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Evening All,

Happy Birthday Andrew P and great news  regarding Mr Hunt Senior. Also glad that Lucy is also making progress. 

In answer to Flavio’s question,as a kid I always liked the monorail(?) in the villain’s  underground base in one of the James Bond films. Can’t remember which one it is  though.

Coincidently I’m reading ‘Squeezing the Orange’ by Henry Blofeld  and it is said that Ian Fleming got the name of villainous character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld from from Flemings  association with Henry’s father.

Went to Fox valley and had a takeaway burger from Zorro  Lounge  and despite what I said yesterday about their menu, it was awful. SWMBO has made me a coffee cake so not all bad news on the food front.

Been chasing people up regarding the new  building but not sure any progress was made.


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1 hour ago, Erichill16 said:

Been chasing people up regarding the new  building but not sure any progress was made.


Son (plumber) says that all his friends across trades, after a very slack time last year, are now fully booked for ages. Great for them and possibly a recognition of people not spending and then realised that they could do what they wanted about house improvements.

Quick progress is no longer on offer.




Edited by Coombe Barton
Now makes sense
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1 hour ago, Erichill16 said:

In answer to Flavio’s question,as a kid I always liked the monorail(?) in the villain’s  underground base in one of the James Bond films. Can’t remember which one it is  though.

Coincidently I’m reading ‘Squeezing the Orange’ by Henry Blofeld  and it is said that Ian Fleming got the name of villainous character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld from from Flemings  association with Henry’s father.


The villain's monorail ("transport system of the future" - always has been and always will be) was in You Only Live Twice where Blofeld was using a space capsule swallowing rocket launched from a hollowed out volcano in Japan to try to start WW3 but I think it also appeared inside the nuclear submarine swallowing  "super-tanker" which villain Stronberg was using to try to start WW3 in The Spy Who Loved Me. Bit of a common theme there I think.


On getting names for fictional characters, In the early 1980s  I was amused by my News Editor's name being Richard Horrobin, given the bad character of the Horrobin family in The Archers, until he told me that they were named after him.  Ambridge is supposedly in the countryside somewhere vaguely between the West Midlands and Worcesterhire so, when the Archers production team was based in the BBC's Pebble Mill studios and they needed a new surname they chose (with permission) that of someone working there. The idea was that the names available would be a suitable mixture of those native to that region and incomers and more credible than names dreamed up by the scriptwriters. 


Time for bed.  




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45 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Son (plumber) says that all his friends across trades, after a very slack time last year, are not fully booked for ages. Great for them and possibly a recognition of people not spending and then realised that they could do what they wanted about house improvements.

Quick progress is no longer on offer.


Makes more sense to me and reads better if "not" is "now".

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1 hour ago, Pacific231G said:

Bit of a common theme there I think.

Dr. Evil:


Let's just do what we always do. Hijack some nuclear weapons and hold the world hostage. Yeah? Good!

(Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery)


You can go a long way with Bond films with the same basic evil plot.


An incomplete list from the top of my head:


Space "laser": Diamonds are Forever, Goldeneye, Die Another Day

Start WW3: Dr. No; You Only Live Twice; The Spy Who Loved Me; The World is Not Enough

Hijack nuclear weapons and hold the world hostage: Thunderball*; Never Say Never Again*

* Exactly the same story

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6 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Anything by the Dead Kennedys, but my favorites are

Nazi Punks F*** Off

Holiday in Cambodia 

I Kill Children and 

California Uber Alles.

But for an sheer aural abuse you can’t beat

So What? by Anti Nowhere League.

I haven’t got a copy of the above as the lyric is absolutely filthy, you ain’t gonna hear it on Smooth Radio.

Google it at your peril!

  "I love you" by Barney is apparently  the most often used song in the CIA's arsenal when inflicting psychological torture on someone via music played very loudly over and over and over...



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4 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Some power line adapters also include a WiFi point for connecting WiFi devices to the extended network. I have never used one so can’t say how good or bad they are.

I've got a Netcomm one with wi-fi transmitter at the remote end.  I get 97mbps from the wifi router at the modem but only  about 15 to 20mbps from  the wi-fi  on the adapter, which is ok for what I use it for. 

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4 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Son (plumber) says that all his friends across trades, after a very slack time last year, are now fully booked for ages. Great for them and possibly a recognition of people not spending and then realised that they could do what they wanted about house improvements.

Quick progress is no longer on offer.




Thanks for your reply.

Cant sleep. 4:20 am

Trying to get planning permission and then permission from the NHS is always going to be a timely process. My angst is with the builder leading me on as I know all tradesmen are busy now. Six weeks ago he was interested, and kept asking for further information and finally he said he would come last week to visit the site. On Monday got a curt letter saying he hadn’t time to quote or do the work so what had changed over the weekend. I had originally told him I knew he was busy and  I was willing to wait. I’m happy to wait but would like to get a contractor sorted as with an NHS relocation  you have to complete within a set period or re-apply.

Ive also heard tradespeople are busy rectifying botched DIY  jobs that have been done by over enthusiastic amateurs.


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21 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Well they say the Sun shines on the righteous, and it certainly is today, as I celebrate another rotation of Planet Earth. 71:swoon:

I was hoping for a Bentley or Aston Martin from my dear wife but more than a little chuffed with this little beauty.



Have a good day one and all and stay safe.


A belated happy birthday to you, good sir!

As I am a bit sketchy on the various types of bass guitar produced by Fender, can you tell me if the model above is a Precision or a Jazz bass.

I have to confess that, and I don’t know why, a rosewood fretboard neck on a Fender Electric guitar or bass looks totally wrong to me (rosewood fretboards are definitely a Gibson feature), it has to be maple. Equally odd is my feeling that the only great electric guitars made by Fender are the Tele and the Strat; the others (Jaguar, Mustang....) all seem like something from a 1960s Sears catalogue, back when Sears was trying to break into the youth market.

Leo Fender definitely got it right when he came up with the Telecaster and Stratocaster and how can you improve on perfection?

13 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

I read that as ruthless in the bedroom ... :jester:

12 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Is that an allegation?  :jester: 


Although I’d be intrigued to learn what CB means by “ruthless in the bedroom” 

9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Anything by the Dead Kennedys, but my favorites are

Nazi Punks F*** Off

Holiday in Cambodia 

I Kill Children and 

California Uber Alles.....

I didn’t know that you’re into “easy listening”

6 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

...I always liked the monorail(?) in the villain’s  underground base in one of the James Bond films....

Monorails are so yesterday for the trendy, with-it supervillain. Captain Cynical has a Maglev for getting around his extensive underground lair (the Alpine Redoubt (tm) is but a small part of the sprawling CC empire).

As for the comment about Nuclear Weapons and “Space Lasers”, Captain Cynical finds such things to be totally passé. Viruses (or is that virii?) - both computer and biological - are the way ahead for the ambitious supervillain eager to hold the world to ransom (in fact Captain Cynical has two that are “ready to go”: the first [computer] will completely erase Farcebook after 48 hours unless neutralised by a key that only Captain Cynical has*; the second [biological] very nastily ensures that anti-vaxxers do come down with the diseases they refuse to be vaccinated against).


And on that happy note, I bid you all a happy hump day!



* but with this virus, there may be a risk that the world’s governments might reply “yeah, whatever

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Greetings one and all, but not multitudinous.  Yes, Rick, it was indeed Noel Edmonds who used to say it on the radio.


I managed to leave the shopping list at home when I did the fodder run yesterday.  Somehow I managed to remember all but two of the items on it.  Fortunately the porridge oats will last until the next time I go shopping but I did pop down to the corner shop in the afternoon to buy the weekly donation to charity - sorry, lottery ticket.  Apart from that, little of note happened.  I scanned a couple of photographs to go in my presentation and searched fruitlessly in a pile of books for a couple more.  It will be all right on the night, just over three weeks hence.  I hope.


As I type this there is something on the news about boosting access to cash in places where the banks have given up and gone.  How on earth did we reach this lamentable state of affairs?  One answer, I submit, is the growth of on-line transactions, driven by the banks themselves and aggravated by that ruddy virus which has made people wary of handling cash.  I find myself using one of three credit cards on the fodder run just to keep the cards alive.  Long before the virus took hold I recall sitting in the pub under St Pancras station and being appalled that customers were using cards to pay for one drink.  In the pub concerned one is not offered the piece of paper generated by the till and gets a dirty look if it is requested.  Do people not keep track of their spending these days?


Now we have someone spouting about self-drive technology on the roads!  Brave New World, I hate you.


Best wishes to all 




EDIT: I forgot to rejoice that Dave's Dad is being moved to Whitchurch - very good news!     

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12 hours ago, polybear said:


Yes, there's mains in the shed; the devices you are referring to are called Powerline Adapters - I've no experience of them, but a quick check reveals they would come in more expensive than the twenty quid TP-Link wifi extender currently in the post.  I'll let you know if it's any good.

I'd be interested to hear how you get on with that extender, Mr B.


If your incoming ISP connection is fibre, it'll probably be ok. However if you're on copper my suspicion is you will notice a considerable loss of bandwidth and thus perceived speed, as it itself is a wi-fi device and needs to use the same router channel to extend it.

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Before work swallows up most of my day (as yesterday), I'd better say morning to all.


Grey and damp here in South Derbyshire with evidence of overnight rain which will be good for the plants planted and seeds sown yesterday.


I see there's been quite a bit of positive news across ERs in the last day or so, that's good.


Belated happy birthday to Andrew P.


For now the alarm has sounded, the shower beckons and then back to the (home) desk.


Until later; make the most of your day whatever it delivers, planned or not.

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

A belated happy birthday to you, good sir!

As I am a bit sketchy on the various types of bass guitar produced by Fender, can you tell me if the model above is a Precision or a Jazz bass.

I have to confess that, and I don’t know why, a rosewood fretboard neck on a Fender Electric guitar or bass looks totally wrong to me (rosewood fretboards are definitely a Gibson feature), it has to be maple. Equally odd is my feeling that the only great electric guitars made by Fender are the Tele and the Strat; the others (Jaguar, Mustang....) all seem like something from a 1960s Sears catalogue, back when Sears was trying to break into the youth market.

Leo Fender definitely got it right when he came up with the Telecaster and Stratocaster and how can you improve on perfection?



Good Morning ID. That is a Fender Squire 60's Classic Vibe Pression Bass, I also have one in Race red with a P/J Pick up configuration, and that now has a white scratch plate, unlike in the photo below. I then have a pair of Jazz Basses, a Fender Squire 60's Classic Vibe in Daphne Blue that now has a cream Scratch Plate for more of a 60's look, again not as in the photo. Lastly I have the Benson Jazz Bass with a Alder Body and finished in Tobacco Sunburst. Then there is the Strat in Fiesta Red with Gold Hardware AKA Hank B Marvin, and the Jasmine Acoustic made  by Takamine.

Re the necks, All the Necks are Maple and with either Rosewood or Indian Laurel fingerboards. The Darker woods give a warmer sound as I'm sure you know, and which I prefer on a Bass, Maple Fretboards came back into fashion on Basse's in the 70's for Funk Slap Bass and a brighter tone. 

BTW, They all have stands now.



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 Morning all.

It isn’t frosty. I noticed this while putting out the bin bag. Non recyclable this week. We may need a trip down to the pharmacy today to collect medications. Aditi has a Zoom meeting tonight for French conservation. I will find a film to watch. 

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