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Just received my bank statement this morning. On it were two charges from e-bay totalling £117. I have no idea what they are for and there seems to be no way of getting in touch with them. I only buy on e-bay and pay using pay-pal so I've no idea what these charges are.

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Just received my bank statement this morning. On it were two charges from e-bay totalling £117. I have no idea what they are for and there seems to be no way of getting in touch with them. I only buy on e-bay and pay using pay-pal so I've no idea what these charges are.

Case explained, for some reason I'd paid by debit card instead of PayPal. IIRC the vendors  may not have done PayPal.

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With modern technology you can work around problems caused by a lack of spares. On the VC10 K2 tanker fleet the big problem was a lack of spare LRU "boxes".. BAe 3D Printed them.. then did the same for the Tornados..


The Challenger2 fleet was easy.. just keep stripping "spare" vehicles for parts...must have run out as they have given Rheinmetal a contract to build some new tin turrets for 148 of them.. the rest are scrappers....  strangely one of the major suppliers for the new turret is the self same one who has declared obsolete on some of their existing kit.. so RM must be paying them megabucks for new kit .



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Greetings all from Sidcup which is windy and grey but not currently wet.


Best wishes to Gordon.


Nice to see Pete popping by.


The week will unfold in much the same way as others have done recently. Not a lot to report and quite a bit of work to do - but also to try to book the restaurant that Mrs Lurker wants to go to in order to belatedly celebrate her birthday (which was January!) 

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The TV remote control I ordered arrived this afternoon. But it was a completely different type and make to the one I ordered. I've e-mailed the vendor and waiting for his reply. I called the surgery and fixed an appointment for my second jab, Thursday week so I'll be ready when the shackles are taken off.

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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

The Challenger2 fleet was easy.. just keep stripping "spare" vehicles for parts...must have run out as they have given Rheinmetal a contract to build some new tin turrets for 148 of them.. the rest are scrappers....  strangely one of the major suppliers for the new turret is the self same one who has declared obsolete on some of their existing kit.. so RM must be paying them megabucks for new kit .



Bear knew the Royal Mail posties deliver to some rough areas - but I didn't realise things had got that bad.....:laugh:

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Barry O said:

The Challenger2 fleet was easy.. just keep stripping "spare" vehicles for parts

That was the standard way with old signalling equipment. When I was in the workshops at Crewe I made parts for 100 year old equipment when the supply of old ones ran out.

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I think at school we were told to leave immediately after our last exam and not come back. It didn’t have any things like old boys associations and I think very few would have attended if they did. I got a good education and some of the teachers were outstanding but the headmaster created a very unpleasant place to be a teenager. 
My youngest niece “graduated” from nursery earlier this year. All socially distanced of course but just like a tiny version of a university graduation. 

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Afternoon Awl, 

Only 1 of the 5 schools I went to awarded prizes, and they changed the rules so that, I,  personally couldn't win any...

I've seen on the net that some of my ex schools have had year group reunions, but never for any of my years. It used to be that family and old boys could visit on the annual sports days. But these days anyone but immediate family of current pupils is forbidden.


Looked up the price of that guitar.. two years sailing money, and that's without delivery, import duties and vat added to the price!!!


While a wandering the net, I found, FAY.. no not her , but Falmouth Area Yardstick. That's a sailing handicap system , the article is 12 pages, showing 4 long formula using the various dimensions of a sailing boat to generate a handicap number.

The basis is work by a Professor of Statistics, Linda Wolstenholme. I'm going to type the formula of one version into my Blue Moon spreadsheet. The necessary values for a range of boats are already in the spreadsheet.  So it will be interesting to see the results against the American formula I bodged previously.

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18 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:



 It's the style of learning, I suspect, that doesn't suit me or that I simply "don't do".  Just like I never coped with Latin which is full of perfectly logical declensions and which can be learned by rote so music and the playing of most instruments is filled with logical chords and requires learning of finger positions in most cases.  I have never learned by rote or repetition; I seldom learn from reading and doing.  I learn by "seeing" how to do something and being able to do it - or not.  Learning chords, whether finger positions or from "windows", has always been a FAIL.  As has learning the different keys in which music is written.  



This could have been written of me - although I can learn from reading.  But the rest - oh yes.

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What a washout of a day it has rained virtually non stop.


When I worked in transport there were always 4 or more dot matrix printers in the office ideal for printing delivery notes using triplicate paper. Even in soundproof cases they were still noisy.


Last day at school was an assembly followed by coffee then home .


Best wishes to Gordon and his family hope he gets back on the mend quickly


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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

My youngest niece “graduated” from nursery earlier this year. All socially distanced of course but just like a tiny version of a university graduation. 

In this day and age a graduation normally leads to a "Gap Year" (or, as Mr & Mrs Puppers think, putting off joining the real world for yet another year).    Don't tell me they are going to start having breaks during as well as after education now!  :laugh_mini:

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10 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

I wonder how they go on for spares for the B52's or do they keep raiding the ones that are out in the desert fot russkie satellites to look at.

They are the aeronautical equivalent of grandfather's axe, with the exception of some basic airframe components, I suspect everything has been replaced during one or other of the retrofits - avionics, engines, etc, though there's probably some crappy 1950s vintage components still there for aircrew 'comfort' purposes.


Apparently they're soon to get high-energy directed beam weapons (aka "lasers") installed.


Of course Boeing is one of the few aircraft manufacturers still operating under their original corporate name.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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