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  • RMweb Gold

I have just been online buying a replacement phone. It isn’t for me, it is for Aditi. She is perfectly capable of buying one but for historical reasons (she was too busy at work to go shopping for such things) the account is in my name and we got a better deal by upgrading than starting a new account. Anyway I suspect she will be too busy tomorrow to do the tedious stuff of watching files transfer over. It is fairly similar to my phone that I upgraded recently so I have the requisite data cable. 

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  • RMweb Gold

@Gwiwer Your humorous commenting on the House of Fun are extremely entertaining and following your successful foray into publication I feel that you have a book inside you e.g. 'Tales in the life of railway platform staff'' / 'Railway platform tales' or ...  'The real railway travelling public' or a more succinct title.


Elected second chamber - @Philj, @Joseph_Prestell and @TheQ may have 'Trumped' (second chamber use) my answer in one sense but the French system of 'Xn x10' parties effectively argues out decisions and leaves it all to Macron - or should I say the power of French 'irresponsible' strike action to decide what happens.  I'll leave it at that.


Edited by PeterBB
Trying to find the sources
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just spent a little over an hour sorting out my will. Its not as simple as I thought. Basics are quite simple, apart from a few simple bequests its all distributed between my niece and nephew. Problem comes with the disposal of my books and models, few if any are of interest to my heirs. Some items will be distributed among friends and family but I don't think I will be able to catalogue everything unless I live another 30 years. 

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  • RMweb Premium
28 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just spent a little over an hour sorting out my will. Its not as simple as I thought. Basics are quite simple, apart from a few simple bequests ......


Does this mean you're leaving the cake tin (hopefully with some contents) to Bear? :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium
3 minutes ago, polybear said:


Does this mean you're leaving the cake tin (hopefully with some contents) to Bear? :jester:

Cake tin, what cake tin? And I didn't know bears ate bread pudding. :D

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13 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:



Koalas hate that here cos we have to pinch their trees to make our upper house ballot paper.




The system used for the Euro elections you only voted for a party not an individual. It did mean that the lunatic fringe parties had a better chance but that was because there was only 73 seats. Between five and eight times that number spread over more constituancies should counter that.

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:


The system used for the Euro elections you only voted for a party not an individual. It did mean that the lunatic fringe parties had a better chance but that was because there was only 73 seats. Between five and eight times that number spread over more constituancies should counter that.


You get the choice here. You can just number a  box for a party and let them sort out the rest or if you are like my dad you can number every box from 1 to 1514 in the case of the one  pictured. Thats why they have to serve us sausage sandwiches at the voting booth.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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Re: Bicameral representative democracy



Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time;

Winston Churchill, Speech in the house of Commons, 11/11/1947


I have observed many upper chambers. (My home state no longer has it's legislative council, though there is a vestigial room* carpeted in red in old Parliament House. This concentrated a lot of power in the Premier with periodic problematic consequences.)


* Curiously, online photographs do not comport with my memories of it's dinginess. Perhaps it got a good cleaning, or it really makes a difference when the window shades are opened?


The Australian system of preferential voting is (in my opinion) bonkers. With 76 senators (12 from each state and two each from the NT and ACT) the Senate is quite top-heavy with a lot of window dressing. By contrast there are 151 members of the House of Representatives. The Senate is greatly complicated by multi-party factions and coalitions which is much more chaotic than the two (well three) parties that dominated when I last voted in Australia.


The US Senate is an interesting compromise of an attempt to balance state power versus population-proportional power (in the house). This has many unintended consequences - good and bad according to one's lights. Power is rather concentrated with 100 senators (versus 435 members of the house). It gives small states (like Wyoming, with two senators and one representative in the house**) the ability to hit well above their weight. With the current 50/50 split in the US Senate, Republican Senators represent 43.5% of the population.


** Wyoming actually only has enough people for ¾ of a representative but we haven't figured out precisely how to do that so they get one.


Having said all that, as a point of principle, I don't think that either hereditary or appointed legislators have a place in a representative democracy. In 1912 the constitution of the US was amended with the 17th amendment to require election of senators - rather than appointment by State legislatures. Without devolving into politics, discussions in some states, in the wake of the 2020 federal election to give legislatures oversight over the will of the people, seem to me, contrary to the spirit of a democratic process. 


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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4 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

This adds A/C seats as well as heated and a heated steering wheel - both EXCPETIONALLY desirable here due to the weather extremes

I would consider heated seats and steering wheel as "essential" in your climate - with a remote start so they can warm up before you get in. Cooled seats would be nice too.

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Evening All,

Firstly and most importantly happy birthday to Jonny777 and let there be more of them.

Sorry not been around much today, works been attracting my attention. One of those days when you get one job done and another two turn up. Well today the job that should have got done didn’t and as per usual two more reared their ugly heads. 
As regards H and M, putting private issues in the public domain is never going to solve family,  all it will do is increase the bitterness. Didn’t watch the programme, got enough to handle myself thank you.

At least Sydney’s here, warding off the dark one.

Feel like an early night, so goodnight,



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5 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

CV19 has got a hold here this time, with 400 now infected, the Kent variant ... proving as virulent as they thought.  All from one ferry crew member....and some late decisions from the Chief Fraggle and his cabinet.  They almost got away with it.


1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

500 cases now.  Its out of the box.

Here in Oregon we appear to have a spontaneous mutation of B.1.1.7* with "Eek" (E484K) producing a virus alike to the the South African and Brazilian variants. Researchers currently believe this to be a local mutation and not introduced.


* Here called the "UK Variant", which I'm guessing is the same as the "Kent variant"?


Happily cases continue to decline, but contradictorily deaths over the last few weeks are increasing.


10% of the population is fully vaccinated, but clearly this is not over yet. 

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There's been a minor freeing up here, if you have had both vacs you can now eat in restaurants with other twin vacs, non masked inside a restaurant.  Otherwise everything else remains.  Its a start so see how it goes!


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