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  • RMweb Gold

We did go for a walk. We did slightly leave our postcode but the road was still visible. It was drizzly so not many people about. It was easy to cross the road too as there wasn’t much traffic. The bus going by was also empty apart from the driver.

Statins fortunately seem to work for me. The hospital changed the version when heart problems were diagnosed. I get enough blood tests which would indicate problems with statins and don’t have any of the bad side effects. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes lunchtime for the usual bread and milk and fresh fruit and veg. As I was about to leave the phone rang and it was the same scammer, this time supposedly from a local exchange. It looks as though they've got into someones address book.

3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Did you see the news item about the people who had driven a considerable distance from Leicester(I think) to McDonalds “for exercise”. In addition to Covid rule breaking they also had the car impounded as it didn’t have a windscreen or wipers.


found it



And the one further down the page about the Audi pulled at a filling station. Passenger fined for breaching covid restrictions and car seized and will be crushed most likely (no licence or insurance).

1 hour ago, laurenceb said:

And I've not had a full English breakfast for years because its 'unhealthy' :banghead::rtfm:

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, southern42 said:

*C* cake nearly gone - 3 days worth left, I reckon.  It's very rich, sweet, sticky, gooey even, very moist and extremely tasty - cake-theft security is at its highest.  Of course, certain cake-lovers may be entertained on the showing of their ERs cake pass with authorised avatar...but maybe not...we love it too much.






No Chrimbo cake for Bear this year...or should it be last year..... :cry:


1 hour ago, AndyB said:

Afternoon all.

Very depressing email from the nursing home. 

Half of the residents and the majority of staff now have the virus. 

Vaccinations were due tomorrow but these have now been cancelled as there are insufficient tests available. 

Meanwhile the local schools have plenty of tests but with lockdown no need for them. 



Is there any guidance on what happens if a known C-19 case receives the vaccine?  Is it wasted/ineffective/harmful?


1 hour ago, Chris116 said:

While security at the front door were doing a good job directing people sadly security on the car park door was too busy with her phone (appeared to be playing a game) to bother to stop people entering which meant that I met 8 people going the wrong way! Good idea spoilt by one member of staff not doing their job.


A quiet word in a Manager's shell-like wouldn't go amiss...


10 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

And I've not had a full English breakfast for years because its 'unhealthy' :banghead::rtfm:


Bear proposes a "Class Action" against those purveyors of such scurrilous rumours.

I recall a BBC TV news report (or was it ITV?) by Trevor McDonut many moons ago; having been told for years that brown bread was better for you than white, it had then been discovered that brown bread had more chemicals and pesticides in it that white.   DDT anyone?


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I think the quiz is slightly flawed as there are so many exceptions also they have to leave some of the information as "perhaps" for legal reasons. Can you remember the bloke tried to sue the BBC over Top Gear saying to go faster when your caravan started snaking as a joke.

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1 hour ago, laurenceb said:

Many years ago (over 50!) in a university biochemistry course, we were told that a guaranteed way to lose weight was (if it was possible) to eat nothing but pure fat. The body would need to expend considerable energy to break down the fat and convert it to compounds needed for processes usually supplied by dietary carbohydrate and protein. Plus, since  various things were not being supplied in the diet, the body would have to break down existing tissue to re-use required material already in the body. The big drawback would be what that kind of diet would do to your blood chemistry.

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  • RMweb Premium
39 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:


And I've not had a full English breakfast for years because its 'unhealthy' :banghead::rtfm:

It is bad for you..



Just leave out the fried bread and toast...... then it's good for you..

Edited by TheQ
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40 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes lunchtime for the usual bread and milk and fresh fruit and veg. As I was about to leave the phone rang and it was the same scammer, this time supposedly from a local exchange. It looks as though they've got into someones address book.

And the one further down the page about the Audi pulled at a filling station. Passenger fined for breaching covid restrictions and car seized and will be crushed most likely (no licence or insurance).

And I've not had a full English breakfast for years because its 'unhealthy' :banghead::rtfm:

Friend of mine has a sensable dn she told him that a full English is without toast is healthier than a bowl of cereal

Edited by laurenceb
ad the bit I forgot
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Some interesting posts!


24 minutes ago, polybear said:


No Chrimbo cake for Bear this year...or should it be last year..... :cry:


Perhaps it depends upon how many times in a Century do chrimbo day and New Year's Day fall in the same year!


6 minutes ago, TheQ said:

It is bad for you..



Just leave out the fried bread and toast...... then it's good for you..


Dry cooked (akin to fried) egg on grilled bacon - Perfect startup to the day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


The day started with misty rain which duly hid the place then teh rain stopped and the mist cleared so I could see the palace.  Not that I want to see it but it does at least let me know how clear, or not, thegeneral visibility is.


The big blessing of Covid has been the massive reduction in what has the cheek to pass over our heads or withina mile or two of them, on turns  way onto LHR approach, being wakebned just after 06.00 by teh early arrivals from further parts of the globe is one alarm call i definitely do not miss.  While the evening rush hour of incoming flights when they pass us at 2 minute intervals with varying degrees of reduced thrust or presenting their back ends as they turn onto 09 heading is definitely something I am overjoyed to do without.  Even when we get our regular allocation of aircraft nuisance as it is passed around the Home Counties and different parts of London it is all massively reduced from what it was like a year ago.  And as they currently only use one runway at a time we will only get landing aircraft overhead every other week and provided the wind blows from the west we won't even get them that frequently.    Only thing is the few we now get are that bit more noticeable than when it was a steady cacophony.


Talking of air travel now the lad has an assistant (in training, in Poland) there is apparently talk of expanding his geographical area of responsibility - by adding the Phillipines.  Quite why they have that in mind I don't really understand but one day it might just be a bit more attractive for a familiarisation visit than a the Madrid office which is right next to the airport although while the Paris branch is ideally situated either he can at least do that one by train.


Chicken un=pie for dinner to night plus asparagus - luvverly.


Enjoy the rest of the day/evening and stay safe. 

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, laurenceb said:

Friend of mine has a sensable dn she told him that a full English is without toast is healthier than a bowl of cereal


Yup - a bowl of cereal has about 70 - 80g of carbs - almost my full days allowance.......

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