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Afternoon all, howling gales still howling, no snow or rain, the suns been shining, but it is Baltic out there, or as it's a north wind perhaps it's more accurate to call it an Arctic wind. Apart from doing a running repair to a snapped post supporting a trellis with a rambling rose on it, a lot of loafing about has taken place.

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I noticed an inverted kitchen drawer on the worktop. Aditi said it was broken (she had been cleaning it) but it looked as if it had been glued before. I have repaired the runners similarly on others but this didn’t look like any glue I would have used so I suspect an original installers repair. I will have a rummage for my selection of repair epoxy sticks. 

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Not sure what I think of weather like this.

Very sunny outside but it's also cold.  So cold, it really tried to snow earlier but was fought off by the wind.


Read up about electrical spurs and how to get this aerial done, which will be Wednesdays job.  Think going for an outside mount will just be safer but will see.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Getting things ready for Gary the plumber to remove the old radiator and cap off the pipes. Problem is the shelving I used to hold the stuff from the brick shed is right in front of the radiator. The brick shed has filled up with other stuff while I wasn't looking and I've now got to move the stuff off of the shelves and find somewhere to put it. 

38 minutes ago, polybear said:

 Then it turned very quickly to "what would happen if Bear snuffed it - would there be anyone willing (and able) to take care of proceedings and Bear's empire in a correct manner?"   The thought of strangers doing it - with the very real risk of anyone "helping themselves"  can be a dark and destructive thought.  No doubt other ER'ers may be in a similar position.  


Indeed many of us have the same problem. I am in the process of writing my will at the moment and I have asked a like minded friend to be executor. There are some items that are of sentimental value such as some Dublo Dinky models that I purchased with my pocket money as a child. My friend who I have designated as executor collects Hornby Dublo and I have told him that when I go they're his though by the time I go some of the items will be presented to friends and relatives who I know will appreciate them. The only problem with the will at the moment is getting someone to witness it due to lockdown. Fortunately my sister will be my main executor with my friend just to take care of the models and books. 

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9 hours ago, jonny777 said:

I had a very nice dark chocolate Easter egg from Green & Blacks, which also included a couple of bars of their products, one of which is ginger. I have yet to sample that one; but it sounds an interesting flavour combination. 

Chocolate with ginger has long been enjoyed by me. If you really like ginger, you may enjoy it, it can be intense. Crystallized ginger, similarly so.


The "ginger factory" (along with the pineapple processing plant) was long a place for school field trips. Years ago it moved from its original location - situated on the top of a hill with magnificent views of the Pacific Ocean in the distance.

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This is why I asked my friend who shares my interest in railways and models to be one of my executors. I can't expect my main executor, my sister, to know whats what or what anything is worth with regard to those items. No doubt some items no member of the family will want such as furniture will have to be disposed of. In that case I have specified that it be offered to a local hospice charity that does house clearances.

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10 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

The talk of distribution of hobby chattels hits home hard, my ex-employee/good pal that visited the other day was having that chat, he has a nasty.  He has a year or so and was wondering if he should start selling now as his 2 grown up sons and grandkids have no interest.  It was a tough moment for me, I think a lot of him.  He knows only to well what his future is, he was a theatre scrub nurse. :(:cray_mini:

Thats a bu@@er. That is why as soon as it is physically possible I am going to make a start  on distributing various items among my friends and family. Only thing though there's such an enormous amount of stuff to deal with.

Edited by PhilJ W
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6 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Honestly?  I won't be around to care or to know.  If anyone profits then good luck.  I'd just like to think that items which may have useful life or even minimal value of any sort won't end up in the bin.  


Bear wouldn't mind profit, so long as it's someone that has some connection to me in a nice way.  The last thing I'd want is for some scrote to make money out of me.  I'd hope that the vast majority of items would avoid the bin too, though I appreciate that to do so would involve some serious effort on behalf of someone, be that an individual or organisation.


Bear's item on the 'bay has just sold for double it's start price of twenty quid (the minimum I'd be happy with) - so another redundant item out of the shed and converted into kitchen vouchers :yahoo:

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Thoughts with Dave's Dad and Neils' friend.


Andy P mentioned odd snow in Swadlincote - yes, we did have a few flakes followed by the round orange thing - took the thermometer outside to check. 6C but felt so much 'cooler'.


SWMBO cleaned the drive ... and in the process spattered cars ... both the drive and they look better now.

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5 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Enjoy the last day of the holiday weekend, those lucky enough to have one (4 day holiday weekends are not an option/reality in the colonies ;) ).

Then you're in the wrong colony, mate!


Edited by monkeysarefun
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