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7 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

I haven't heard that one before although may have heard the officers name mentioned before. I take it you mean his father was a Vicar too not an Estate Agent as my dad was for many years. And as for the male society i never knew the cubs had so much influence 

Yes, his father was a vicar just east of where you live.



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Bear's fun for the day has involved a short walk to the post box to post (a) my postal vote (dunno why I bother) and (b) a birthday card to my SiL (dunno why I bother - not so much as a phone call from her or brother in over ten years - they only live an hour away.  The last call from me to bruv - and I had a feeling he'd rather I hadn't called - ended with him saying "we'll have to come over and see you, or you come here - I'll have a word with SWMBO and get back to you". I had a strong suspicion it wasn't gonna happen (history...) and I was right - I'm still waiting for that call, ten years later).


Then it was a bit of scanning, followed by the prep of a kitchen delivery check sheet for next week - I have a fear of them saying that something has been delivered - and signed for by Bear - only for there to be no sign of it.


Then it was another session with Nurse Covid (cue incoming jokes.....) followed by sorting the pan cupboard and re-distributing them around the house, after first checking which ones will work with an Induction Hob (they need to be magnetic); Bear was somewhat pleased to discover that the newest and best ones are induction compatible, which should save money.  There are three or four older and scruffier ones that will go to the great scrappie in the sky, but that's no great loss cos' I've got too many anyway (how many does a Bear actually need, after all?).


I think this afternoon I'm gonna get really excitable and do some dusting in the lounge.....

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I must report that it is lovely clear blue skies here on the mainland and that I'm having to resist the urge to get the shorts out. Don't panic at the back there it is not what you think. Shorts are only worn for several days when there is a 'u' in the month and it coincides with a blue moon. 


So what else has occurred since my last report. Well I have been and had my 2nd jab, Pfizer since you ask. I despite being asked to report do not appear to be on any database as they were unable to find me. This happened the first time. Still weighing up whether this is a good or bad thing.


Off now to Weald the Dyson as it hasn't been used in some considerable time. Wonder if I could ask for sick leave due to adverse reactions to jab- tiredness, lethargy ah that's how I feel anyway.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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Hello again from Estuary-Land.  

3 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I was a shop steward at a GEC factory in the 1970's, company asked for voluntary redundancies, it was pointed out that we had a guy still working past his 65th birthday, so maybe he should asked to retire, this happened. Some weeks later one of the managers came up to me, "I thought we let that guy retire" he said, "yes" I replied, "Well he's still here working?". Turns out he couldn't spend the whole day at home with his missus, so he carried on coming into work, running errands for folk and pushing a brush round without pay, they had to ask him to stop as he wasn't insured to be on the site. He was later seen driving round and round the streets all day on his motor bike, apparently he'd still not told his wife he'd retired!!

In a similar vein. In the early 80's the London borough where I worked in the payroll department took over the GLC houses when the GLC was abolished. We also took over the maintenance staff. One of the painters, who had worked for the GLC since he had left school more than forty years previously fell ill soon after the take over and the problem was identified as his being allergic to the brand of paint used by the council (different to the GLC paint). As he was about 61 at the time he was put on ill health retirement, the only thing was he didn't want to go. But go he did and the next thing was he tried to sue the council for unfair dismissal which as you would expect was thrown out by the court. He was about to appeal when he dropped down dead at the age of 63. The only one who benefitted was his lawyer.

1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:


Take, care, Lurkio.  When Mrs NHN worked in the dole/pensions office many moons ago,  (she did pensions) a rather unpleasant colleague in unemployment benefit wrote a letter like that, and was foolish enough to print it.  It got accidentally sent with all the others on the printer pile by being heaped into the folder/envelope stuffer thing by a helpful minion....'Dear Malingering Parasite' was the heading.....he became 'Dear Dismissed', then as is the way, re-instated at a lower grade on appeal as he blamed all his team colleagues for actually sending it and it was 'just a bit of a joke'.  His colleagues didn't much like getting blamed for his incompetence (notorious) and accusations, he had to be placed elsewhere.  He later got sacked for something else.


Just how accidental was it getting into the 'to be sent' pile?;)

Edited by PhilJ W
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28 minutes ago, jonny777 said:

One thing which makes me feel old, is the placing of ads on Eurosport snooker. The one showing orthopaedic beds and walking trolleys is bad enough; but the one which annoys me even more is some lady actor posing as a satisfied customer for a company called Parsleybox. 


Apparently, according to her, there is always room for some sticky toffee pudding. This is said as if it is some English classic remembered wistfully from 1930s dinner tables along wit jam roll-poly and spotted dick. 


Except it is not. As far as I can make out, sticky toffee *anything* was unheard of in the UK until the 1970s, and only then at a restaurant in the Lake District until it escaped into the celebrity cookbooks, which are almost identical except for adding/subtracting a few grams here and there to make them look original. 


The origin of the pudding seems to be Canada, and the main ingredient is dates - something which the Parsleybox concoction has precisely 0 grams of. In fact looking on their ingredients list, the main one appears to be water - which does not strike me as everyone's pudding starting point. The inclusion of five different E-numbered chemicals would also put me off, but I suspect they are one of the reasons the meals can be stored in a cupboard, rather than the freezer. 


Right, daily moan over. 


Now to wait for the motorised wheelchair advert......

Makes a change for the ads for 50 to 80 funeral plans or cremation plans

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Just now, simontaylor484 said:

Makes a change for the ads for 50 to 80 funeral plans or cremation plans


Yes, I haven't seen too many of those recently - but then I tend to lose concentration in the ad breaks. 

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I haven't heard a skylark in years. 


I grew up with them, especially when spotting by the GN&GE in the 1960s. I could rarely see them high up above the fields, but their continuous song from the sky was an audible backdrop to the half hour gaps between goods trains. 


If I heard one now, I know I would be transported straight back there. 

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4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

At the moment we get, Robins, Blue Tits, sparrows and blackbirds.  Occasionally we get a Hoopoe and also at  night a Little Owl. However our current most regular caller is Harry the pheasant called for Sally and Meghan.  We get a lot of buzzards nearby and we hear them mewing sometimes. 



Yesterday afternoon on grandad duty there was a sparrow hawk sitting on daughter's shed roof watching some activity in the next garden. Not usual for a suburban garden in the Stockport area I would have thought.

Edited by TheSignalEngineer
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16 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:

while numbers have declined massively in the UK

Not in my corner of the UK.   They have been particularly prolific around here the last couple of years with the noise of chirping sparrows being nearly deafening in most of the local hedgerows (which is good!)


No House Martins or Swallows yet though but plenty of Red Kites .....

Edited by PupCam
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