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3 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Twas 27 degrees and not a cloud to be seen so  I spent the day here.



Bear can go off people very quickly.....


1 hour ago, Barry O said:

Bit of blue sky here at the moment.. and Sunderland won! Yiiiipppppppeeeeedddddooooo!



Who are Sunderland??


In other news:

Bear has varnished the edges of the ply batten previously secured around both sides of the kitchen door sub-frame; I was slightly concerned that contact with the wet plaster could make the ply swell and delaminate a bit, so this should prevent that now.

Then the new extractor fan for the bathroom was fitted, which went well.  The circuit board in the old unit shows numerous scorched components, smells "cooked" and there are signs of blackening and overheating too.  It'll go in the bin, but not before I've salvaged the pcb mounted screw terminals first.  Bear I may be, but there's a touch of squirrel* in there too.


* Ok, a red one - just to avert any ideas of unspeakable cruelty....

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Evening All,

A bit of weird day today. Up very early (thanks to a wake up call by my joints), then a simple breakfast of cheeses and meats, prepared the dogs’ breakfasts (and currently, given that I’m back on my diet, they are eating better than me...) then... wham.... my energy levels vanished... batteries on 0v. So most of the day was bleh!

Anyway, enough of that nonsense (at present I could easily post the mother of all whinge-fests, but I shall refrain....). Cooking mojo returned about 18:00 hrs, so I pan-roasted some lamb rumps (“pan-roasted”: seared in a sauté pan, finished in the oven) served with some spiced rice and an adequate Cabernet Sauvignon.


Some surprises from Mrs iD today; the biggest being her command to learn how to properly massage the pert buttocks of a sultry red head that we both know...


Now, before you ‘orrible lot start thinking about “throuples” and the like and jumping, nay plummeting, to the wrong conclusion, let me just clarify: the “sultry red head” is Lucy and the Vet/Physiotherapist said we need to build up Lucy’s musculature - specifically the glutei maximae (or “butt” if you haven’t read your Grey’s Anatomy for a while). Massage and stretching are involved...
Schotty, on the other hand, needs some work on the muscles around L2 -L4. 


Currently contemplating whether or not to provide the Cabernet Sauvignon with some company - possibly a single malt or a Vecchia Romagna Etichetta Nera brandy   

Now off to watch the Sumo highlights, enjoy the evening!



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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, polybear said:

So how's about mint sauce on a fry-up

Maybe if said fry-up included lamb chops or cutlets.  


2 hours ago, polybear said:

or alternatively (and usually, much to my mum's disgust) salad cream?

Salad cream NO because it is an invention of the Devil.  Mayonnaise however is a yes and is often applied to chips here so why not on a fry-up?  And whilst setting trends why not sriracha mayonnaise?  I have a bottle in the fridge which is frequently used for making salads more interesting; it can be tried with other things too.

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15 hours ago, chrisf said:

it is so good to find another Father Brown aficionado.  I find the series very well cast and written and it is always a pleasure when Flambeau makes an appearance, as he did yesterday.  Yes, I know: I watch too much TV.



As we watch FB on PBS over here, one of the problems is repeats.  Some shows can be shown umpteen times with nary a new one.  Its never really been the same since Sid and Lady Felicia left while the bountiful Bunty leaves a lot to be desired and as for Inspector Mallory; its amazing he actually solves anything with the good Father around!:o


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16 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Well, quite.  I think the problem in the UK (and the US) especially (although seen in most of the western world) is twofold: the first is the lack of thorough enforcement of mask wearing (in those Asian countries that have almost completely stamped out the virus,  penalties can be swift and draconian for not wearing a mask or for wearing it improperly - like just below the nose, instead of over the nose!). The second, and I know this will be contentious, is that in the UK (and elsewhere) there are permitted exemptions for mask wearing.  Quite frankly, if you have a medical condition which preclude you from wearing a mask, then you should really not be out and about maskless during a respiratory disease pandemic


The main problem would seem to to be the individuals we see crowding on beaches, pubs or wherever else crowds are.  Young people, especially are drawn to this lousy environment in spite of all the rules which they cavalierly ignore and end up adding to the frightening totals.  No amount of policing, rules or regulations will stop the mob mentality similarly to events in Washington.  What happens there come Inauguration Day will shape the future containment of unruly mobs of rave goers, even some protesters all of whom show little respect to the rule of law.:angry:


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  • RMweb Premium
38 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Hey man, it's been a tough year! Last summer we were sheltering inside unable to go anywhere due to bushfire smoke and flames, then there were floods, then we all got locked down for weeks because of covid. Tis nice to put that all behind for a bit and lie in the golden Wollongong sand  and go for a splash in the Pacific Ocean.


Except for all the sharks and stuff.

I agree with bear, you can go off people. 

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