburgh is basically just a couple of steel rails?


In other news:

I had to play the Doctor's Appointment Lottery again this morning for an on-going situation.   The new "Puppers Method" worked for the 3rd time in a row like a dream, I got an appointment and the doctor has telephoned and the necessary arrangements made and advice given so many thanks to him and the receptionist.


I'm tempted to release details of the "Puppers Get Rich Quick Scheme" to you all.   Just send a cheque or Postal Order for £50 to Puppers for a copy of his latest GRQ principle ...... :taunt:


Whilst mentioning things medical, I note and take heed of ID's  numerous cautions on Self-Diagnosis.  

I wonder if he does remote, international, second opinions? :scratch_one-s_head_mini:

Edited by PupCam
Added picture
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5 minutes ago, PupCam said:



Whilst mentioning things medical, I note and take heed of ID's  numerous cautions on Self-Diagnosis.  

I wonder if he does remote, international, second opinions? :scratch_one-s_head_mini:

I doubt you could afford the cake required..

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1 minute ago, TheQ said:

I doubt you could afford the cake required..

 My natural cynicism leads me to the conclusion that you are indeed correct!

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53 minutes ago, PupCam said:


...Yet more excellent evidence!    I declare that PB has now achieved fully certified, quality cynicism in accordance with ISO9001:2015.....


Whilst mentioning things medical, I note and take heed of ID's  numerous cautions on Self-Diagnosis.  

I wonder if he does remote, international, second opinions? :scratch_one-s_head_mini:

1) But is PB up to Captain Cynical’s standards? (CC thinks that the ISO9001:2015 standards are rather... well... amateurish and not very rigorous) 

2) iD does not “do” remote second opinions. For any sort of valid second opinion (and in the vast majority of professions) you really have to do an “in-person” evaluation (but iD can provide useful references and direct people to reputable and accurate websites for information).

46 minutes ago, TheQ said:

I doubt you could afford the cake required..

CCCS GmbH (Captain Cynical’s Clinical Services - of which iD is the head) can also accept pork pies, black puddings and high quality British Bangers

44 minutes ago, PupCam said:

 My natural cynicism leads me to the conclusion that you are indeed correct!

Possibly, possibly. My lowest base rate (for favoured customers) is 25 LDC per hour, average rate is 30 - 35 LDC per hour and - for extremely difficult cases requiring quick and efficient resolution - the fee is approximately 45 LDC per hour.  I can also be available via a retainer...




p.s. Captain Cynical’s corporate financial wizards are considering on no longer accepting LDC, given the currant exchange rate against the stollen (currant! Geddit?..)

p.s. point 2) above is actually a serious one...

Edited by iL Dottore
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23 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

And for those experiencing snow, seven weeks today is Midsummer's Day.


I can recall a Lancashire CC match at Southport being stopped due to snow on June 1st.

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31 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

iD does not “do” remote second opinions. For any sort of valid second opinion (and in the vast majority of professions) you really have to do an “in-person” evaluation

Hmm,  I haven't been to Switzerland since the early 80's unfortunately although would dearly love to return.  


We stayed in Lauterbrunnen a couple of times and explored the well known places nearby, what an absolutely glorious part of the world.   I remember on our return laying in bed listening once again to the music of the Lauterbrunnen waterfall and then realising we were actually home, jumped out of bed to find the cold feed to the bath had "let go" and that we had in fact got "Little Switzerland" in rural Bedfordshire :banghead: 



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Second jab.. received.  Very well organised just hard to find a parking slot.


Lots of people scheduled to attend before my appointment at 08:30  were no shows.. so it will be very busy later...


In one of my various roles in life I chaired a Technology Foresight(DTI) group on Synetic Environment and Simulation.  We even wrote a book!!


Simulation wise a lot of those I was involved in worked well. The first few involved analogue computers.. then we moved onto using CSMP on an IBM 360... generally we tuned the models to match real performance  then backward engineered it all to work out why the changes were needed. 


Of course Flight Simulators run in a Synthetic Environment.. with real hardware as well as computer simulations.  My first encounter with these was on a visit to what was originally rediffusion then CAe.  Problem them was the computers generating the visual images you looked at could only provide a flat earth view u til you got very close to the ground.. very scary!



Edited by Barry O
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45 minutes ago, PupCam said:

We stayed in Lauterbrunnen a couple of times

  We went to see the Trümmelbach Falls when we first visited. It was a rainy day but getting wet inside a mountain was quite interesting. 

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1 hour ago, leopardml2341 said:

Late on parade due to work (again)


Not much to report from here, other than @polybear - just finished mi first Co-Op LDC :).


Best wishes to all, make the most of, what is a nice day (at least here in S Derbyshire) and I'll be back........


Bear had a suspicion that the LDC stock-take was one short....:angry:


And what was leopard's opinion of the golden yumminess?


In other news:

Bear has spent a productive morning marking the bracket positions for hanging the majority of the wall units - now I'm into drilling mode.


And later.....




Er, why did the electrics just trip........??






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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

 ...snip... Possibly, possibly. My lowest base rate (for favoured customers) is 25 LDC per hour, average rate is 30 - 35 LDC per hour and - for extremely difficult cases requiring quick and efficient resolution - the fee is approximately 45 LDC per hour.  I can also be available via a retainer... ...snip...

Note that CC only gives a quantity not a size!

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