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4 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Like Neil i am pleased the Subpostmasters have finally been cleared. It has been a travesty of justice for a number of years. Lives and reputations have been destroyed no amount of compensation will ever bring that back. It is another example of computer software being seen as infallible 


Computer software is only as infallible as the people that write the code.


With a lot of admin to do at the moment (move of house, new car, etc.), I am finding some really silly errors in the set up of websites. It's mostly due to people just adding standard widgets to the website rather than coding for themselves.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis and Si Attica have joined in with the eczema to keep me sore. Ibuforen has been deployed and is starting to work. 

41 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Like Neil i am pleased the Subpostmasters have finally been cleared. It has been a travesty of justice for a number of years. Lives and reputations have been destroyed no amount of compensation will ever bring that back. It is another example of computer software being seen as infallible 

I see that the the head of the Post Office at the time is refusing to give any comment.


5 hours ago, jonny777 said:

Just had a call from the care home. Dad has deteriorated to the point where they would like me to consider agreeing to a DNR instruction in the event that he suffers some form of serious setback (heart attack, stroke, etc. ). 


It is a difficult subject to consider, and head versus heart really. 



My family are aware of my wishes if I am unable to speak for myself. I think that what ID has suggested is the way to go. An honest opinion as to his quality of life if there is a setback would help but its a decision I'm glad I don't have to take.

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10 hours ago, polybear said:

...Hmmm, iD has a nasty streak amongst that wise-ness....:nono:

Coffee and cream?  Now that's just plain spiteful. :angry:..

Any moronic thug can be nasty, but in order to be a Supervillain you have to be nasty AND make it hurt. And to get into the really big league (and Captain Cynical modestly considers himself to be in the top 10 worldwide), you have to be nasty, make it hurt and do it with finesse, sophistication, panache and -dare I say it- with more than a soupçon of evil, black humour (which is why one of Captain Cynical’s newest anti-bear traps is a LDC shell hiding a lethal core of coffee cream and chopped walnuts and which explodes on the slightest and lightest paw contact. The backroom boys in the weapons development facility had a good chortle when they came up with that one!)

Another favourite of the lads is the claymore pizza which, when disturbed, sends out a shower of red hot, very lethal, chips saturating a 3 m radius (And you really don’t want to know what my Korean minion, Mr oddtask, can do with an accurate throw of a combat Pita bread...)


Now I am off to prepare a modest dinner: tortellini with a cream and ham sauce and a small mixed salad. No cake is foreseen.

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21 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Any moronic thug can be nasty, but in order to be a Supervillain you have to be nasty AND make it hurt. And to get into the really big league (and Captain Cynical modestly considers himself to be in the top 10 worldwide), you have to be nasty, make it hurt and do it with finesse, sophistication, panache and -dare I say it- with more than a soupçon of evil, black humour


... and a white cat.

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Good evening at the close of another week of lunacy at the house of incredulity! When last seen, the doors to the asylum were well and truly off of their hinges and on lorries departing, at speed, in diverging directions. Result: lunar ticks everywhere with their 'phones!


Hey Ho! C'est la Guerre!


47 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Any moronic thug can be nasty, but in order to be a Supervillain you have to be nasty AND make it hurt. And to get into the really big league (and Captain Cynical modestly considers himself to be in the top 10 worldwide), you have to be nasty, make it hurt and do it with finesse, sophistication, panache and -dare I say it- with more than a soupçon of evil, black humour


And, if carried out correctly, the subject of your villainy thanks you for what you have done! ;)


Edited by JohnDMJ
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9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Poly Bear , we have a Miele oven, two in fact and we’ve not had any trouble.


Many thanks - Bear took the plunge this morning and went for the Miele; it's not due for delivery for a fortnight (my choice) and I can cancel at any time before that - or change the delivery date - so if I do change my mind there's no problem.  It seems they were down to their last two in stock (which may or may not have been true) so I had to act; I got a very good deal compared to other suppliers (including taking away the old gas cooker that's seen 20+ years of faithful service :cry: ) - and giving me fifty quid trade-in for it at the same time :yahoo:


9 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Just been seeing on the TV about the sub-postmasters wrongly convicted due to the post office and software suppliers inaccuracies and the subsequent cover-up.  As I was a subbie in 2003, it makes my blood run cold, there but for the grace of (insert deity to choice) go I.  We used different software here.... :heat:


Bear has heard various radio news reports and interviews throughout the day, plus the TV news this evening.  F.criminal - there's no way the compensation they'll get will be anywhere near enough - and it won't make up for a ruined life in any event.  One Postmistress interviewed said that the whole saga didn't even involve the Police - how that worked I've no idea, but it seems it did.


9 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

The Fray Bentos pies are still OK (as of my last sampling a few years ago) the current puddings (in a plastic microwaveable basin, not a tin) are the ones that are pretty dire. I bought three as an indulgence from a shop specialising in British Food, tried one - awful; tried a second - still awful and the third is gathering dust...



Smother the third in neutralising agent (aka brown sauce) and it'll be fine edible.....


10 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

My family are aware of my wishes if I am unable to speak for myself. I think that what ID has suggested is the way to go. An honest opinion as to his quality of life if there is a setback would help but its a decision I'm glad I don't have to take.


Bear has an "Advance Decision" document - and carries a card in my wallet to that effect.  There are various injuries and conditions that, given the choice, I'd much rather bang out than carry on.  Blindness and being quadriplegic being just two of those listed.


4 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Now I am off to prepare a modest dinner: tortellini with a cream and ham sauce and a small mixed salad. No cake is foreseen.


Sounds nice - chips would set it off a treat though.  The omission of cake is a mistake though - a decent pud might just save the day though....


In other news:

Which? Magazine has just published a Caterpillar Cake Test (you can't accuse them of being behind the times I s'pose) - M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Co-op and Asda.  Sadly Aldi wasn't included, as it wasn't available in the shops (but see below...).


Best for taste goes to......Charlie the Caterpillar, from the Co-op :yahoo:  (any Beary favouritism towards the purveyor of the world's finest - so far - LDC is purely co-incidental.....).  Just over sick squid, to you....


Best for appearance goes to.....Cecil the Caterillar (Waitrose).  Seven quid......


It seems that the M&S Colin the Caterpillar got top marks from some taste testers, and lowest from the others.....


Sadly Bear wasn't invited to be on the testing panel :cry:


As for Aldi's Cuthbert the Caterpillar - he's been absent since February, no doubt due to the legal action by M&S.  But now Cuthbert's back - at least temporarily - with profits going to cancer charities:



Bear's fun for the day has involved testing the two in-line WiFi switch modules intended to switch the lights beneath the kitchen wall units on & off.  Simple enough, thought Bear....

Jeez, what a b'stard job - took probably 5 hours :O

First you need to download an App (a what??) - so Bear manages - after much fighting - to do this via his Amazon Tablet.  However, despite doing this via that tablet, the App went onto the Samsung Tablet :unknw_mini:  Then I had to register via the App - despite it being a pile of cr@p - "verify by putting the piece of jigsaw into the hole".  Only the piece is visible, and for 99% of the time the jigsaw isn't - so take a guess, buddy.....:angry:

Then it was back to the Amazon Tablet to get the switch working and controllable via the Alexa thingummy.  Only the instructions that come with the switch were written by a bozo....

And still the b. things wouldn't work......

I then discover that the switches work on 2.4GHz - and Bear's new Router is on 5Ghz :banghead:So into the Router settings and spend ages experimenting until I discover how to make it work on 2.4Ghz :yahoo:- at that point the switches start playing :yahoo::dance_mini: 

But now Bear discovers that all other WiFi devices won't work, cos' part of the frequency change involved (possibly unnecessarily, but too late now) changing the Wifi Name....

So five Alexa gadgets, plus two smart plugs (one of which is a b'stard to get to) all need updating - and each and every one of those is as temperamental as the Wifi switch modules....

Scream?  Oh yes.


The only (possible) ray of sunshine is that the smart plug that used to work quite happily when in the shed (and controlling the garden water feature) but then stopped working when the new router arrived might just start working again, hopefully - it seems that 5Ghz has a shorter range than 2.4Ghz, so that would explain things.  Maybe.


Is this what's known as progress?  Hmmmm......

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50 minutes ago, TheQ said:

More importantly the head of the post office who got a Gong for it, during the prosecutions, is not saying anything either.


Thats the one I was referring too, hopefully there is a way that they can take the gong from her.

15 minutes ago, Pacific231G said:

A friend of mine has just told me that one of her neighbours is a widower because his wife, who was a sub-postmistress, killed herself while facing such unfounded accusations of fraud and theft. It really is high time that the bosses of large organisations were made properly accountable for behaviour like this: accountable to the point of facing jail and personal ruin. Unfortunately, they're more likely to get knighthoods.

I remember hearing The Great Post-Office Trial, the series about the scandal that R4 have been running  this week, in May last year and it was chilling. It was far more than just a belief in the infallibility of software - is anyone really still stupid enough to believe that ? - but more a refusal to take responsibility for it when it became obvious and a willingness to let others suffer to cover up the errors. 

Very true, but I doubt that those responsible will be taken to task. 

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