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Afternoon Awl, and that was as far as I got, for an hour, due to a eyelid inspection.

There are three shelves, installed, but they've got to be taken down again, I forgot some supporting bits.

Luckily it's just a few screws, I had to make the supporting bits  so they're now done, but by the time each side was painted twice , they were too late for installation. 


A long discussion was had on the next round of shelves, as it was decided three large Collie ornaments have to be displayed. This meant more  supports had to be made for different spacing, half have been painted.


The other hub and wheel was installed on the trailer. Then much bolting of trailer pieces together, just a few more bolts to go. Holes needing drilling for each one which is what takes the time.


Then it will be on to fitting boat supports, for that my drawing case luckily turned up, having been excavated from the old book room. So prior to ocular checks I was drawing to scale, the trailer with the boat superimposed over the plan. It's a bit difficult, as the boat is loaded stern first, so the rudder will be in the way, so the supports have to be spaced apart, but support the narrow stern.







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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped down to Tess Coes earlier, Found some sea bass fillets and some green veg for tomorrows dinner, no carbs with that just a double portion of green veg. Shortly I will be preparing tonights dinner, I just fancy liver and bacon, with onions of course. A package arrived this morning containing an item that runs on two parallel strips of metal. It needs a little work but seeing as the bank holiday is going to be cold its something to do.

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21 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

This is the best i found on another part of the forum. 


They are the same colour as our Dachshund Rolo


Dachshunds are the most endearing little dogs. Smart, eager to work (went properly trained) and they have the most appealing faces. What’s more they look like dogs, not like something that’s run into the back of a stationary bus or something that looks like it could be used as a ladies hand warmer.  
Sadly, thanks to the irresponsibility and stupidity in the face of science of breeders and breed standards, these poor beasts often suffer from hereditary diseases that can make their life unpleasant.

Looking at prints from the early days of the breeds’ existence, it is clear how this once healthy small dog has been abused by the breeders. 

21 hours ago, brianusa said:

I do miss good hot cross buns. The concept is not unknown here, but come packaged and baked who knows how long ago. Some of them are even iced! :( They do not compare with my memories of hot cross buns fresh from the bakery.


Mike, we've just ordered half a dozen from a local bakery.  Not a bad attempt at the real mcoy.;)



You could always try making your own Hot Cross Buns. They are very easy to do, albeit a bit time-consuming (I used Felicity Cloake’s recipe which can be found online in the Guardian). They turned out beautifully, despite me having dropped the whole tray of buns on the floor after the second proving. Once retrieved from the kitchen floor, re-kneaded and allowed to prove again, They went into the oven and turned out very nice indeed go, although not quite as light as if I hadn’t had to re-knead and re-prove them.

They were so tasty, that I will once again make a batch (but without adding the cross on top) for Mrs ID for when she returns from the holiday hovel with the Wolfpack next Thursday.  This time, however, I will make damn sure I don’t drop them on the floor....

7 hours ago, PupCam said:

Or could it be that there is a sizeable portion of the general population that are just as thick as s....? 

Even if one is charitable and assumes that intelligence in the UK follows a bell shaped curve (although this may not be the reality), it still means that 50% will be below the median value (and if you assess intelligence by IQ, it means that 50% of the population have an IQ of 100 or less).

However, (and most unusually for me) being slightly charitable, one could also say that people are conditioned to be stupid. The educational system, commerce, advertising and the media all together promote antiintellectualism (“too clever by half“ is not an expression you’ll hear in any of the other European languages, other than English). A population who is trained to and allowed to use what ever intellect they are born with to its full extent are a most unwelcome thing to the powers that be. People who can think for themselves and draw their own conclusions, are people who can successfully challenge the status quo and will not rush out to buy the latest “X” just because of a clever advertising campaign or, even worse nowadays, because it is recommended by some of vacuous “influencer“. Such people are most unwelcome to those whose fortunes are made on a compliant and acquiescent population.

Well, I’m off to have a solitary dinner (as mentioned above, Mrs ID and the Wolfpack are off in the Holiday Hover for an Easter break). I have roasted a rack of pork chops wrapped in bacon which I will enjoy with some buttered green beans and a nice dark beer.

enjoy your evening!

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Good Evening and Happy Easter weekend!


An interesting technique, Flavio:


8 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

You could always try making your own Hot Cross Buns. They are very easy to do, albeit a bit time-consuming (I used Felicity Cloake’s recipe which can be found online in the Guardian). They turned out beautifully, despite me having dropped the whole tray of buns on the floor after the second proving. Once retrieved from the kitchen floor, re-kneaded and allowed to prove again, They went into the oven and turned out very nice indeed go, although not quite as light as if I hadn’t had to re-knead and re-prove them.

They were so tasty,  ...


Presumably, the floor added some extra flavour?

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3 minutes ago, polybear said:

So the police are uninterested about a car obviously having been driven on the public highway whilst untaxed and un-MoT'd? I wonder if the driver has insurance - I doubt it.  I do hope the owner wants it, and it costs a packet to get it back from wherever.  Even better, I hope it gets crushed.

In fairness to the often-overstretched police force they have no way of proving who was driving it.  It isn't reported lost or stolen.  Whilst public domain information includes whether it is taxed or MOT'd it does not include the registered keeper nor the owner (who can be a different person to the keeper).  That information has to be applied for with good cause shown for needing it.  


Steps are being taken.  The local council is aware but, being Easter, may not be able to respond for a couple of days to a non-emergency case.  The landlord's agent is also aware and emailed everyone in the block - surprisingly - at 10.45pm tonight asking if anyone knows about the offending vehicle.  In the absence of response which I anticipate they get it is then between them (as land owner's agent) and the council to remove and dispose of the nuisance.  


On the other hand if it vanishes into the night as mysteriously as it arrived then who know?  A cursory inspection did not suggest anything other than that it has been dumped along with a cart-load of household refuse.  

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I wish PB luck on his shopping trip tomorrow as few supermarkets will be open as its Easter Sunday. Unless of course its a small 'local' Co-op. Arthur Itis is making a noise again so before I go to bed a couple of co-codamols will be taken to keep him quiet.

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15 minutes ago, Adam88 said:


You don't often get m*d*l r*l*ys in brand new kitchens.

Wallace and Grommit - The Wrong Trousers springs to mind!

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