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  • RMweb Premium
7 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Well they say the Sun shines on the righteous,


Happy Birthday! I hate to rain on you here but that well-known saying is the result of selective hearing. The full range of available options includes sunshine and rain for both the righteous and the unrighteous [Matthew 5:25].

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


Happy Birthday! I hate to rain on you here but that well-known saying is the result of selective hearing. The full range of available options includes sunshine and rain for both the righteous and the unrighteous [Matthew 5:25].


And when did we ever see an apostle doing the weather forecast?

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6 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


Happy Birthday! I hate to rain on you here but that well-known saying is the result of selective hearing. The full range of available options includes sunshine and rain for both the righteous and the unrighteous [Matthew 5:25].

Well thanks for that.:laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Andy and many more of them. Arthur Itis was going hammer and tongs this morning, Nurofen has been deployed and shortly I'll be soaking in the bath.

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  • RMweb Premium
9 hours ago, PeterBB said:

Chased the company that normally services the car but in the time we have had it they had not had the wheels off......


If a company were servicing Bear's chariot without taking the wheels off then I'd be looking for a new garage.....

Out of interest, how many services have they carried out?


9 hours ago, PeterBB said:

This and the fact that the locking nut was incorrect makes ne wonder about the pre-history of the car as the service manual was also missing at purchase.


Did the car sales showroom declare any information regarding the service history?  A check with a main dealer may well reveal the service history of the car with other main dealers via computer records, though services with non-franchise dealers won't show up.  Mind you, if you've had the car a while and it has proved to be a good 'un then perhaps it's best not knowing, in case skullduggery has occurred.  I would however want to satisfy myself that uber critical things have been carried out - missing an air filter change is one thing, but missing a timing belt change can get very messy.


9 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:


Bear has a serious issue with the media using the term "allegedly" when reporting - they only do it to protect themselves against litigation, yet it's enough to screw up the lives of the innocent.  About time the law was changed to stop it - report proven information by all means, or name their sources as a very minimum.  Might just stop mud slinging by people with their own agendas.


7 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

They're still around probably bought by people like you and me who were children in the '70's reliving our youth with chikko rolls and paying hundreds of thousands for the cars that 18 year old apprentices used to be able to afford back in the day (then invariably  killed themselves in on the first rainy day..).






Nice car, but a hundred and sixty grand £UK? :nono:


In other news:

Another day of the G I think - I spent far too much time and effort last year sorting the garden and the last thing I want is for that to go to waste.  It'll not take much effort anyway, if the results of yesterday are anything to go by.

The smart plug in the shed (for controlling the water feature remotely) is still proving to be temperamental, despite the change from 5GHz to 2.4GHz on the router - the tablet tells me the signal strength at the shed is p.poor.  A wifi extender (twenty quid) was ordered from a certain south american jungle earlier, so hopefully that'll fix things.

(Incidentally, when using that site if you go to this site instead (it's still Amazon) then money is earnt (0.5% of eligible purchases - presumably that's stuff sold by Amazon rather than a reseller) for the charity of your choice).

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  • RMweb Premium
20 minutes ago, Barry O said:

A neighbour days they have commented on next doors plans.. but in the light of their problems with their next door neighbours they don't think anything will happen. A scaffolding pole is set up within an inch of their windows. The usual lazy souls in Leeds City Council see no problem with it.. i suggested two phone calls are required.


One to report a serious Health and Safety infringement,  the second to a solicitor to send a letter to their neighbours who don't see it as a problem. I have less and less belief in the ability of our local council ..and it is election time..



The only problem is that the solicitors letter option costs the neighbour a couple of hundred quid, with no promise of any result.

Option 3:  An angle grinder.....:laugh:

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Morning All,


Firstly, thanks for your support for Lucy. She received her first treatment yesterday lunchtime at the vet and then yesterday evening. The treatment regimen was firstly oral roasted duck , then topical ointment left eye, then oral roasted duck, then topical ointment right eye, followed by an oral roast duck booster. Of course, Dr Schotty was on hand to supervise and ensure the quality of the oral preparations. This morning, before her morning treatment (which is t.i.d.) her left eye looked much improved with minimal drainage and no pus. But it still must be uncomfortable, poor thing.


In regards to the fast food discussion, MickyD's must be the triumph of advertising over (quite literally) taste. I reckon much of what they sell is "anti-durian" type food (durian: smells awful, tastes divine; anti-durian: smells divine, tastes awful). Of the myriad American burger chains (which range from the excellent to the execrable), it was a (IMHO) a fairly mediocre chain that made it big, worldwide. Why? We can but speculate...


It's a pity that the reputation of the Hamburger has been so sullied by all these various chains serving such poor quality 'burgers. A homemade, properly seasoned and grilled burger is truly a thing of delight.


Posters have mentioned Hardee's, as an impecunious graduate student a Hardee's Country Fried Steak Biscuit (a sort of savoury scone), was very much a treat, as was their sausage and egg biscuit. A quick Google found the current Hardee's breakfast menu https://www.hardees.com/Menu/Biscuits-and-Other-Favorites  which has expanded since I was a student. Sadly, after not having eaten one for over 10 years, a much anticipated Hardee's Country Fried Steak Biscuit eaten on a US business trip turned out to be incredibly salty. Whether due to the saltiness of the basic recipe, an accidentally over-salted batch of biscuits or a change in my taste buds, I have no clue.


Finally on a more railway related note, yesterday I watched a Korean-American film Snowpiercer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowpiercer) based on a French comic novel. It's set in a dystopian future on a multi-mile long train that continuously circles the earth, which has become a frozen wasteland due to a botched attempt to reverse global warming Apart from being a most interesting film, I think the Snowpiercer train would be a great model railway subject, although - given the length of the train - probably in Z or T gauge.


Tuesday's ER conundrum: what train from film, comic book or novel would you model?



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1 minute ago, Dave Hunt said:

Happy birthday and happy twanging to Andy. How about putting some of your stuff on YouTube? A worthy successor to Jet Harris?



We may be doing a CD later this year.



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

Well thanks for that.:laugh:


It doesn't get any better - or perhaps I just dig myself in deeper:


The rain it raineth every day
Upon the just and unjust fella,
But more upon the just because
The unjust hath the just's umbrella.


attributed to Ogden Nash

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4 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


It doesn't get any better - or perhaps I just dig myself in deeper:


The rain it raineth every day
Upon the just and unjust fella,
But more upon the just because
The unjust hath the just's umbrella.


attributed to Ogden Nash

Yes, The HOLE is getting bigger Stephen.:laugh:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Happy birthday Andy. 
It is sunny here. The early morning frost has disappeared and the temperature is heading towards double digits. 
I suspect we may go for a walk later. 
Have a good day.


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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Cockwomble 1, the car that pulled into the lane alongside me at the lights, not behind the white line, not two wheels over the whilte line.. But all 4 Wheels over the white line.. Something I'd not seen since I left Saudi..

You haven't driven in Birmingham recently, then?

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Cockwomble 2, the bright Blue Audi that over took me at a major road junction that has a lot of accidents,, I was doing the speed limit... He went right across various double whites, and disappeared rapidly into the distance..


You haven't driven in Birmingham recently, then?

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Bear has a serious issue with the media using the term "allegedly" when reporting - they only do it to protect themselves against litigation, yet it's enough to screw up the lives of the innocent.  About time the law was changed to stop it - report proven information by all means, or name their sources as a very minimum.  Might just stop mud slinging by people with their own agendas.

My use of the term is also to protect myself, as I've taken advice from media people in the University who are also versed on law. Unless it's proven in law it's still alleged, and as criminal cases may result then I'll continue alleging.

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Morning All


Apologies but as per previous days, I have been skipping pages (and pages and pages) due to various reasons which I don't propose to bore you with.  So as ever it's generic greetings, but I did manage to pick up on happy birthday Andy.


Meantime, I've just had my second armful of Oxford AZ vaccine - with a new warning sheet about the minute clotting risk, and a verbal warning of possible heavier side effects than last time - and the vaccination was actually done by Lisa from my own GP practice who does a lot of my diabetes treatement - I just missed being vaccinated by my now retired former GP, Simon, who was working in the next cubicle, but I did get a wave from him.


Got to go now, as 30747 has "instructed" that I use the steam mop on the kitchen floor and the hoover on the rest of the downstairs floors.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

You haven't driven in Birmingham recently, then?


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