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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


I think it fair to say I'm totally fuming tonight about events. I got a call on my mobile (at last) to say that my orthotic device was now delivered to the hospital, and made my way up there to pick it up - a little rubber wedge (not even leather) which goes inside my shoe.


While I was there picking it up, I commented at the long wait for both the appointment, and the wait for the device, and was told that the waiting list was now down to about four months, but that diabetics got priority - that was when I blew, as I am diabetic. I queried this, and the orthotist rifled through her papers, and said "It doesn't say that here - does the hospital know about your diabetes?" At that point, I had to leave. The consultant knew I was diabetic, and even commented on how it would affect my recovery, and when I was on the ward, I was having four diabetes blood tests a day. DOH :mad: :angry: :banghead:


I'm up to speed now, having lurked today, and I'll be offline all next week, possibly starting from tomorrow, due to a few days off, and work commitments with no internet access later in the week. I'll be back Monday week. Regrettably, I won't be able to visit the site meantime, so to all attending the member's day - have a fabulous time there - I am so sorry to be missing it.


Phil H - I might be in Hampshire on Tuesday (working on 30747 now about it) and if at the MHR, will ask where to find you - probably knowing my luck I'll be at Alresford and you'll be halfway to Alton!


So for the next week or so it's

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


That sure was a lot of rain we've been having yesterday! There was a thunderstorm moving in around the time I was heading for the station, and the clouds began to burst as the train was pulling in. By the time I was returning home, things but had calmed down again, and right now the sun is shining. A friend told me that the storm must have been rather fierce around Groß-Gerau, as dozens of basements were flooded. I also just read about a small tornado taking the roofs off from around twenty houses in a town in the northwest of the state.


This looks like it's going to be a calm day, though I will most likely turn to revision later on <_< .


Have a good one, guys... ;)

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Tony S and Gordon, so sorry that you are having sleeping problems! As noted a couple of days ago, I too suffer intermitently. I woke at 1:10 this morning, thinking "That's it" and expecting to not go to sleep again. The next thing I knew it was 3:00 and then 5:00, so actually had a good 7 1/2 hours sleep.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is a rather lovely morning. I've been out to put some washing on the line. I didn't see any hedgehogs though. I think the fence replacement a few years ago may have prevented their access.



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Morning All,


Today has dawned bright, with blue sky and sunshine.


You'd better believe it Dominik - The storm was absolutely incredible yesterday afternoon. Torrential rain, and copious quantities of thunder and lightning. It got so dark that all the street lamps came on. I ended up driving through it to pick the little guy up from school.


Thankfully my cellar wasn't flooded! :laugh:


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Suns a shining (at the moment). Would stop and chat but I'm too busy in panic mode trying to get the bloomin' trainset working for the members day. Perhaps I should take up insomnia then I would have several hours extra each day. Then again maybe not.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

It got so dark that all the street lamps came on.


The platform lights up here also came on when the rain started. Sitting inside the train a few moments later and watching the storm unfold, I found it was then getting darker still!


The evening sky last night but was marvellous... :yes:

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Guest Max Stafford

Massive rainfall here last night. Full cloud cover this morning but the sun is trying to get through some thin patches. I'm pretty astonished at the cool and wet weather that has been round here for the last 4 or 5 weeks. These are normally the best weeks of the summer in these parts and it's usually July when the really bad weather takes over!



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"School's out for Summer!"


We had some big storms around Gotham City yesterday (incl. two "Tornado Warnings" - meaning funnel clouds/rotating T-Storms spotted). I was in the middle of two cells so they went either side of my house, not even any rain which we could have used.

Earlier this week I was expecting a service call from GE to repair our giant Dryer (see posts passim). My Studio/Office is on the second floor with a window overlooking our driveway so that I can see visitors (otherwise I often cannot hear the door bell).

So I'm gazing out the window looking for inspiration when the white van of GE hove into view. By the time i got to our Breezeway door I was amazed to see actor David Jason standing on the doorstep - he'd obviously dyed his hair black and had a Van Dyke beard and had gone back in time 20 years or so. Not only that but despite having a Gotham City accent he spoke with the same vocal mannerisms as Jason.

I was fascinated with this guy. He quickly told me rather proudly that he was the local "shop steward" at GE. He was obviously skilled as he had the Dryer stripped down in less than a minute but if he met an obstacle he would start singing.

So having fixed, put it back together and tested it - all the time keeping up a stream of banter with me we went back upstairs to settle up. There in the kitchen he opened up his lap top and said "what do you make of this then?" I wasn't sure what to expect but when I leaned over I noticed it was a "desktop" photo of a band - SLADE. Apparently this guy is their #1 fan in the 'States (they never were very big here due local bands like Quiet Riot, running with their songs). He has two dogs named "Noddy" and "Dave" and keeps in touch with the band even now.

An interesting morning.......


Best, Pete.

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Bloomin' eck....


Hope I didn't scare the neighbours being out in the front garden at 3.30am...:)





Were you naked?


That tends to scare the natives - well it does mine....


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Premium



Sorry, just had to let out all that relief now that my exams are all over.

Certainly is a good feeling!

The exams today were OK I thought, much better than I expected so I'm very happy today :D


Good! :yes: Now do get out that booze, you earned it... :D

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  • RMweb Gold

WOO!! ...

The exams today were OK I thought, much better than I expected so I'm very happy today biggrin.gif



Great news. Nice to end your exams with a good feeling.





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Didn't sleep very well, so please bear with me for not being awake enough to write anything deep at this time... :D Weather looks pleasant, however.


Be back to you later...

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