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Well another stunningly wonderful day awaits the pleasure of my feet parading around the Block, well just a gentle walk before breakfast actually.


In fact, its ALMOST Shorts weather:nono::notme::laugh::dancer:


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and well.:good:

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I get really annoyed with this, WAIT so many seconds before you can post again,

I have a life to live,

things to do,

places to go.

People to see.

Rant over.:mail:

Edited by Andrew P
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56 minutes ago, polybear said:

Go on iD, brighten Bear's day why don't you.....:laugh:

Would the study get IRB/EC and MHRA approval?  Well it gets Bear's approval, so why worry?  Who needs "hangers-on" when LDC is involved?

Target Population?  Bears.  Try to keep up....:laugh:


My dear Bear, I am more than “keeping up”, clearly you are not of scientific bent otherwise your question would have been “Target Population”? Which one of the bear family?”

There are eight species of bear: Ursus Americanus, Ursus Arctos, Ursus Maritimus, Ursus thibetanus, Tremarctos ornatus, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Melursus (Ursus) ursinus and Ursus malayanus plus various subspecies. So which bear do we go with?

And don’t get too cocky about Ursus Maritimus being on the list. It’s only one candidate of many, the CRC (Cake Research Committee) may decide to use another species or even a mix of species (currently the CRC is favouring  Ursus thibetanus).

One final point: not one, single, crumb of cake get dispensed without IRB/EC (Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee) approval. Never, ever!


p.s. If we do decide to go with Ursus Maritimus, and you sign up, you do realise that you have a one-in-three chance of being assigned placebo LDC (we’d use a 2:1 randomisation schemata).

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11 hours ago, BR60103 said:

Brian W

What is this tanking? Not a term used here.


As Poly Bear stated earlier. 


Tanking is the application of a waterproofing solution to the walls of the cellar (basements), generally applied to walls that retain or hold back earth or are external/outside walls. It come as a powder, that is mixed with water to form a thick slurry and is then applied using a brush. 

Edited by BSW01
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Morning.  Dry out, windy in.


Oh, placebo LDC?  What on earth could you use?  


NHN is left wondering how Baz grades his Sand Dancer accent, being from the true north east.....:P 


Some Manx gaelic is known here but only 'tourist' phrases.  Otherwise language skills are poor, a little badly recalled schoolboy French, just words, constructing sentences in furrin was beyond me then, never mind now.  Just one of the skills, like art, that I am not equipped with.  There are many. :o

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55 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Dad's 98th birthday today so much to do before picking him up later this morning, starting with a trip to the market. Have a good hump day people.



I remember meeting your Dad at Telford O Gauge I think, I hope you all have a good day David.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much sleep last night as Arthur Itis and Zecs Ma combined to keep me awake. Suitable treatments were swallowed and applied as and where necessary but did not kick in until a couple of hours before it was time to get up. I'm still getting the stiff joints of a morning that I've been getting since the jab. Little if any pain but it takes a good five minutes to straighten up. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Three 'Ama-zonnnnn' scam calls yesterday, getting very peed off with these.  The day before it was HM's inland revenue demanding back taxes and stuff, odd as we have our own, not the UK version....last week it was 'Microsoft'....#sigh#  Why is it beyond the ken of all the modern technology not to be able to block these barstewards, screwing money out of gullible folk?  I presume there must be a cost, that may interfere with telecom providers profits. Humph.

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Morning all and happy birthday greetings to Dave’s Dad. 
I did wake up in time to put the rubbish bags out but as Aditi was up I assumed she had gone out. Aditi has a dental appointment today for a filling.

I will continue cleaning the bathroom carpet. This isn’t more complex than vacuuming it today to remove the remains of the cleaning powder. Aditi isn’t convinced that the “damp” smell has gone. I think the smell is from the cleaning chemicals. I won’t disagree though, my sense of smell is not good. 

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I am told I have lost a fair bit of my accent in the 19 years we have been here, Baz.  I do find myself using Manx phrases now. Yessir.


The funny thing is Debs sounds more Geordie than me, but she's Cornish!  She was moved around continually as a kid so learned to adjust to wherever she was.  Cornwall, Caterham, Guernsey, New Zealand....she was 16 when she came to Tyneside.  We became a pair a couple of years later.

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31 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Three 'Ama-zonnnnn' scam calls yesterday, getting very peed off with these.  The day before it was HM's inland revenue demanding back taxes and stuff, odd as we have our own, not the UK version....last week it was 'Microsoft'....#sigh#  Why is it beyond the ken of all the modern technology not to be able to block these barstewards, screwing money out of gullible folk?  I presume there must be a cost, that may interfere with telecom providers profits. Humph.

Most of them seem to come from 'A provider that doesn't give out numbers' or some such nonsense. My reaction would be to block the provider then there would be no more cold calls.

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1 hour ago, jonny777 said:

Dry and sunny here in North Somerset. 


We had a lovely spring day yesterday, and I skimmed some duck weed off the pond surface. I also became very optimistic and planted gladioli and freesia bulbs in tubs for some summer flowering. 


I still have a bit of gum ache, head in a vice feeling, and itchy spots on my skin, occasionally but they are becoming much less severe and also less frequent which is good. 


I saw a couple of 50 litre bags of potting compost advertised online for £14 with free delivery yesterday, and took advantage of the offer. I have just had an email saying they will be delivered this morning. Wow, that is a decent free delivery option, as I clicked on "3-5 days standard". 

By gum that's a bit dear. Saw them in Morrisons yesterday for less than a fiver for a similar size. Hope its a few bags.  Or is it something special ie. Canna compost. I will say it's a good idea to only buy fresh as it does go off.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Three 'Ama-zonnnnn' scam calls yesterday, getting very peed off with these.  The day before it was HM's inland revenue demanding back taxes and stuff, odd as we have our own, not the UK version....last week it was 'Microsoft'....#sigh#  Why is it beyond the ken of all the modern technology not to be able to block these barstewards, screwing money out of gullible folk?  I presume there must be a cost, that may interfere with telecom providers profits. Humph.

We get 5 or 6 calls per day trying to get us to sign up for insulation or hest pumps. I usually don't answer them but as we are waiting for the call from the movers I've had to today.  Beth gets ones from thecUK on her mobile.



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13 hours ago, polybear said:


You've been sniffin' the Trich again, haven't you Puppers?  Bear has warned you about that before....

As for the critical mass of LDC, Bear continues to conduct extensive research into the subject without any thought for the personal risks involved (such as being tramped by rampaging pachyderms).  It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it :laugh:

Have you got that lathe up and running yet?

Oh I'm sorry, but it's been a while since I sniffed the Trich, I sort of fell off the wagon temporarily (that's probably why I fell off!)


How very noble of you, but don't forget others are available to help with, shall we say, the more practical aspects of your research (i.e, Scoffing copious quantities of LDC).


Yes lathe up and running some time ago with some nice new, modern switch gear to replace the knackered  and dangerous old Dewhurst switch and non-existent NVR switch.   I've already done lots of useful work with it and it's a shame I didn't get one 20 years ago!    Although many would be amazed at the extent and diversity of the work I've done on the old Unimat 3 over the years.   I even used it as an optical bench on one occasion but that's another story ....


Carb Repair (1) - Small.jpg

Carb Repair (3) - Small.jpg

Carb Repair (5) - Small.jpg

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2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Oh, placebo LDC?  What on earth could you use? ..

Simples, a vegan, gluten free LDC substitute: no eggs, no dairy, no flour and synthetic lemon flavouring. Of course, sitting side-by-side with a real, home-made LDC the difference would be immediately apparent. But in a clinical trial when the subject gets the placebo they get it without reference to what anybody else is taking - so no side-by-side comparisons.


However, if the preliminary SAD and MAD studies (Single Ascending Dose and Multiple Ascending Dose) shows that a placebo LDC is not feasible, then we would use an randomised, open-label, trial design. Subjects would get randomly assigned to either receive Standard of Care (the CRC is considering the Chocolate Digestive as SoC) or SoC plus LDC. Administration will be oral, once a day and exactly at 16:00 hours (4 pm). Administration will be preceded and accompanied by adequate hydration in the form of “English Builder’s Tea“, “Japanese Green Tea“ or an Italian Cappuccino (this will be left to the clinical discretion of the supervising investigator). In a small subset of subjects, there will also be blood samples taken for PK and PD analyses. These will be taken before, during, immediately after and eight hours after dosing. The CRC is also considering abdominal fat fold measurements and abdominal fat punch biopsies - also in a subset of patients (the biopsies will be, for subjects, an optional assessment).


Treatment will continue on a daily basis until a sufficient number of primary parameters events have occurred on the subject population.  Therefore subjects must expect to be on either SoC or SoC plus LDC for at least nine months. All study consumables will be provided by the sponsor and reasonable travel expenses covered as well.


If the ER community is interested I can post a study synopsis later this week

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  • RMweb Gold
5 hours ago, polybear said:


 so another slow-ish day for Bear

A chance to crack on with another loco kit then perchance?


5 hours ago, polybear said:

Colour co-ordination isn't a skill P.Bears are renowned for, coming from a land where pretty much everything is white.  A bl00dy minefield, if you ask me. :help:

I thought Khaki, Battleship Grey (Light, Mid and Dark) and Camo colours were more up you street Brian?


Dare one mention that minefields are frowned on these days and you'll need to come up with another metaphor for fear of offending someone in this soft and cuddly age in which we live? :whistle:

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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

How very noble of you, but don't forget others are available to help with, shall we say, the more practical aspects of your research (i.e, Scoffing copious quantities of LDC).



What??  And introduce an unknown variable into what is a very technical and scientific study?  Bear feels sure that iD would not approve....


1 hour ago, PupCam said:

A chance to crack on with another loco kit then perchance?


Dare one mention that minefields are frowned on these days and you'll need to come up with another metaphor for fear of offending someone in this soft and cuddly age in which we live? :whistle:


Is Puppers not familiar with "The Great Awl"?  Incoming.....


As for not offending, where would the fun be in that? :laugh:

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