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Afternoon all,


somewhat de;ayes d as part of the morning was h given over to the shearing of The Stationmaster who has to admit that an increasing hirsuteness was beginning to surround his bald patch.  The official shearer said she couldn't understand why my beard grows perfectly well but the hair in the middle of my head doesn't make even the slightest attempt to break through the bald patch - I don't understand that either.


We have sunshine between the clouds and occasional light showers and it is still relatively nippy but no doubt the wind bears some responsibility for that.  Apart from the lack of an access ramp I can't put my car in the garage because I haven't got anywhere else handy to store my cement mixer (or the pressure washer, or the hedge trimmer or various other items).  And anyway the advice I was given years ago was never to put a wet car into a garage so how on earth would I dry it outdoors if I drove home on a wet day?


For the advice of the bear imports from the EU to Britain have apparently dropped by 21.6% according to the source that says exports have dropped by 40%.  As for stuff going to Northern Ireland I can recall very many years ago we had to complete Customs Declarations for various goods traffic and parcels being sent to Northern Ireland let alone across the english Channel or North Sea, so there really is nothing new in the world.  Provided the customer had the necessary information and relevant paperwork Customs Decs were easy compared with the far more intricate task of preparing invoices for biscuits packed in water tanks being sent to London docks for shipment because you had to copy all the shipping marks onto the invoice - fortunately Huntley and Palmer didn't ship biscuits to Lagos every week.


Enjoy the res of your day folks and stay safe while increasing numbers around us are trying not to be.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Happy birthday Neil.


Hope GDB is fit enough to watch todays rugby.  For a start Wales were superb and should be capable of the Grand Slam but, thankfully Italy did manage a try.  Let's see what happens with England and France.


The England France match was a superb example of 'fast rugby' with relatively few penalties and some great tries.  Heart in mouth until Englands almost last minute try.  So only Wales can make the GS this year but France look good for the not too far away World Cup.

Edited by PeterBB
Added the England v France comment.
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6 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

So I will probably make a few bequests and then have a Viking funeral (you know, where all the worldly possessions of the deceased Viking are placed on a long boat, set on fire and pushed into the sea to burn and sink).


So, you've been watching "What We Did on Our Holiday" then?

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Hopefully I will have a new model railway layout by Wednesday. Just need to withdraw the requisite modelling tokens and its mine.

1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

Afternoon all,


somewhat de;ayes d as part of the morning was h given over to the shearing of The Stationmaster who has to admit that an increasing hirsuteness was beginning to surround his bald patch.  The official shearer said she couldn't understand why my beard grows perfectly well but the hair in the middle of my head doesn't make even the slightest attempt to break through the bald patch - I don't understand that either.


I have a massive beard but it keeps moulting, hairs everywhere, furniture and carpets especially.

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Afternoon Awl ,

Following on from IL Dottore, It is noticeable , that when I work with calibration personnel and engineers, the conversation is interesting and they do things like muddle railways and sailing along  with technical information. When I have to be around the production line personnel, the standard of conversation and knowledge drops somewhat. talk is of Football, "celebrities" ,  pubs, nightclubs  etc,  Sometimes with their lack of knowledge on things , you wonder how they survive in life..



Does Q also notice that the standard of conversation drops even further when around HR and Project Managers - talk is of "The Only Way Is Essex" and "Love Island".......:jester:

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5 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

 I hope no punks will be harmed for your enjoyment!


Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?  :laugh:

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Just had a 'Windows is ruining your computer' hour.....didn't ask it to, but it has.  So we went out to do some log splitting, very brave, lulled into it by 7c showing on the thermyometer.  I didn't see the 'feels like -1' bit on my phone....pah!  Still, we split some difficult bits we keep putting to one side for a time unspecified, and the results are now keeping us warm and toastie.


Birthday curry now brewing, Mrs NHN in charge as a treat for me.  


Yes Q, stress, illness, drugs (legal, I don't do the others so can't say from experience) all have an effect on our blood glucose, and result in some really anomalous readings.  The Pfizer jab did mine in completely for a few days, really all over the place. OK now, just had a 4.4 before dinner, happy days. 

Edited by New Haven Neil
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4 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

summoned to perform "more useful" tasks by Dr. SWMBO

I was duly summoned.  The "more useful" task I was required to perform was to cook rice.  This was required to accompany tonight's vegetable curry.  Mostly cauliflower curry if truth be told but with generous amounts of purple sweet potato, carrot, celeriac and onion.  


Her own recipe.


Let's just say I added a small quantity of Naga paste :O ;) 


An exclusion zone of 400 yards has been imposed for the next 12 hours :jester:

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Evening all, we took advantage of the new lock down rules up here and went for a chilly visit to our daughters at their new house, went for a walk and lit a fire in the fire pit and toasted marshmallows with the grandsons, perfect tonic, even if it was brass monkeys outside. 

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10 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Reading here (and elsewhere in the media) I am so glad that I am one of these people who is perfectly happy with his own company and doesn’t have to be around other people at all. There seems to be a sense of increasing desperation amongst socially oriented individuals


Thats you and me, doc!  I have been quite content these last months at home.  As my dear wife has done most of the shopping (she says because of my age!), I have not travelled far.  In fact a recent trip into town was a revelation, lots of new houses and streets.  Some establishments missing sadly but on the whole I don't think I was missed!  I bought some cards and nearly forgot the change but even that seemed like a new experience.  There's little doubt that prolonged isolation can really affect some but I have my books, music and hobbies and each day has passed with little boredom and certainly not desperation.

      Have you ever looked forward to a holiday, booked everything and waited impatiently to go and when you get there look forward to the day when you go home?  That may have something to do with it!:yes:


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Evening All,

Happy Birthday Neil, I hope you enjoy the curry, the highlight of the day?
Not much happened here today. More planning of the new build and paid some more bills. Mil came round for tea instead of coming tomorrow  and Syds here for another sleepover.

Should try and make contact with some friends, especially a couple who live on their own but can’t summons the energy.

Energy lacking now so I’ll bid you all goodnight.


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6 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:


Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday, it is indeed the celebration of yet another orbit today too, as someone has noticed, and a few elsewhere.  The co-incidental dates were planned, in the 37 years I have never forgotten our anniversary, which also means her Debship doesn't forget my birthday!  62, if you're asking BTW.



I only have one date to remember each February as we got married on my wife's 20th birthday, 43 years ago . . . . . . . . 

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