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Early Risers.


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Morning All,


What a cornucopia of fantastic music has appeared here since I stopped by ERs early yesterday evening.


And here is the song yes.gif

Hope you like it.


I did Jam - thanks for posting it. You've certainly got a talent. I love the way the song moves through different moods and themes. The last of which was particularly impressive.



Incidentally since we're talking about music, I heard this guy in interview on the radio this morning. Now I've always like blues but this artist, Yuri Lane has taken to combining old-style harmonica blues with modern 'beatbox' mouth-generated music. Essentially it's a combination of one of the oldest and the newest elements in African American music and although it's very unconventional, I think it sounds pretty striking and impressive. It must take an enormous amount of skill and dare I say lung capacity!


As someone who has been known to dabble with blues harp, I can safely say that I will never reach that standard! :laugh:


Wow! That was impressive. Really enjoyed it. The blues harp is easy to play, but tremendously difficult to master.


The temperature here is 21°C, dewpoint 16°C, QNH 1014. Clouds are building, although the sun is currently shining. The western sky is looking decidedly black. Thunderstorms are forecast, and I won't be at all surprised to see them arrive!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks everyone for your favourable comments!

Mike, I know how you feel - I was always one to crack under pressure too. I still make loads of mistakes when recording... I think the video I put up was the third attempt!


I'm certainly glad the song was good to listen to anyway. Robert, the last part was somewhat of an accident the first time I played it - as you probably know I'd been playing these kind of blues improvisation for a while now and I started playing some of it during the new song. I actually realised it sounded pretty good so I left it in! There is definitely a Coldplay influence in there. Part of it actually sounds like a song from The Killers (a band I haven't listened to for a few years).

Anyway, once again thank you all for your comments! biggrin.gif


I have to say, that harmonica beatboxing is very impressive! That's some talent there.


Well our internet has been knocked out last night. Not sure why but apparently we had lightning last night so I suspect that might be a contributing factor. I'm currently using our neighbours wireless connection so it's likely that I'll be coming and going as I'm bound to lose signal.


Other than that, a lovely warm morning with the sun shining through the windows. Thinking of going for a bike ride later to take some photos. I am thinking about going to my mums workplace so I can cycle down to Calshot to take some photos for my new backscene. Not sure though...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, It's not raining even though there are roofers on the roof and quite a few tiles removed! As the electrician is due today to start wiring in all this solar gubbins the household electrics have decided to develop a gremlin. For some reason one of the ring main MCBs in the consumer unit looks to have gone faulty. It's not tripped but there is no power in the ring and it's buzzing! I thought it a good idea to turn it off. Ho hum the joys of house owning.


Good stuff Jam. Never been able to improvise or compose in any way myself.


Have a good one all.




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Soon to be sat here, legs crossed. Flooring fella has arrived to put down a wood floor. Only problem is that he needs to latex the floor in the hall/dining room which will effectively cut off all toilet facilities in one go.

It gets better. It will take four hours to dry.....:blink:

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"Anybody have an idea of what I should be paying for a half-decent king size mattress?"

As we spend up to 8 hours a day on them (more or less in some cases) the probable sensible answer is to pay as much as can be afforded.

However, maybe track down a make and type and shop around to avoid excessive profit making.

I'm sure there are deals to be struck in the present financial climate.

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Hello all.

My computer went on thr blink yesterday afternoon and Timmy has just been here to fix it. I thought it was the computer playing up and about to give up the ghost but TIM says it was a Windows fault so not to worry. However I think I should warn you that if I disappear suddenly, I am probably not dead but off line.

I think I may have given you this before but my brother's business e-mail is


whilst his home e-mail, in his wife's name is



Reverting to the heater hunt, Travelintrev, Yes, heater hunting is similar to big game hunting. All that is required is a plastic card which uses currency as ammunition. Was totally succesful. Tim took me. We walked into the shop, stalked down the main aisle and spied a herd of heaters skulking at the end of an aisle. We bought a 7 fin oil heater with on/off switches, graduted heat control etc. etc. down one shot for BPS 32.00

Just in time! Today started off with a rain downpour which resulted in a temp of about 7C which lasted until 12.00.

Sun is now shining.

Nevertheless Curry and rice for supper tonight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Still rather pleasant here. I'm doing a bit of gardening, but I've just come in to look for the packet of seeds. Hopefully I'll be able to do it without injuring myself. I managed to jam my finger in the lock mechanism of Robbie's dog carrier this morning. Until I managed to force the door open it felt rather like the pain when a hammer hits a finger except it was continuous. No damage done really though.

Before that everything else I'd done had gone rather well. I fitted a decoder to a Roco DB BR101. A really easy task as it has a socket and full instructions (3 languages plus clear diagrams) on how to remove the body and even route the decoder cables.



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  • RMweb Gold

I have been known to dance but it only seems to occur at weddings. Matthew has been to a couple of "silent" discos (one is issued with headphones) recently. He said it is really funny when people start singing along!



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  • RMweb Gold

Listen out for Beelzebub (me) at the very, very, end.

Best, Pete

I don't normally play mp3s on this netbook so first of all I had to register the mp3 player that must have installed a few years ago! The drums and harpischord sound suprisingly OK on 1/2 inch speakers but I think I'll have to make a move over to the proper PC to get the full scary Beelzebub effect. I thought it was only in Hollywood that the Brit played the bad guy!


Matthew wasn't at a disco (silent or noisy tonight). He sent me a text saying he was at the cricket match at Leicester and it was being televised. I was actually watching it but he wasn't doing anything silly enough to attract the producer for audience shots!






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