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'Fraid not Pete. Somehow or other I managed to get an infection in my left leg that blew it up like a ballon (cellulitus). I'd had three weeks of antibiotics without success, so they shipped me back to hospital yesterday for intra venous treatment. Their real concern is blood clots in my leg after my back surgery, so I have to have a scan and ultrasound to check out the vein structure.


OK guys, I've had enough for my turn. It must be someone else's go now....B)

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OK guys, I've had enough for my turn. It must be someone else's go now....B)


Nasty, Gordon, more best wishes from me for a speedy recovery........


My time was the Nineties (so I hope it is not me) my Surgeon in London dragged me off a flight to a New York Concert so he could operate on the cancer in my foot ("Concert or Foot?" was his argument) on a Saturday morning no less. I ended up in hospital for three weeks but at least I had a choice of single malt Scotches for nightcaps and they still let me smoke - my only vice. I still can't get over this renowned Surgeon calling me "Sir"!


Good luck, G. and best wishes to J. your Missus - it's difficult for partners too.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon, I hope the intravenous treatment works quickly and the investigations find no clots. Last time I was hospitalised and had various antibiotics by every possible route I got better so quickly they cancelled the operation to deal with the infection.


Best wishes


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I was reading the "Those who couldn't go to the RMWeb day thread" and saw there that Gordon was in hospital so sped back here.

So sorry Goprdon :cry:

Be back very, very soon.


I couldn't stand Sharapva's shout/squeal every time that NOISY B hit a ball that I dispensed with the suggested ear plugs and hit the OFF knob instead.

I'm GLAD she lost!

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Guest Max Stafford

Gordon, my own best wishes and I hope your problem gets seen to quickly and fully.

Pete. I'm lucky enough to have what is essentially a privately run pension with minimal state input. I wouldn't want to be depending on a state pension alone.

I won't be claiming a full 30 year one though. I've decided that 25 years in this game will be enough - I'm not up for fighting 20 year olds at 3am when I'm 58 I'm afraid. There comes a time when you have to recognise your limits!:laugh:

Anyway, I had a nice day with Abi up at Whitrope and walked some of the old Waverley route north of Whitrope Tunnel. Believe it or not, I found a cast iron axlebox cover branded with the initials of the Caledonian Railway!

It's now safely ensconced in the care of the Heritage centre at Whitrope Summit!



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Guest Max Stafford

In fact, now I've uploaded my photos, I think I'll share my whole experience with you!

As you can no longer pass through the tunnel, I had to take the real man's route and go across Sandy Edge to the north end of Whitrope Tunnel. Interestingly, the trackbed up to about 50 yards from the tunnel is clear of undergrowth and is just out of sight in the first photo. I imagine that the Forestry Commisssion are trying hard to preserve the trackbed as a useful access road and to this end they have also dug out the cess either side of the line. Although the chances of trains returning to this section are not currently great, at least they will have a basic, well-drained roadbed if that happy day comes in time!

The old ceramic and concrete cess channelling has been dumped up on the edge at the old boundary fence and at the site of an old culvert, I found the aforementioned Caley axlebox cover. Quite what it was doing on the old NB and how long it's been there raise questions all of their own!

I also found the old pillars of one of the Waverley's famous occupation bridges, standing like sentinels at the Gates of Valhalla.

Upon closer inspection, they both appear to be composed of different materials - the west one of stone and the east one of brick!

I took one final shot of these to reflect the emotional and spiritual power of the route over those afflicted souls in a moment of Kubrick-esque self indulgence.


Finally, it's clear that this was a big day out for Abi who took an early bed!









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  • RMweb Gold

Just dropped in - I just want to add my best wishes to Gordon for a speedy recovery from his current malady, and sincere hopes for a trouble free future!

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Good morning all on an overcast though not yet wet Sunday morning.

Thinking of you Gordon. I sincerely hope they sort it out speedily, sucessfuly and permanently very soon.

Not in your league, bu I have developed some sort of infection in the ball of my left foot. I haven't seen the Doctor yet. That will have to wait till Monday but mean while it makes walking and standing very painfull. Poor me! :cry:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


It's overcast and slightly breezy at the moment, and supposed to remain like that for the rest of the day. The shelf is now varnished, too – good thing it was windy yesterday, so it dried quickly!


Have a good one, guys...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looks like another fine day in the offing.


Your report and photos certainly make me look forward to seeing some of it in the flesh. With the summer break coming up I hope to get at least a couple of days over there. Any particular "don't miss" recommendations?

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Morning All,


It is a slightly cloudy one here. I think it might stay dry, but it is a bit chilly.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery Gordon. You do seem to be in the wars lately!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning guys...


Is it Groundhog Day?


Thanks for all your 'get well soon' messages. They must be working as my leg is improving by the hour. The doctor very kindly drew round the infected area so it is easy to see any improvement.


I managed to negotiate an escape pass for a few hours today as we have a get together for our friends to wish our closest mate all the best on her mastectomy which could be any day now....


If I'm not back on time, some dreadful punishment awaits...


Have a good one whatever your plans. B)

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Morning all,

No chance of a lie in this morning, Tremendous storm just passed over (from 6:30 -7:30) several inches of rain which is going to make the trip to the store pretty "Interesting" this morning.


Gordon, I wish you a speedy recovery.



Thanks for the photos Dave, as to the dog....looks knackered!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, lovely morning here. Glad to hear that Mr. S is making progress, hope it continues.


Shan't be doing too much today, Dave wore me out over the weekend at Stafford - started on Friday night by forcing me to drink lots of strong scrumpy, then carried on yesterday by insisting that we had a lot of fun at the meet up. All very tiring, but I'm glad to report that our banter with friends from north of Winchester (especially the Widnes Vine yard lot) has probably managed to bolster the north south divide for a long time to come.

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Guest Max Stafford

What a nice morning again lads!

Gordon - glad to hear of some improvement and I'm hoping we can see similar improvement with Don's foot too.

Pete - I'll take you up on that offer of walking company - this is a place to be shared with the worthy!

BoD - My favourite part of the route (mostly due to familiarity) is the area between Stobs and steele Road, chiefly down to its remoteness. However, at Whitrope, there is once again activity. A couple of weeks back, the WRHA brought in a little Ruston diesel to move the Fowler which is under restoration. There's about half a mile of increasingly well fettled track down and a running day is scheduled for the middle weekend in July.

Nice to see the first train in action here for 40 years even if it's merely a light engine movement for now!

Anbody I've missed, happy Sunday!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one. Had a cracking day out at Stafford yesterday, even some of the little trains ran! I take no responsibility for the number of pints of scrumpy consumed by one Mr. Harding or for the fact that as a result of said scrumpy diplomatic relationships between the North and South have been set back 30 years. Thankfully the Widnes crew can give as good as they get so a good laugh was had by all.


Hope the progress on the leg continues Gordon. It really isn't your turn for more health problems.


Now what do I do now that I haven't got a deadline to meet?


Have a good one all.




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