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  • RMweb Premium

I'm normally a tea drinker but I will drink coffee sometimes. The best coffee I have ever tasted was in a small restaurant in Ypres, and the food was good as well. The restaurant was called Sante and if you are ever visiting Ypres I can highly recommend it. Now to get on with Farcebook, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy birthday Ian, and many more of them.


Having once had part of a cup of a strange liquid Starmucks called tea  I don't think I'd have anything they were offering even if they paid me to drink it.    BTW the only reason i went in was because 'someone'- who'd best remain unnamed - decided to try their coffee so dragged me along in her wake.  Apparently the coffee didn't impress her although it was, unlike the 'tea', considered drinkable.  Good job we had a takeaway and there was a large litter bin just outside.

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7 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

The languages were AL, RPG, and COBOL*. I wonder if any of those are still used.

COBOL skills were in great demand around the time of Y2K. (Most of the applications sensitive to Y2K were written in COBOL since it was primarily a punched card-based system and using two fields for the year was ubiquitous.)


I suspect there is still plenty of COBOL out there, but since 2000 much of it would be updated.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, chrisf said:

The hidden costs of lockdown revealed themselves yesterday when the gas bill arrived.  Oh boy.  My monthly payment has been increased by £12.  This comes of not going out nearly as much as I would.  It will prompt a hunt for all my thick sweaters and an immediate reversion to the practice of only turning on the heating when I feel cold and not always then.  When it starts to get cold, much advice is bandied around concerning the relative merits of having the heating on all day on a low setting or at full blast for not very long at a time.  At this point I expect with confidence that expert will disagree with other expert.  Bring it on.




This may help:



Should I leave the heating on low all day even when I'm out, or turn it up only when I need it?

This is a hotly debated one. According to experts at the Energy Saving Trust, the idea it's cheaper to leave the heating on low all day is a myth. They're clear that having the heating on only when you need it is, in the long run, the best way to save energy, and therefore money. (A timer's best as your thermostat turns your heating on and off to keep your home at the temperature you set.)

The key thing to understand here is that it's all about the total amount of energy required to heat your home.

It's a given that a certain amount of energy is constantly leaking out of your home (how much will depend on how good your insulation is). The Energy Saving Trust says if you're keeping the heating on all day you're losing energy all day, so it's better to heat your home only when you need it.


However, it's not quite that clear-cut. Some specialists disagree – and argue you should keep the heating on constantly for an entirely different reason.

They advocate keeping the heating on low all day, turning all radiator valves up to the max and the boiler down to the minimum, and say the problem with turning the heating on and off is that every time it's turned off, condensation collects within the walls. This condensation can help conduct heat outside the home, they say – meaning you leak heat more quickly and so will use more energy as a result.

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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, BSW01 said:

I spent some of that time get information about my second pension, which will mature in August when I can start to draw it. This is from my first job, the one I started when I left school and will basically be a top up for my current pension. It won’t be a great amount, but it’s better than nowt! It does mean however, that I’ll have to do a bit of research into annuities etc, not something that'll need to be done to gain the full benefit, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to it.




Bear assisted a friend with the very same issue some time ago - I used the following company (others are available) for quotes from various providers, one of which was selected:


Some companies give enhanced pensions depending on your lifestyle (e.g. if you've smoked 60 a day for the last 30 years you get a better deal).  How do they check that though..... :wink_mini:    Bear recalls quite a variation in quotes, so well worth doing.  It may also be worth enquiring as to what effect the pandemic has had on your pot, since shares have taken a big hit recently - if this is the case then for some it may make sense to hold off taking the pension (or only take some of it) until things (hopefully) improve.  Of course the market could continue to fall.....  The good news is that for those very close to retirement then the pension companies often gradually transfer funds into "safer" funds (money markets?) for the last few years, thus minimising any risk of a big hit just before retirement.

I mentioned the above company to a friend who was about to retire - an adviser (read "sales rep") from his pension scheme was coming to see him to discuss options.  I mentioned that he had the option of transferring the annuity to another provider for (hopefully) a better deal.  I heard later that the rep told him he couldn't do that.  Lying B'steward.... :



Finally, Bear would suggest the following links (there are others), in particular checking that any provider you are considering moving an annuity to is registered and covered - there are some crooks out there, sadly.


p.s. I'm not a financial adviser etc etc  :laugh:

(though profession cake advice is another matter entirely...)




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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning from a land where high quality pain au Raisins are freely available but not eccles cakes.  Great news from France yesterday, Macron has reversed his petulant decision about the Astra Zeneca vaccine and it will now be given to our age group in GP's surgeries from Monday, we may not have to wait till April/May.  


Work started on the second gate yesterday. I thoughtbitvwould be a simple rub down an repaint job but many of the screws holding the slats on had rusted through. This mornings job is to remove/ file down the rusty remains so that the frame can be rubbed down.  I also got started on my last big scanning project, 900 slides taken in the USA and Canada in 78 and 79.  The first 84 got done in batches of 12 whilst other jobs got done.


It's sunny out at the monent but there is a lot of cloud around.   The shed beckons so I will wish Ian a belsted happy birthday and hope that Mike (60806)'s day goes alright.



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  • RMweb Premium

As regards the T&C debate,  Bear is a firm believer that any establishment charging more than a quid or so for a Tea is a rip-off.  Exit Costa, Starbucks etc at this point....

As for coffee :bad:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Greetings from a foggy estuary. 
I will be phoning the dentist later as I have a sore tooth. I have a routine appointment in a couple of weeks but hopefully I can be seen before that. 
We used to not have our heating on at night but since changing to leaving it on all the time we have noticed a change in our energy bills. Our smart meter readout rarely indicates as much daily use as it did previously. This could be due to other factors but our bills have not increased by leaving the heating on.  This is is a house with an efficient boiler, double glazing and cavity wall insulation. The roof insulation isn’t as thick as the latest recommendation but is ok. 

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Dry start, and quite bright down here, but Sky Wee is due later I'm told.


I had a short walk as back ache started, and then the left Hip said can we go home please, so home and breakfast.


Just on my first Mugatea. back later.

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Tea or Coffee I like both in equal measure, NO NOT equal measure in the same mug at the same time.


When out, I generally have coffee as most people I meet make Tea in so many different ways, but Coffee stays fairly similar to how I like it.


Costa Coffee, = NO WAY, I find it more chewable than drinkable.

Edited by Andrew P
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