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The subject of middle names has come up. My grandmother was Lily Martin, Martin is my middle nsme andvour eldest is called Martin.  My father was always known by his middle name of Henry as his father was also Ernest Henry. I think that fustom was quite widespread  where the eldext son, on particular got given the same names as the father and was then called by the middle name.



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Naming in my family seems to have followed a similar pattern


Paternal grandparents - Lucy Stanley (maiden name) and Henry Ernest Colby

Dad - Stanley Henry Ernest Colby

Me - John Stanley ..,

Son - Richard John ...


Maternal grandparent - Daisy Mabel

Mum - Daisy


There were also a number of grandfather's relative called Daisy. I was told that way before mum was married that when they visited someone stood in the kitchen and called "Daisy" and four appeared.

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Started camping at age fourteen - Scouts.

Sandy camped from age seventeen

Occasional camping in the interim, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Ireland and Lake District

Camped in Cornwall as soon as son was old enough - 1994. Been through three frame tents.

Bought touring caravan in 2011,

Now on third caravan.

But since 2005 have been to the same campsite for summer. Before that same summer campsite from 1994-2004 as we were leading field trips. Caravan allows (or did allow pre pandemic) more shorter aways, Easter and bank holidays.

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My Dad is Michael my mums Brother is Michael 

One of my Dads Brother's is Richard my brother is called Richard 

Im Simon (obviously) my brother in law is also called Simon 


Confusion can reign 

Edited by simontaylor484
Missed off text
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1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

Today’s task completed.  Convert box into new blue sofa. Remove cat. Remove big red sofa to recycling facility. Replace cat. 

All accomplished without assistance. Delivery crew placed the box in the hallway without touching any part of the flat. I managed to get the red one out and along the road by myself despite Dr. SWMBO suggesting it would take two. 

What? There’s more???  Vacuum and dust, you say?  Yeah - dreckly :onthequiet:





Now young man this is not a criticism as I am in fact very impressed but surely the better way to have done that would have been to removed/disassembled the red sofa beforehand giving yourself more manoeuvring room for assembling the blue sofa.


The fact that you didn't and still had enough energy left to move the red sofa to the council approved designated collection spot leads me to my admiration for your abilities.


Can I claim my £ 5 as I think you are Clark Kent in disguise.

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:



When it is possible to go on holiday again, wherever my destination will be, the hotel will be luxurious (and surprisingly, you can frequently get great luxury boutique hotel rooms at a fraction of the price of a room in a mediocre mid-level chain), great nosh will be noshed (without having to cook, serve or clean up), I will be entertainec by various sorts of entertainment, culture will be cultured, retail therapy will be indulged in and at the end of each pleasurable day, I will return to a hotel room which is luxurious, clean, comfortable, all made up and ready for me to enjoy the night... The next day, after a refreshing shower, I will climb into some clothes, shut the hotel room door behind me - secure in the knowledge that in my absence it will all be returned to tip top shape - and saunter down to an enjoyable and frequently indulgent breakfast (and should I be in London, this would be, of course, a “Full English”).




I can see your point about having to cook/clean in a holiday home; but my problem with hotel rooms, especially in the morning, is that breakfast is often 8:30 to 9:30 but I like to lounge in bed  during hotel stays. If I am going to get up and have a shower, then swmbo has a shower, followed by getting dressed and wandering downstairs to eat, I have to get out of bed around 7:45 just for everything to be completed on time. 


Not only that, but if the hotel terms are half board, I am obliged to leave the room (whatever the weather) for a few hours when I might not want to. 


With a static caravan I can do as I please; and if I want to remain inside all day and have a bacon sarnie at 10:45 I can. 

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I’m waiting for the saffron fruit buns I made to have their final rising, so currantly I am bored (“currantly“, geddit?)


So as my over active brain has been churning over, I was thinking about all the ERs I have met and those I haven’t and I thought I would compile a short list of who I think these ER characters, who I have not met, would likely to resemble:


Erichill 16 = Johnny Rotten (definitely)

polybear = John Goodman

TonyS = David Niven, perhaps

Happy Hippo = Gert Frobe

Dave Hunt = maybe Kenneth Moore?

Philj W = George Cole

(and your picturations????)


Of course, when you meet someone from ER in real life, the reality is so different from what you imagine, that it is almost shocking. For example, ChrisF I imagined as a railway modelling Matt Lucas, he is certainly not that in the flesh!

Well time to rub some melted butter on an assortment of firm buns. 


Enjoy the Evening

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7 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

Morning...just barely!


POET achieved yesterday, though all that resulted was a fodder run, drizzle most of the afternoon/early evening prevented a Whitney walkies :O


Today, cleaning out debris from the window wells, airing out large shutter/shade for the porch, and the Mrs off for a walk/lunch with friend.


Later, who knows, once the boss is back, will be attempting to hang the porch shade. Doubtless much p!ssing and moaning, by me, as I strive to get the thing working.


5 but damp first thing, may reach 11 but remaining cloudy all day apparently.


Carry on.



What sort of drizzle?


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