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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

But is "Ingenuity" really a stupid name?

I don’t think it is a stupid name. It was developed using the name Mars Helicopter and schoolchildren were offered a chance to name it. A child from Alabama won. The helicopter is unofficially “Ginny”. 

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4 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

consider commenting to them, but given the propensity to find folks being shot for looking sideways at someone else here now, I decline to make any comment!

Sounds like some of the pubs round here except it would be a fist not a gun certainly 20 years ago it was like that

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8 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

At least Midgard is preferable to realm of Hel / Helheim in the roots of Yggdrasil.


Do you ascend back to Asgard via the Bilröst (rainbow bridge)?


Do watch out for Jörmungandr in the encircling sea.

Read much Norse mythology lately?

7 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

At least it's not "Copter McCopter Face".


Quite! I think asking the great British public to name something is an exercise in futility. “Boaty McBoatface”?  Really? Of the hundreds, if not thousands of more inspiring, more appropriate and just more sensible names, the British public decided on “Boaty McBoatface“. But there again (puts on Captain Cynical spandex), many europeans do regard taste and sophistication as things with which the “Great British Public” have but a fleeting acquaintance!

7 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

A total waste of money!

I couldn’t disagree more. A lot of the advances in medicine, advances we now take for granted, have come out of the various space programs.  Nonstick coatings, new types of plastic, ECG telemetry, advanced ceramics not to mention great advances made in materials technology,  all have their roots in the various space programs, scattered across the globe.

I am sure that if someone nowadays would make a remake of James Burke’s “Connections“ they would be able to trace how putting a man on the moon lead to the iPhone (does anyone else remember the TV series “Connections“? It was made back in the days when you actually did have intelligent and informative TV programmes, like Connections or The Ascent of Man or World At War [sadly, it seems like Dear Old David A is the only one still making that sort of program nowadays])

6 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The European super league is being scrapped. Barca and Atletico have also pulled out, good job too. All those billionaire club owners should look on the bright side, there won't be so much money for them to count.

As far as I am concerned, the whole exercise was a cynical attempt to increase their already astronomical revenues. Many decades ago, it was said that “rugby is a game played by hooligans and watched by gentlemen, whilst football is a game played by gentlemen and watched by hooligansCaptain Cynical would observe that today: “football is a game played by the grossly overpaid and watched by the grossly underpaid”.

Not being remotely interested in the “beautiful game“, I really don’t pay too much attention to football and all that surrounds it, but one thing did pop up over my radar horizon was of the simply enormous cost of attending a single match (let alone buying a season ticket for a well known club).
Another football “factoid” that floated into my peripheral vision, was the complaint made by many veteran football enthusiasts that football - once a low cost entertainment for the working class - has now become the province of the well-heeled middle-classses who have jumped on the fashionable football bandwagon and pushed up the prices of everything associated with the game.

Up early today, went to bed fairly early but had an uncomfortable night, Nothing of great import, just the usual deterioration of a body that is long past it’s “best before date“.


Finally, an update for those amongst you who are patisserie aficionados: The profiteroles turned out pretty well given that it was my first attempt at making Choux pastry; I will be working on a better recipe for the pastry this weekend and making chocolate eclairs and, if there is enough choux pastry left over, possibly a cream bun or two. And if that goes well, then I will attempt a Paris- Brest (with a home-made praline buttercream filling).


Happy Hump Day

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

7 hours sleep minus two medium length wake up and turn overs...


As to the boot a thing on plastic, I think eventually one day there will be a super European League, within the current authorities control, but including promotion and demotion from lower leagues. But quite how , that's arranged, I don't know. One team from each country could mean 55 teams, clearly too many. Also a small countrys team from say Albania  would probably lose every match...


I'm now on part two of the week having crossed the hump.. I've taken Friday off, we will be going shopping Friday, GY or Cromer / Sheringham providing they stay zero cases of Covid. We will go early arriving at opening time, stay masked all the time, and leave before the lunch time crowds..


Ben the snoring Collie has yet to awake,  he's late, and if I don't move so will I be.


Time to get up.

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Moaning all from the boring borough. Off shortly for a round of spinal origami. At least it gets me out of the house on a chilly Wednesday morning. 


I'm so looking forward to this new Super League. Just think. Barcelona v Real Madrid EVERY Wednesday for 38 weeks of regular season, then playoffs, and finally the Super Cup. All for the low low price on Amazon Prime of 75€ a month. <chortle> As one person on Twitter commented, they'd seen Sugababes lineups that lasted longer than the ESL. 


Enjoy the day. 

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35 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Greetings one and all


I don’t think I have shared this tale with gentle readers before and you will soon see why.  Last September I became a victim of crime.  A stranger engaged me in conversation in Bedford town centre and by a process that I do not fully understand even now managed to con me out of £20.  It left me feeling foolish and humiliated.  Had it been left to me the matter would not have been reported to the police.  That it was is down to the young man responsible for monitoring the town centre CCTV, who saw the whole wretched incident and summoned the law.  Later that day a WPC called on me and took a statement.  It turned out that the offender was well known to the police.  In March he appeared at Luton Crown Court on half a dozen charges and was found guilty.  Sentencing was adjourned for reports to be prepared.  I learned yesterday afternoon that he has been sentenced to 54 months in prison.  While this is good news, it does not make me feel better for not reporting the crime myself.


I share Younger Lurker’s enthusiasm for the late great Keith Floyd.  My cousin Mike Foren, sadly no longer with us, was named in the credits of some of Keith’s programmes as videotape editor.  Sadly I could never persuade him to show me the out-takes.


Best wishes to all




Speaking of CCTV have you checked out the koala cam at the Lone Pine Sanctuary? Ultimate slow TV, nothing happens until you nick off to get a cup of tea, come back and find they've moved..


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Mornin' folks.


Typically dull grey in South Derbyshire.


Laundry in the machine, breakfast consumed, inbox visited and now off to do some soldering.


Stay well, stay safe and most of all stay sane.


Bye for now.

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