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Greetings all from a Sidcup which is beautifully sunny but not all that warm yet.


I have not been to Paris for a few years now (around 8 or 9) and I don't recall Paris being eye-wateringly expensive; perhaps that is because I am used to London prices!


I have stayed in a hotel at Mountparnasse in the past - it may well have been the Mercure. It was the first time Mrs Lurker had been there and we largely walked everywhere. 


The most recent time, we had the Lurker boys with us and stayed in serviced apartments not very far from the Champs Elysee (I think Boulevard Haussmann but don't quote me on that!). They were surprisingly good value.


I remember thinking that the West Coast of the states was expensive - but we did tend to stay in big centres for some of our trip (Seattle, San Fran) but some of the places we ate at were really good value. There was a little Nepalese place near one of the entrances to Mount Rainier national part that sticks in the mind. Having said that, we did used to have such big portions that we usualy skipped starters and puddings so it didn't work out too bad!


Have a good day all

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We went to Portmeirion a few times, 80s-90s then were sent free entry winter tickets but haven’t been for some time. On one occasion we bumped into several groups of No.6 fans. You could tell them from their outfits! On another, there was a rather grand wedding party. The place is quite big, so there is always something new to see, find, explore. Food was good when we went. In winter, some of the shops etc are closed but it lies on the estuary and has its own woods, so still plenty to enjoy. And parking was no problem as I recall.

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I used to watch The Prisoner at the time and some years ago they started to show the series again. To my surprise, I could not watch it - I found it too sinister. Oh what difference a few years on your life can make!

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29 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:


Had an exceptional dinner and game afternoon/evening with Trevor and Meagan - Mexican Train being the game of choice for the evening. I was an early leader then failed :O



Stay safe.

An excellent game.  Some friends of ours have a set and we played it on Christmas day afternoon/evening.



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Flavio has often mentioned the difference between domestic and commercial catering equipment. One of Aditi’s cousins sent a video of the kitchens at a Gurdwara in Delhi. They produce 60000 meals a day, no cook chill. The pan for 350 kg of dal was most impressive. 

Edited by Tony_S
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9 hours ago, PupCam said:

You are probably correct and Puppers has just fallen for it!   


Still, looking on the bright side, clearly your cynicism level is still improving after the recent setback.   Spill the beans, how much LDC medication did you have yesterday?


None, sadly - Bear was brave enough to suffer the symptoms until today, when a planned visit to the local Co-op (walking the long way there for some much needed and long overdue exercise) only to discover that the place was full of some sort of smoke/mist.  And I really do mean FULL.  From what I could gather it sounds like the place has a security system that releases clouds of....something....above the tills/booze & fag cabinet when triggered.  And a fault had triggered it.....

Bear was wise enough to realise the place wasn't going to be open anytime soon (I wonder if smoked LDC will be on special offer tomorrow?) so it was off to the local "corner shop" - which isn't actually on a corner - for some milk; LDC was far too upmarket for this place.  It's only the second time I've ever been on there, and the prices show why.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover that a 4 pinter of milk was comparable to the price of that sold in the Co-op....until I got home, that is.....

The Co-op one is 2.272 L, whilst the corner shop one is only 2 L.  Bear's been robbed :cry:


8 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I have never been to Korea (Aditi very nearly booked a cruise that went there) and so we have only eaten in Korean restaurants in London and Dublin. Of course they have have been doing Korean food in the same way as Indian restaurants do Indian food in the UK. The tearoom in one of the Southend parks served Korean food at weekends for a while a few years ago. We never went as we only went to that park on weekdays when it was less busy. 


Korea does a nice line in Kimchi (pickled cabbage, that comes in about a million different flavours apparently).  The term "nice" is rather subjective though, but when you're comparing it to Deep Fried Chrysalis or Pickled Silkworm Pupae, Bear knows which of the three he'd rather have....


7 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

When (and where) we visited the dogs were, as is Parisienne and broadly French tradition, revered and got seats to eat and drink at café and restaurant tables.  We knew that was the custom but still found it offputting. 



I wonder if the waiters clean the seats down after doggie has been sitting there - or do they rely on the next customer's trousers or dress to do the job.....


7 hours ago, Pacific231G said:

This was a much more upmarket hotel than I normally stay in  but i was rather taken aback to see that they wanted something like €20 for the buffet breakfast. It didn't take me more than about five minutes to find a local café round the corner that would do a perfectly good petit dejeuner for about 4€ (5€ if I wanted an egg)  



There are many Hotels in the UK that now charge extra for brekkies - and they're charging that kind of money, or close to.


6 hours ago, southern42 said:





Bear rescued some toy cars from his youth from the loft; I've previously sort and saved my favourites, whilst others are now on the 'bay.  Most are of the fiver variety (if that) but get listed at that start price cos' selling at a quid just isn't worth the time in packing etc.  However, Bear was most pleased to discover a vintage VW custom camper with surf boards intact that regularly sells for the thick end of a ton, or even over the ton if you're a lucky Bear.  That's now listed - which hopefully should compensate for the day it's taken to photograph and list them all.....


2 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Today, with closing arguments in the George Floyd case being presented as I write, we will grocery shop this afternoon for an impending siege possibility. :(

The streets of Minneapolis and some inner suburbs are starting to resemble Fallujah rather than a quiet upper mid-western city.

Possibly/probably some curfews will be in place the next few days, we will be listening for that information.




Bear is of the view that the accused deserves everything he's got coming - in normal circumstances there would be no way he get acquitted (the powers that be must realise the sh*t storm that would erupt would be of biblical proportions)......but in the USA nothing would surprise Bear.  However, no doubt the defence legal team are ready to claim that there is no way on earth their client could ever get a "fair trial" based on the amount of publicity which has preceded it.

Stocking up seems to be a very wise precaution.  Don't forget the LDC.


38 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

And talking of London hotels there was the manager of one moaning on R4 today that their bookings are well down because they aren't getting foreign tourists.  Apparently, much to his dismay, they aren't getting many bookings from British people who he implied are too tight fisted to spend anything between £350 and £5,000 per night for a room and he couldn't afford to reduce his prices. 



Or perhaps British people have too much common sense?  Five grand for a hotel room?  :rofl:

Bear doesn't even recall spending three fifty a night of the company's money on a room, let alone his own....


35 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:


Many thanks; in Bear's defence when you enter "Mitre Saw" in the S/F search box this device doesn't come up - only the leccy ones.  Even though it's listed as a Mitre Saw....:banghead:

How's the accuracy?

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Spent a bit too long on eye lid inspection this afternoon so running a bit late. I have visited Port Merrion on two occasions, the first in 1986 in September with my parents. My mum always wanted to visit there and the cost didn't seem excessive but then our budgets were quite good. We stayed at a farmhouse B&B, the breakfasts I can't remember so they can't have been that bad. The only thing was as we were driving home it came on the news about Chernobyl and that one of the areas affected by fall out was North Wales. The second time was about ten years later, by then Arthur Itis was making his presence felt on the steep pathways.


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5 minutes ago, Sir TophamHatt said:



The TV aerial saga is very slowly at the end.


Finished fitting the cables and tuned the TV, only got 40 or so channels.

Back up to the roof and turned it very slightly (about 10cm to the left), re-tuned and got 80+ channels but no Cbeebies HD.

Turned another 10cm and re-tuned.  Picked up 80+ channels again but upon looking through, Cbeebies HD was there!

A few hours later, TV says weak / no signal for that channel :(


I have one more trick to try and if it's still unreliable then looks like I'm gonna have to turn the aerial the opposite way round and receive West Midlands transmissions :(
Perhaps I'll just cut my losses and try this anyway as I know it'll work fine that way.


Bet if I try it tomorrow, it'll show all channels again!

You could always fit a booster to the aerial. I had one until I went over to cable. Only down about one is it is fitted to the aerial and would mean getting the ladders out again to fit one.

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