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Morning all,


Lovely sunny day but still somewhat on the chilly side although pleasant in the sunshine - so the G word will no doubt be enacted in some form or other.   The lad has brought home the 'papers although the Torygraph (lots of sudoku etc) is regrettably absent for the second day running).


I know that it was always said that promotion was a matter of who you know but in reality i think it tended to be more a matter of who knew you in that if your abilities (or lack thereof) were known it affected your chances of getting a job and that increasingly became the case on BR from the 1970s onwards,  Interviews could be anything from fraught to hilarious in my experience and when I go my first management range (MS) job in 1974 the interviewing panel consisted of c.8/9 people but they were interviewing for about a dozen different posts spread all over the West Country.  I later learnt from the one who picked me that there was even an element of 'I'll take that one' as candidates were discussed by the interviewers.   And as elsewhere going into a particular promotion (to MS grade on BR in those days) there could be a substantial drop in earning - my income comparing tax year '74/'75 with tax year '73/'74 dropped by £1,500 due to loss of overtime and Sunday pay and it took a good while to get that back.


Subsequent promotions were the same old mixture as I progressed through all the MS grades (1 -5) without, alas, managing to jump any of them although one was a regrading following a reorganisation and the final one was done without an interview but simply appointed on recommendation (i.e.'who knew me') although it was disguised as something else during a reorganisation.  When I moved to Executive Grade (EG) that was my last interview for promotion and fortunately I knew more about the job than the person who asked most of the questions at the interview (he still occasionally 'phones me to ask about things connected with that job ;) ) while the other person on the panel effectively tested how good I'd been at assessing in much greater depth what we had discussed a couple of weeks previously when I had gone to see him to find out what the job involved.  


BR had succession lists for all senior MS posts (MS 4 and above) and all EG posts and a potential personal succession listed on the personal file of all senior managers.  But by the late 1980s/'90s less and less attention was being paid to them.   I was probably on the succession list for the MS4 job because I was by far the best qualified candidate but I certainly wasn't on the succession list for the EG job although it might possibly have been on my personal file succession list.  And the one person on the post succession list who was interviewed for that EG job obviously didn't get it.  All history now of course.


Right the G word loometh so have a good day one and all and stay safe - if you can.

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is out, it's cooler than yesterday but a good day for shift a large pile of bricks. About halfway through and just taking a break with a muggertea. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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9 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

infinitely superior to anything you can get at any supermarket (and probably better than some artisan bakers).

And a sight less costly. At £2.50 a loaf from out local artisan bakery whereas the ingredients and cost of cooking for two loaves of the same size is about a quid. OK, there's labour involved, but much of the time is spent in waiting for yeast to do its work.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Afternoon All


Just a quick look in between listing on eBay and addressing stuff sold on eBay and while 30747 is gassing on the phone to 73119.


So it's simply generic greetings to all fellow ERs.


Regards to All


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Afternoon all from the bier patio. A very sunny and comfy day in the boring Borough. A Belgian Lambic and Trappist bruin being enjoyed. 
More shed clearing done so no guilt. 
Lamb prepped for the bbq. 


Hoppy Easter. 


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Hello again from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis and his mate Si Attica have been playing their merry tunes since the early hours. Paracetamol has quietened them down but shortly it will be out with something a bit stronger to silence them altogether. 

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2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I had only one promotion when I worked for the council, that was when I transferred from the rents to the weekly wages department. All other regrades were the result of reorganisations. Having said that there was a reorganisation whereby the wages and salaries departments were merged into a single department. We all expected a regrade but none was forthcoming but the pensions department which had been part of the salaries department was made a separate department with a jump of no less than four grades leapfrogging the payroll department as it now was. A few years later another reorganisation happened, the pensions department got a regrade straight away and when we were offered just the next grade. This time though we argued our case and took it all the way up to the council committee. They were appalled when they found out that we hadn't received the previous upgrade and not just awarded us the grade which we should have received on that reorganisation but the next grade up. That was handy for me as I was to retire only a few years later and it helped boost my pension.

Further to that it turned out that a woman in the pensions department was one of the senior managements 'bit-on-the-side'. She was a nasty piece of work as well. There was a bullying incident where she was the instigator, management was notified but it was all brushed under the carpet. Then her line manager left and she got his job.

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5 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Yes, just the local corner shop for a paper and a bit of cake, Supermarkets and shops over a certain sq footage cant open, same with Garden Centres and Car Sales etc.


Washing done, bed changed, successful recce to the local Co-op - where LDC was sold out :angry:; however Salted Caramel Cake wasn't - and it was on special offer too :yahoo:.  Various other goodies *may* have fallen into Bear's trolley at the same time - wasn't my fault Guv, honest....


Bear is currently watching "Star Trek - Picard" via Amazon Prime; I hate to admit it, but once the current free trail membership expires (first it was one month, and when Bear went to cancel that they gave me another 3 months added on for now't) I think I might just give in and keep it this time.  Some of the telly stuff, films etc. look rather too good to lose.  ST Picard is very good indeed.


Bear also managed to drill a couple of holes in the wall for the kitchen alarm sensor - another job ticked off the list.  I also need to wash the car (well overdue) but it's already 3 o'clock and....it'll keep until tomorrow.....


No Easter Eggs for Bear :cry: though numerous choccy sweetie bars may have been added to the shopping haul.







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@The White Rabbit When we started having odd problems at work and I was calling maintenance every time, which was taking time out of teaching, I bought one of these. Saved a lot of faffing.


P.S. We discovered the problem was a cleaner plugging in to a five amp fused circuit meant only for chargers

Edited by Coombe Barton
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2 hours ago, AndrewC said:

Afternoon all from the bier patio. A very sunny and comfy day in the boring Borough. A Belgian Lambic and Trappist bruin being enjoyed. 
More shed clearing done so no guilt. 
Lamb prepped for the bbq. 


Hoppy Easter. 




Wheres mine???






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sunny still.. but the Hoolie is blowing hard and it is flippin freezing!  Good job I cut the grass this morning...


Almost time for our Zoom Tea and Wads meeting with teh Bogglers.. two of whom walked to Boggle from Robin Hoods Bay including a plodge in the North Sea.. they maybe in Scarborough Hospital now trying to overcome hypothermia!



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Good afternoon!


New TV aerial has arrived so back to seeing what I can do with that this week - such a saga!


We have Freesat and our current Samsung TV has the inbuilt TV guide.  If I buy a new TV, the Samsung will go upstairs to our room.  It will then need a Freeview connection.  Easily done - just connect an aerial in the loft to the wires.  The new TV for downstairs that I'm looking at doesn't support a TV guide when using Freesat.  That's okay, I can just add a splitter in the loft so both TVs can use Freeview.


Problem then is that I live very close to the border for West Midlands and the nearest transmitter is in Sutton Coldfield.  If I tune to this transmitter, I'll get local West Mids news.  Turn the aerial the other way and I can get East Mids news but no HD channels as the transmitter isn't powerful enough.  I know all this as I tried an aerial in the loft to see what I could get from a loft-mount - I was surprised at what did come through.  I could mount it outside but that means re-drilling a hole I filled in a few years back, which had an overflow pipe from the old heating system.  Luckily my house has a shallow sloping roof from an extension so I can stand on that and get near to the roof - no way am I spending money getting someone to mount it on the chimney.


New aerial can be powered, so having to convert an old smoke alarm wire so I can plug it in there, which means running a new bit of twin and earth about 4m from where it current pops down from the ceiling.  A bit of a faff but we are where we are.  You watch - I'll do all the re-drilling and weatherproofing only for me to not get HD channels from the East Mids transmitter!  Luckily I have a long cable I can run through a nearby window, then up to the loft to see before hand!


I could choose another TV that would support an EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) through Freesat but not sure it would be in my budget / good TV set as I think only LG and Samsung officially support it.

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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Given how costly  real saffron is, to use the amount of saffron required to make Hot Cross Buns on an industrial scale would be prohibitively expensive. Creating cheap, synthetic, chemical substitutes for natural aromas and extracts is very big business nowadays. Some of these synthetic substitutes are indistinguishable from the real thing, but many are not-particularly those that try to mimic a flavour that has a complicated melange of chemicals making up the natural substance.




Enjoy your Sunday!

A friend of mine used to work for a food processing co in batching and when they were using safron it had to be got out of a safe and signed for. Some of the things he tells me about the way they do things are positivley hair curling

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This morning started with clear skies and beautiful warm sunshine and a light south Westerly.

The wind slowly increased which is why no tree cutting was carried out the wind was straight towards the muddling shed.

Slowly during the day the wind has moved round to the north, while it's still a reasonable temperature out there, and still beautiful sunshine. I've just woken up the fire and built it up for the evening temperature drop..

This is after a near 3 hour eyelid inspection, the weeks sleep deficit may well have been recovered.


Electrics RCDs tripping.

Is it if any sub district is switched on?

If so it could be,

the RCD itself , they do occasionally fail.

Something else in the distribution unit itself, such as dampness or a sagging bare wire.

Or an outside chance, a fault in the supply.


If it's in a single district, similar.

Dampness in the wiring,

A wiring fault probably in a socket for lights or power where a wire has slowly sagged so now it touches and fails.

A fried mouse in the works, as I found in a splitter box for lighting once.




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