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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

That'll be the one only available with a black and white screen


I am afraid that, following recent discussions in the press regarding which roles actors are or are not allowed to play, and because of fears of cultural misappropriation, you are not allowed to tell that joke.


It is only available with a black and white screen.

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3 hours ago, polybear said:


Laundry bill?



Rule 1:  Don't twist drain rods the wrong way...it'll really spoil your day.....

Was the car any good?


Small Business's 1, Insurers Nil.  Ha Ha :laugh:  I believe a Model Shop (at the NNR maybe?) is included here:


Thanks, I did turn the rods the right way. Just re read my post and got rid of the typos. Perhaps I should have become Officer Crabtree and 'ridded the pope'.



Edited by jamie92208
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3 hours ago, newbryford said:

A work related detour put me about 30 minutes later on my normal commute.

Which means the chance of sunshine on Pen y Ghent, so the opportunity for a quick photostop was made.





About 2 miles further down the road and the peak was starting to disappear.



Behind a thick layer of freezing fog sitting in the valley bottom.



Work is somewhere in the fog...


Secretly planning a POETS today. Let's see if I can make it happen!




Were they checking that your NOT wearing Wellies? :o:nono::laugh:

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5 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Were they checking that your NOT wearing Wellies? :o:nono::laugh:


Read my lips

"I'm from Lancashire"......................



One sheep says - "We're safe, he hasn't got wellies on" and another replies "Ah - Ok - he's not from Yorkshire then"

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3 hours ago, newbryford said:

A work related detour put me about 30 minutes later on my normal commute.

Which means the chance of sunshine on Pen y Ghent, so the opportunity for a quick photostop was made.





About 2 miles further down the road and the peak was starting to disappear.



Behind a thick layer of freezing fog sitting in the valley bottom.



Work is somewhere in the fog...


Secretly planning a POETS today. Let's see if I can make it happen!




Was the first one taken just before Tosside. As to the fog in the valley, we used to see it from where we lived on The Mains, only in those days the Shed Mill chimney would be poking through with smoke coming out of it. Plus a parade of Black 5's, 8F's, 4F', and 9F's contributing to it.



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4 minutes ago, The Lurker said:


In garden news, the invading redwings have stripped next door's holly bare of its berries.I wonder if that means that i will find less or more seedlings in the springtime? Time will tell!


Have a good evening!

Bad news.. you should get more, because that's how they are spread, each seed planted with their own coat of fertilizer..

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5 minutes ago, polybear said:


Does Mrs NHN need an Apprentice?  Cheap to run...just shovel cake in at regular intervals....



Has anyone found any video clips of someone getting a punch in the gob cos' they're not wearing a mask?  Now that would be fun viewing.


In other news:

Bear has finished the battening of the door sub-frame; a couple of diddy tasks to do then I'll be ready for the plasterer, who's on standby and can start sometime next week as soon as he gets the nod from me.

This afternoon's fun was a visit to the village Co-op; I spied a woman looking very intently at the "Clearance" shelf, which raised Bear's attention level.....

Whilst Bear isn't a HUGE fan of ginger biscuits, a biscuit is still a biscuit (though coffee flavour biscuits are a criminal offence, so it's not a hard and fast rule).  And on the clearance shelf were packets of McVities choccy digestives - ginger flavour (Chrimbo leftovers apparently).  Normally a quid a pack; the Co-op were flogging them off for 8p (yes - eight) a pack.  Four packets later.....:laugh: (well, Bear sees this as his civic duty, in order to assist in the clearance of unwanted stock to make way for new lines.  Sounds fair to me).


Strangely enough Swmbo brought some of those back the other day they are strange but nice i have 1 a day with a cuppa 

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Good evening,


With the editor now cleared, I can start afresh!


Another day at work when the dispensing of bottles of complimentary cyanoacrylate glue has oft been considered (make one long plank from your two!) Two days respite before the next onslaught.


In other news:


12 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Well, I didn’t want to blow my own horn trumpet (so to speak), but as you insist on throwing insinuations and calumnies around I have to say that one of my many hats that I can wear is that of a Clinical Psychologist.


Which means that I am more than qualified enough to conclude that your use of excruciating puns is symptomatic of a deep psychological disturbance and one that can only be cured by taking a “Kur” amongst the fresh air and crisp snow of Switzerland (if at all)


I heard that there was a competition for the worst pun; apparently, ten were entered with a view to receiving the prize. It seems One Pun in Ten Did! (AYMod - where's the long departed, much fought for, sadly missed GROAN button?)


Regrettably, iD, your suggestion is not currently practical and, given previous experience of such treatment, may not yield long term success!


12 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

You make and bake your own Croissants? RESPECT! (of course opening a packet of ready-to-bake doesn’t count..)


Now that's given me an idea for breakfast - a warmed, buttered croissant with two rashers of bacon! Yum!


A kind colleague today treated us to bacon butties; well received and very much appreciated! Thanks!


12 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Bob, the proper declination is:


I am idiosyncratically eccentric,

You are peculiar

They are Bat Sh1t Crazy!

ER has been defining the “New Normal” for well over a decade - long before boring people had even heard of the expression...


I  suggest that may not be the full declension :


I am idiosyncratically eccentric,

You are from an alternative Universe

He/She is wierd

We are from another planet

You are [all] peculiar

They are Bat Sh1t Crazy!


9 hours ago, BlackRat said:



More centres allegedly opening soon........and apparently it's alphabetical order etc........ so the decision is now, do I chose a symbol like the artiste formally known as Princess......or change my name by deed poll.


 I'll let you know laters.


Stay safe one and all.


yours affectionately........ Mr A1 Aaron Aardvark. 


You neglected the copious underscores: _________________________Mr A1 Aaron Aardvark!


39 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

The same part as when in or on public transport.


Beard-rags and chin-protectors are not approved nor effective face-coverings and given the recent increase in police patrols might stand a greater chance of attracting a fine.  Anything is better than nothing (exemptions respectfully allowed for) meaning those who wear full-face visors which are not close-fitting as is required by the various enactments and pieces of advice are doing so within the spirit of things if not strictly the letter of the law.  


I used to consider Brighton an accepting and understanding sort of place.  It has had a long history of all sorts of activities some of which might be considered dubious or seedy, some of which have approached breaking the mould society has been in at the particular time.  They currently have the only Green Party MP as another example of being more understanding, open and accepting.  But not on their buses, it seems, where they are now seeking to ban anyone not wearing a face covering despite the legislation specifying that this cannot be done.  At the same time as drivers and passengers are turning into keyboard warriors in defence of some "right" to travel untroubled by "sick" people who don't cover up it has also been flagged that their own drivers are not - by and large - wearing face-coverings when on duty.  Which perfectly meets the letter and spirit of the law, actually, since they are not required to do so when in the cab and are actively discouraged from doing so on safety grounds.  But the vitriolic intolerance continues to the point where lawfully exempt people are being hounded and abused and told by others to "stay home" in no uncertain terms.  On the grounds that "disabled" equals "sick" or worse.  It most certainly does not.  


I wonder how those same people might react if they were unable to receive their Covid vaccinations, found the supermarket closed or suffered some other inconvenience because someone - or multiple someones - was abused, refused travel or felt unsafe in the company of those who call them "sick".  Hmmmmm.  


It is 17 o'clock and time for Friday Drinks.  There are Pork Scratchings to accompany drinks today and I hear rumours of a Thai takeaway being requested somewhat later on.  I also heard a nasty rumour that I was expected to perform Domestic Engineering this afternoon but so far nothing has come of it ;)  


We have a warning of Yellow Snow for tomorrow.  I promise to not eat it!  



"the letter of the law" that's the crucial phrase. However, there are also local bye-laws which can be introduced and enforced.


I seem to recall something, coincidentally in Brighton, where parking in an indicated bay for disabled persons without an appropriate (Blue or Orange) badge allowed the winner to claim 3 points on their driver's license. Refusing to vacate said bay when asked won them a further 3 points! I forget the other reasons / offences that the local bye-laws had created but in parking in such a designated bay without a badge could win sufficient license points as to be banned from driving!


In summary, let's hope that local authorities can derive some local, but sensible, bye-laws under our current circumstances!

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