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1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:


Good to see Bill Bishop back like others have said I can't remember him posting anything complaint worthy.


Welcome back Bill. I hope the esteemed Mr. York has dealt appropriately with the other party. 

Who was he?  Vin Dictive or Ven Detta?  :jester:

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner as mentioned earlier has been consumed. Its the first time I've tried the sweet potato mash (ready mashed from Tess Coes). I will definitely be mashing my own next time. Sweet potato has a very delicate flavour but Tesco's insist on drowning it in pepper. Now time to put the kettle on and tackle Farcebook.

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14 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Well, a busy day in the kitchen beckons: I’ll be baking a lemon cake with candied lemon peel and a lemon-mascarpone cream filling, preparing an egg mayonnaise (“egg salad” to our American & Canadian friends) on toasted muffins for lunch.......and making a cauliflower cheese to go with it.



You can keep the lamb though :notme:


14 hours ago, TheQ said:

Some time ago I spent hours and days trying to find  a method of arranging a VANG  or GNAV on the boat.. Eventually I settled an a slight variation on a conventional set up, it wouldn't be entirely satisfactory, but would have to do.

Then yesterday, I saw an unusual boom, it being curved, it had a conventional vang, but with a gnav it solves the problem for Blue Moon.



Bear lost....:help:


10 hours ago, grandadbob said:

It was livened up after my previous post when The Boss needed assistance with the faulty Dyson switch.  I had to whack it 3 times before it worked.  The time to place an order for a new Shark is getting closer.

You may ask why I don't just replace the switch.  It's because I'm looking for an excuse, any excuse, to get rid of the Dyson.


Or by-pass the switch entirely and just switch it on & off at the socket.  That's free :yahoo:


10 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

The florist has delivered :) 






Bvgger that.....Bear can get a can of kitchen emulsion for what they cost. :scare:


9 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Bloody cheek!  Anyone would think he was welcome here. 




He's cute.  Send him round.  And is your lawn really that good or have you cheated? :smile_mini:


7 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

I'd eat it :yes:


I'll leave you a few crumbs....


7 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

You should be safe, provided that there were no cameras and if there were that the local council don't play the recording backwards just to get their conviction rate up ;)


Or some jobsworth doesn't accuse you of stealing....:lol:


6 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Polybear not been on here today. I wonder if he’s on a mission?
Bears have a good sense of smell so wouldn’t leave the cake on the patio too long.


Bear's back........


4 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:





Bear can spot a small "issue" with that track plan. :laugh:


3 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

I suspect this is all part of a plot by Captain Sinister to capture a cake aficionado and hold him to ransom and the cake is the bait.:jester::diablo_mini:


Two problems there:

1.  Bear's wise to such amateur skullduggery.

2. No-one would pay to get Bear back....:cry:


2 hours ago, pH said:

‘Bubble’ was our oldest son’s first multi syllable word, too. Different reason, though - I had a fermentation going in the airing cupboard.


I knew a guy many moons ago who lived and worked in the Middle East - their son was born there.  Their apartment was close to  a building site and also a Mosque with Minaret (the tall tower bit).  His son's first words were:

Digger Digger Digger

Chugga Chugga Chugga



Well Bear looked in at about 0640 today, with 77 unread posts - which I never managed to read.  Next visit was at about 2000 today - so a lot more than 77 unread posts....

Today's fun has been lots of washing, lots of planning the shopping list for the kitchen electrics (££ HOW MUCH??), Buddy next door helped me shake out some dust sheets - his words to me were "How come I'm downwind?"..... :laugh:.

I sold a 110v leccy drill & transformer via ebay that I bought off a guy at work maybe 20+ years ago and never used - they've been taking up room in my shed ever since.  A covid - safe collection was carried out very soon after the auction ended and paid on collection - so depriving Paypal of any commission.  An hour later the local Co-op relieved me of 90% of my sale proceeds.  Ho Hum.


Much of the kitchen coving has been fitted, with filling of joints till to be carried out.  One section is left to do, and then the party wall coving; this wall needs some thought as that coving (2 parts) requires the fitting of the top section of the cooker hood chimney first - I'll need to be sure I can accurately predict where the centre line of the hob (and hence the cooker hood) will be first.  Could be a bit tricky.


Good to hear that BB is back - I too never realised he'd gone - I guess Bear was confused by appearances on The Night Mail.  It would be useful if Mods advised exactly what the charges are (Bear has never been on the receiving end - amazingly :laugh: so doesn't know what the form is here) before passing sentence.  


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3 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Just seen an advert for the Census 2021, I thought the 2011 one was to be the last and wasn't cancelled because everything was printed up and set up. 

Yes, stupid idea to think that it should be cancelled so thought I like to be 'part of it' this time but, the process to sort out is long and has many problems on the way to try and fill in all the various forms takes hours.  They have a help-line or/and email to ask about problems but ... keep telling me that I have not 'completed' and before they answered the query said that I was out of time (3-days).  Will I complete?   ... 

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5 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I wonder if Mike could lend you some of his Red Kites. They’ll keep gulls at bay whilst being strictly carnivorous. Cake will be safe 

They definitely keep seagulls and magpies at bay but they tend to come off the loser in an airborne  dust up with crows as the latter go in for formation attacks on single kites.  and if they are really hungry I doubt that cake would be save from them as they even take bread at times when they are very hungry.  But the guaranteed favourite for them is chicken bones with bits of meat and skin still - that usually results in about 8 or 9 of them charging down and talking turns to grab a bit.

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Evening All,

Took Sydney for a walk this morning and he was sniffing around in the snow. I think he could smell the spherical objects that had fall off the metallic  monkeys.

Regarding bbishop, I’ve never been offended but it I made me think. I wonder if I’ve ever offended anyone, particularly when in rant mode and engaging fingers before brain. I know I upset some people last year, not on ERs though and didn’t get any warning but it did make me think before posting again. 
I managed to get enthusiasm up and ordered two items off eBay and managed half an hour of shed time.

As for tomorrow, I’m not sure what’s on the agenda but my teams match kicks off at 1.00pm  which is a bit of a pia if I’m going to watch it. SWMBO has been informed of the ko time so hopefully the day can be manipulated accordingly. It may need a relatively early start so I’ll bid you all Goodnight.



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It will shortly be February 14 (GMT). 


I am not obliged to celebrate the gruesome martyrdom of a obscure Roman saint with tokens of romantic affection but for anyone looking for suitable images of a "fiery heart", might I suggest this one in Halema‘uma‘u at Kīlauea, courtesy of Pele, and no, not the footballer.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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