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13 hours ago, Mike Bellamy said:


Father-in-law has just moved to a care home in Grantham after 6 weeks in Lincoln Hospital after a fall and fractured shoulder blade - lost his balance getting off the loo and fell backwards cracking his shoulder on the WC. That's one of many falls and as he couldn't bear any weight on his arm, he couldn't use his walking frame - end result is that he's been discharged as 'medically fit' but now stays in bed all day. As a result we have made a start on sorting out the house as we very much doubt he will ever be fit enough to go home. Like you, it was surprising how much 'stuff' he had collected - aged 88 and lived on his own for 40 years since being divorced. There were drawers full of scraps of paper with phone numbers written on but without a name so why keep them. There was however one lucky find - a Grantham Directory from 1963 which listed every street in town and who was the home owner - I found my dad's name and also a half page advert he had taken in the directory as he had just started his plumbing business.


Sorry to hear about fils situation, it’s a shame that he spends all day in bed.

I  think ‘we’ complain about stuff other people save but I bet when it’s our turn to have someone go through our ‘prize possessions’ they will have the same feelings. 
One of SWMBO and my concerns is that ‘stuff’ that is valuable is going to get thrown out with the genuine rubbish when something happens to us.  

Edited by Erichill16
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42 minutes ago, polybear said:

Can Bear ask - what happens when a person in the USA retires?  Presumably medical cover via the employer is lost, unless they have some form of pension scheme with that employer that includes medical cover?


In our case, the Fed covers ex employees and families.  


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3 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

He also pointed out, in what I thought was an eminently sensible manner, that an old fashioned paper international vaccination certificate was hardly appropriate in the case of Covid.  So even if the anti-vaxxers win through at our expense in their massive legal fees they might not get any further than the police patrols at the Dorset county border. when they find out that international travel is off their holiday plans


AIr New Zealand are to start trialling an electronic vaccine passport on their flights between Auckland and Sydney. 


Or they were until 3 cases sprung up in Auckland and our current travel bubble has burst for now.





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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Can Bear ask - what happens when a person in the USA retires?  Presumably medical cover via the employer is lost, unless they have some form of pension scheme with that employer that includes medical cover?

@Ian Abel has covered the Federal Medicare program, for which retired people over the age of 65 and people with certain disabilities are eligible. He also referenced Medicaid which can be used by people under 65 who are unable to work, or unemployed under certain conditions. My regular primary care physician (GP in British idiom) does not accept Medicaid patients.


People who are laid off from major corporations have the option to carry COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) insurance for 18 months. The premiums are expensive, but it is the same insurance offered to the employee while employed.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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8 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

........Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act insurance ......



Now that really rolls off the tongue....:lol:

I wonder what Bozo thought that one up - if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullsh1t.....



8 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

 I’m proud of what we have here, but waste, don’t talk to me about waste.



Bear always remembers a nurse cutting Momma Bear's name tag off as it needed replacing.  New stainless steel scissors opened, one cut made, then thrown into sharps bin for disposal.  All in the name of being cheaper than disinfecting them, apparently.

As for all the millions of ££ worth of PPE that the UK ordered and can't be used because it doesn't meet the required standards, why oh why are we not getting our money back?? 


Rant over.  For now.  Bear feels a paint brush coming on....

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20 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

I got a very interesting email from one of my fathers distant cousins last night. He's a retired professor in South Bend Indiana, near Chicago. A place that is famous for street running electric trains. 

Famous as the home of the University of Notre Dame and the home of Studebaker automobiles. The last car rolled out of the South Bend plant in 1963.


The South Shore Line* ran interurban electrics since the turn of the 20th century.


* Running along the south shore of Lake Michigan.


The current US Secretary of Transportation was Mayor of South Bend.

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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Hare,

2.5 hours, long break, 1 hour, 2 hours, you're too  early Ben, 3/4 hours sleep .. got up ten minutes late. Forepaws predicting rain quite strongly.

The ten minutes was regained when Ben the scaredy Collie refused at the first hurdle, Ihe opened the door he stepped forwards heard the dawn chorus, and stopped.. Refusing to go out even with comforting and coxing..


Second village I come to a cockwomble car hurtles up behind me and then boot polishes for several miles. just before another village there's a small straight, he overtakes and disappears through the next town at 50-60mph in the 30 limit..

 I don't see him again until, effin clown town where he is stuck behind a non overtaking car and a Slow coach in front of that..  A conspiracy of cars and lorries coming the other way meant we were still in procession at the NDR, at that point we parted company me having overtaken  him in the queue to get onto the roundabout, He then accelerates like  lunatic overtakes on the outside of the roundabout to go straight on, while I turned right..  

just after that the heavens opened ... forepaws correct again..


The face off between the current and former leaders in Scotland is getting messy, since the first requirement of a politician is to lie, I don't suppose any of us will really know what happened even if it ends up in court..


Of NI , the side wanting to leave the UK has traditionally  out bred the side that wants to stay in the UK (and still does), Brexit may just bring that forward by about 30 years. However the population that wishes to stay in the UK has a traditional name the "Ulster Scots" and were majority originally Scots, so would they want to stay with England and Wales or go with Scotland if the UK were to break up?

The plantation of the Ulster Scots started when Scotland was an independent kingdom , (separate parliaments) though under rulership of the King of England and Scotland James 1 & 6, My family had a branch that went over from Galloway in Scotland to Antrim  in the very early 1600s.


The position of flags is interesting since the current Union flag is not the original one there were several changes and modifications and proposals in the early days, I suspect if there were some sort of break up the flag would be completely re jigged into a format to completely show the flags of remaining members of what's left.


IIRC Wales had no Capital city until 1953.


There, I think I've discussed the position of various things while dancing around and not expressing any politics..


Time to wander down to the lab and look for a some work..

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