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58 minutes ago, andyram said:

Thinking back to the parking ticket, I am annoyed at the traffic warden’s rudeness and the fact that he ignored the other car which had been there longer. I had not planned to make an issue of it, but may take @Winslow Boy’s advice and phone and complain. Not that it will get me anywhere. I am back at the shop at some point tomorrow to take in another delivery. Luckily I will get a one hour time slot so should not have any parking issues. I will definitely keep a closer check on the time however.


Stay safe and sane.





Bear would suggest an approach that focuses on the attitude and rudeness of the Traffic Warden, rather than any injustice at getting a ticket in the first place (they've heard it all before, thousands of times - all they will tell you on that score is that technically you broke their rules and therefore you were "fair game" in their eyes).  And personally I'd not mention times, dates, or who you are etc.  ISTR you mentioned that the TW knew you as a trader - if he gets wind that it was you that complained about him he may well be even more intent on targeting your car at every opportunity.


Bear was shafted by a TW several years ago (in the professional sense, you understand...) - I parked so as to ensure a lorry delivering to a shop had sufficient room to leave when he'd finished.  When I returned to my car the lorry had gone and I'd got a ticket - my front wheel was (literally) just a few inches into the parking bay in front (which was still usable by other vehicles), so some tw@t gave me a ticket.  I did submit correspondence on the subject to the council explaining the scenario, but to no avail.  Some months later I had cause to fire off letters on an unrelated subject to the council - I thought to myself that the cost of investigating and responding would easily have exceeded what they made out of me on the ticket, so the 'stewards didn't win after all. :yahoo:

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16 minutes ago, polybear said:


Bear would suggest an approach that focuses on the attitude and rudeness of the Traffic Warden, rather than any injustice at getting a ticket in the first place (they've heard it all before, thousands of times - all they will tell you on that score is that technically you broke their rules and therefore you were "fair game" in their eyes).  And personally I'd not mention times, dates, or who you are etc.  ISTR you mentioned that the TW knew you as a trader - if he gets wind that it was you that complained about him he may well be even more intent on targeting your car at every opportunity.


Bear was shafted by a TW several years ago (in the professional sense, you understand...) - I parked so as to ensure a lorry delivering to a shop had sufficient room to leave when he'd finished.  When I returned to my car the lorry had gone and I'd got a ticket - my front wheel was (literally) just a few inches into the parking bay in front (which was still usable by other vehicles), so some tw@t gave me a ticket.  I did submit correspondence on the subject to the council explaining the scenario, but to no avail.  Some months later I had cause to fire off letters on an unrelated subject to the council - I thought to myself that the cost of investigating and responding would easily have exceeded what they made out of me on the ticket, so the 'stewards didn't win after all. :yahoo:

Any complaint will not be based on the award of the ticket because I was over time by a small number of minutes. It will be based on his rudeness and the fact that he did not ticket the other car which had been parked longer than mine.

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Bear has just seen the rioters, sorry, demonstrators in Bristol on the BBC news; how the police van drivers kept their cool and not floored it to get rid of the tw@ts on the van roof is a mystery to Bear, as is their managing to not succombing to the temptation to mustn't say that bit but I'm sure you can guess....

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorted some of the old magazines and filled one pink sack for the bin men. I looked at the dates on some of the mags, the oldest (so far) is 2004. Quite a few were a few months old when purchased from a stall in the market for pennies. Sadly the stallholder ceased trading some years ago as many distributors now just pulp unsold mags. Some are quite interesting especially some American railroad mags that are not normally sold in the UK.

3 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Not just any house.  The house of a couple who should have been married that same day but were "flooded out" and unable to get to their own ceremony.  Only to watch their entire possessions floating "serenely" downstream at Taree.  


Sadly they lost all their pets as well.

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1 hour ago, andyram said:

Evening all, I hope today finds you well and that @Barry O has not managed any further impressions of @grandadbob. I also hope the latter is ok. I know that he is taking a break from things. I also hope that @leopardml2341 is ok, I have not spotted a post from him recently.


 Sadly, the messed up take away order was not the final issue of yesterday. I managed to drop and smash a mug last night. Not any old one either, but the photo mug Amber and I had had created for Sarah for Mother’s Day. It depicted a dearly loved feline friend who passed away 18 months ago. It was not hugely expensive, and will be replaced but it was very much the final straw last night.


 Thinking back to the parking ticket, I am annoyed at the traffic warden’s rudeness and the fact that he ignored the other car which had been there longer. I had not planned to make an issue of it, but may take @Winslow Boy’s advice and phone and complain. Not that it will get me anywhere. I am back at the shop at some point tomorrow to take in another delivery. Luckily I will get a one hour time slot so should not have any parking issues. I will definitely keep a closer check on the time however.


Stay safe and sane.




I'm glad to be able to help. I do tend to get annoyed when people don't complain about 'poor' service. When I took such calls the caller would usually apologise and I would say that it wasn't necessary as if we had 'cocked up' - other phrases are available, we needed to know otherwise we couldn't put it right. Yes I know I was oddity.

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11 hours ago, polybear said:


I do hope they catch those responsible - let's see now - arson and quite possibly attempted murder.  Should earn at least 6 months in clink, suspended....

(Cynical mode off)

Those responsible should be worried - there's a lot of forces and ex-forces living in the north east.




According to the BBC police have a two people’helping them with their enquiries’

Also £200K be raised to help the family out.

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Evening All,

Not a bad day here, both weather and achievement wise. 
Spent about 3 hours in the garden but realistically only got two hours work  done.
By mid afternoon it was becoming chilly and I didn’t want to do my bad in so I came in and did a couple of hours bookwork whilst SWMBO make a meat and potato pie and a coconut cake. Both very nice.

After tea we watched a couple of decent films.

Balance still a bit off but sinusitis is gettIng a little less painful.

Goodnight All,


ps Is the meat pie on the list of great British foods, it’s on mine anyway?

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Good evening everyone 


Well the rain held off, but it remained very dull until mid afternoon, when the sun came out and we ended the day with a few hours of glorious sunshine. 


I’ve had quite a good day in the workshop today and the little hut has had some more attention. This particular hut has been made by modifying an old Airfix line side hut, the door of which was meant to be closed. As such, it lacked any sort on interior detail. The hut is also in an as new condition, so I’ve rubbed all the outside surfaces with a very fine, small wire brush, to simulate the grain of the wood and to give that old and weather worn look. Also, my plan is to have the door slightly open (outwards) so it needed some sort of detail adding to the inside of it. So, I’ve scribed the planking on the inside of the door and added the strengthening ribs as well. I also made a representation of a door lock and also a pair of door knobs. Finally I gave it a coat of paint in a basic wood colour. This will be weathered next weekend. 


This evening it was my turn to phone my brother in Canada. As there clocks changed last weekend, it meant that they were only 4 hours behind us, so I phoned an hour earlier than usual. We had our usual chat about various tasks were both undertaking etc, nothing of great importance, but it’s nice just to catch up. 

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51 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

No Aurora tonight ...

I don't have a "bucket list". Had I one, seeing the Aurora Borealis would be on the list, along with seeing another total eclipse of the sun.


I know of people who (pre-pandemic) would travel to Alaska for the chance to see the Aurora Borealis. There is also a surprisingly large number of people who recreationally travel the world to see eclipses.


At around 45°N, there are times when the Aurora Borealis is theoretically visible here but it is usually quite impossible given weather and light pollution issues. With the light pollution in the valley, it can be difficult to see even the Perseid meteor shower (this year from July 17 - August 24, peaking on August 12).


Unrelated EDIT:


Sometimes the advertising here is truly random. Posting this, I was offered a "Mainline Sewer Camera (200')" for more than $2,000. Hardly an impulse purchase and not related to my browsing in any way.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

 ...snip... I know of people who (pre-pandemic) would travel to Alaska for the chance to see the Aurora Borealis. There is also a surprisingly large number of people who recreationally travel the world to see eclipses.


At around 45°N, there are times when the Aurora Borealis is theoretically visible here but it is usually quite impossible given weather and light pollution issues. With the light pollution in the valley, it can be difficult to see even the Perseid meteor shower (this year from July 17 - August 24, peaking on August 12).


Interesting but if you have seen one total eclipse, you basically have seen all of them.  The nearest total to me was about fifty or so miles south of here. You can see the crescent shape:



I remember seeing the aurora in Baltimore, MD (39.2912811" N, 76.6107021" W)  once a long time ago. When I used to visit the Seashore Trolley Museum in Maine (43° 25′ 14.4″ N, 70° 28′ 3″ W), I remember vivid displays during the winter months; my favorite was the shimmering curtains.

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Greetings one and all


Census Day has been and gone and my form was duly completed.  Someone on the radio mentioned a question about heights and weights.  As far as I recall there was no such question and I think I would have found it intrusive if it had been present.  For me the worst bit was trying to recall my job description from 15 years ago and reproduce it in less than 120 words.  I certainly had no problem with the question on sexuality.  I am, after all, out and proud.


I fear repercussions after yesterday's riot in Bristol city centre.  The last time Bristol Pride took place other than virtually, in 2019, the parade or procession attracted something like 18,000 marchers, including me, and was a joyous and peaceful affair.  This year's event is clearly vulnerable to those who get the wrong idea about it.   I hope the city fathers will have the sense to remember what it is really all about and allow it to go ahead.  Subject to the ever-present risk of disruption by that ruddy virus I fully intend to be there myself.


This afternoon there will be an electronic interface between an emeritus professor and a conspicuous under- achiever.  It has the potential to be very interesting.


Best wishes to all



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Good moaning to all and sundry.  Not as cold here this morning.  


I've never seen the Aurora. The nearest I got to it was when flying home from Tenerife one winter thevpilot kep telling everyone it was visible due to some freak atmospheric conditions, as we approached Leeds. Sadly we were on the wrong side of the plane.


A bit more chicken run got built yesterday and not a lot else.  Todays orders haven't been issued yet but no doubt various tasks will be performed.


Regards to all.



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I’ve seen the aurora a few times. The first time was on a road trip through BC and Alberta with two of my sons when they were 10 and 8. We were sleeping in a minivan, myself and one son on the floor, the other son on a bench seat. As we settled down to sleep one night, the son on the bench asked “Why are those clouds moving so fast?”. So we got up and watched for an hour or so. We’ve also seen them here at home a few times, just north of the 49th. 

My sister has seen - and heard - a spectacular display of Northern Lights while working in Labrador.

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We have once seen aurora here, at 54.3 degrees north - a red one, rare apparently.  I have seen them when at sea, in far northern and southern climes, but only the once at home.


Dry and 8c this morning, Tank on his way to continue his good works, shopping for me! Pah.



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A little dull and overcast here today, but that won't stop me from enjoying the fresh air, and the joy of breathing for yet another day. Whoopie.:dancer:


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and well.:good:

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