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Greetings one and all


An envelope from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs came yesterday.  As might have been expected two days before the Budget, it contained my annual notice of tax coding.  I suppose this is better than sending the thing out immediately after any changes that might be made. Any further comment runs the risk of infringing the rubric about politics!


I must do the fodder run this morning.  After a daring excursion to Morrisons on Friday it’s back to Tesco.  The trouble with going to a different place is that I do not know where anything is and it takes me at least twice as long to load the trolley.  For me, shopping is a necessary evil and I spend no longer on it than absolutely necessary.  I hope that the resurfacing of the car park has now been completed, for on my last visit there was nowhere to put the glass that I had brought for recycling.  There can be something satisfying about the sound of breaking glass.


Polybear, I hate to nit-pick – not in fact true, for I have made it an art-form – but the music to which the monkeys are dancing in your clip is not from Riverdance.  It is in fact “Lord of the Dance”, which as I’m sure you recall started life as a hymn entitled “Simple Gifts”.  Sydney Carter wrote the words of “Lord of the Dance” to fit that tune but it was Michael Flatley, who had choreographed “Riverdance” for RTE in 1994 and starred with Jean Butler in its first performance, who later appropriated the tune for his dance show of the same name. 


Best wishes to all



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Greetings all from Sidcup where there is once again a grey and cloudy sky. Yesterday was distinctly chilly and Mrs Lurker reported that the school's heating had failed where the classroom she works in is located. Apparently all is fine where the SLT sit; and the head's husband is the caretaker/site manager.


Another day on the work treadmill beckons. I will be glad when some of the restrictions ease; I've seen nowhere other than Sidcup for months and it is beginning to pall. Even Younger Lurker going back to school will mean a trip to the Danson Park area...woohoo!


Families;  there is a contrast between my family and Mrs Lurker's. Contact in my family is sporadic, although during lockdown I have made an effort to speak to my parents every week. I've not spoken to my sister since Christmas, and before that it was probably the Christmas before. We get on OK when we see each other but do not make any particular effort to do so.


Mrs Lurker is very close to her Mum and Sister, and not seeing them has been the hardest part of lockdown, but has not seen her Dad since 1998. She is also  close to her brother although he is in Seattle these days (and that was the "excuse" for starting our West Coast roadtrip there what seems a lifetime ago but is in fact less than 2 years ago).



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Morning, dull and grey internally and externally.  3c and misty, not a great start.


Off to the Big City at lunchtime to be Pfizered, Star Trek has nothing on me.  Hoping for little reaction but it doesn't really matter given the leisurely life I now lead.  If I do react badly I hope its not too quickly as I have a 40 minute drive back to the northern sticks.

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Another dull and grey morning in North Somerset. Yesterday's low cloud cleared from the south, which is a rather unusual phenomenon for this neck of the woods. Having viewed the latest satellite image, today's overcastness looks unlikely to clear from any direction. 


Thankyou for all the comments regarding gum ache; although I believe the fact that it appears randomly on either side of my mouth and can be bottom or top teeth (or both) on either side, tends to rule out direct infections from food. My theory is that I have gained an unwelcome habit of tightening my lips whilst concentrating on reading or typing, and this is putting pressure on my back teeth via face muscles. I am trying to make a conscious effort to keep my mouth relaxed, even resorting to a bit of cotton wool between my lips when SWMBO is not in the room (she is fond of mockery). This approach appears to be working, although my brain reels in horror at the thought of eating a chewy portion of meat, or a bag of nuts. 

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, The Lurker said:

Yesterday was distinctly chilly and Mrs Lurker reported that the school's heating had failed where the classroom she works in is located. Apparently all is fine where the SLT sit; and the head's husband is the caretaker/site manager.

They have to find the money for all those tests somehow.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. One thing that niggles me is that people mis-spell my forename. My name is the 'royal' version spelt with two L's. This causes problems with e-mail addresses in particular and I have taken pains to point out the correct spelling. I was surprised this morning when most of the media reports of Prince Phillip's current illness spelt his name with only one L, including the BBC! A good indication of the sloppy reporting in the media today.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

One thing that niggles me is that people mis-spell my forename. My name is the 'royal' version spelt with two L's.

You mean like in your username?  :P

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Well and truly over slept this morning, almost 8am when one of my eye lids flickered open and saw it was daylight.

The second one opened soon after, (I only have the two).

Bit misty, and I was hungry so have forsaken the walk for Ready Break today.

I always have a choice of Ready Break, Weetabix or Cornflakes so dependant on the mood. although Ready Break comes off the Menu from the end of this box until about October, as I then switch to cold milk for the summer cereal.


Have a safe day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold
19 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Still no signs of Bob, @grandadbob, I do hope he is O.K. 

His last post did suggest that he was feeling a bit low but he did visit RMweb about 10 minutes ago.


Take care, Bob, we are thinking of you.

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Brothers.. Well I have one, but I hardly know him, He was just three when we moved to the Hebridies and  I shortly after went away to school in Inverness. I came home from School for the holidays to find this "thing" had invaded my room and he regarded it as his..  5 years later I left home permanently. So from his age of 4 I've only lived in the same house as him, for 60 weeks.

Also my sisters Are 3.5 and 2.5 years younger than me, and of course when I lived at home, they were GIRLS you didn't want to know them (or their friends). I'm not that familiar with them either.

Contact is cards  and I got forced onto Facefart  as they use that in a family private group


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