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8 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

As vermin it is a shame we cannot legally do more to excise them from the ecosystem

A problem!  Squirrels are classified as "cute" so impossible to bring harm upon them.  Its the bushy tail (as opposed to the ratty one) and how they stand upright and beg; you don't stand a chance!;)


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1 minute ago, brianusa said:

Squirrels are classified as "cute"

Not here they're not!!!  Oh yes they are considered "cute" by children and will approach them when offered food (even taking it from their hands on rare occasions) but not by anyone who tries to grow their own food or even brighten their surroundings with flowering plants.  


Personally I'm also not a fan of the Americanism "skwerl" though I'm sure they have issues with the British pronunciation of some words too.  

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4 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

but not by anyone who tries to grow their own food or even brighten their surroundings with flowering plants.  


You've been talking with my wife!  But she thinks they're cute also in spite of digging up the lawn in the search for buried nuts.:rolleyes_mini:


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't venture out today so the shower hose will have to wait, most of the leakage goes in the bath anyway.

I once had a colleague who kept ferrets and he told me that his ferrets sometimes killed grey squirrels. 

1 hour ago, Erichill16 said:

Just been looking at BBC news and wondering about the film I watched last night, the climate disaster movie.

Madrid is expecting 8inches of snow tomorrow and -12 C on Thursday.

A couple of nights ago -36C was recorded in northern Spain!

59 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I never hear owls.  Maybe because I use a Mac and never have Windows open ;)  

Here we go again.


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There was a very famous US soldier in WW1 surname York, like our leader. He grew up shooting squirels as food for the family. He's famous for holding down a whole battalion of German soldiers in 1918, for a day, he shot well over 100 large grey squirrels that day. The yanks named a mobile anti aircraft gun after him, Sgt York.

3 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

Squirrel fricassee anyone?


I believe the Romans used to stuff them, put them on a stick, roast them and then eat them sez Kebab style.

Along with Glis Glis or edible doormice that infest France to this day.




Edited by jamie92208
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I was part of a syndicate that shot on a couple of farms, we had a rule if you shot it, it had to be eaten, this was to deter anyone taking a pop at anything that moved. So the farmer asked us to reduce the Grey Squirrels as they were damaging trees and crops, no sooner had he walked away than my mate spun round, 2 bangs and 2 dead Greys hit the ground. So we had to eat them, took them his mums house as she could cook pretty much anything, Squirrel pie it was then, I was disappointed as I thought they would taste of nuts.

G'night all

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2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

A couple of nights ago -36C was recorded in northern Spain!

That's not a temperature - that's an offence!


Speaking of offences some oik (or oiks) at 23 o'clock let off a dozen very loud firecrackers over the road.  Waking up more than a few of us who emerged into a smokey haze after the event to hear cheering.  It's too late for English New Year and too early for Chinese New Year.  It's also too late at night for such antics and there should not be a gathering of people anywhere unless they are at home (and ideally inside) living together.  


Was there something else I missed?  Squirrel-fest, perhaps??? 


G'night all.  

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13 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Has anyone noticed that, until recently, despite the widespread use of tablet computers (like the iPad) for well over a decade, Hollywood’s depiction of computers would make the old SinclairZ64 look positively cutting edge! (and what’s with the black screen with green lettering, where the words slowly appear letter by letter as the computer responds to a command?)

Perhaps in a movie like "War Games" (1983). How do you define "recently"? Most of the television and movie computers I can think of that are set in contemporary times seem to feature holographically projected screens that respond to gestures and/or voice commands.


Mentioning tablets, the HAL-9000 has tablet interfaces in 2001. There's a scene with them on a table top surface in the (circular) crew living space. Samsung has used this to refute Apple's claim that Apple invented the tablet form factor.


13 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

One particular bugbear of mine is how people behave unrealistically in so many films. A good example being the typical horror film: we have a bunch of young people  in a remote country cottage having a good time when they learn that some psychopathic axe murderer has escaped. So, what do they do? Do they stay together in a room with the door locked and the windows bolted, arming themselves with serious improvised weaponry (like axe handles) whilst remaining fully dressed and “ready to roll”

You might enjoy this television commercial: "Let's hide behind the chainsaws".


There are a lot of parodies of horror movie clichés. This one (contains some 'bad' language) is a different take.

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15 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Just been looking at BBC news and wondering about the film I watched last night, the climate disaster movie.

Madrid is expecting 8inches of snow tomorrow and -12 C on Thursday.

Don't worry - Mdrid is over 2,000 ft asl and does get snow in the winter.


As for squirrels we have had - until they were rationalised - a profligacy of hazel trees in the garden and their nuts always vanish early on.  Only good point about the rat with a fluffy tale is that over the years we've  regularly had oak seedlimgs growing in the garden - nice little plants provided you don't let them get very big.  not so good is that it nicks bird food even from allegedly rat with a fluffy tale proof feeders.  The little s*d is far too quick for foxy or the cats to catch it and because its main route is along the top of next door's fence on our boundary I can't go for it with the air rifle.

Edited by The Stationmaster
Coprrect typo, thanks iD
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23 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Perhaps in a movie like "War Games" (1983). How do you define "recently"? Most of the television and movie computers I can think of that are set in contemporary times seem to feature holographically projected screens that respond to gestures and/or voice commands.


Quite amusing the first time round but I couldn't be bothered to watch it when it has been on twice in the past week or so.

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Good evening everyone 


Must (but not all) of the stuff that I brought from the workshop to the cellar has now been put BACK in the workshop. Once I’d taken back what I wanted to, I set up the turntable and gave it a run, I timed how long it took to do 180 degrees and multiplied the figure by 2, giving me one revolution in just under 55 seconds. That doesn’t seem fast, but it does look quite quick when you watch it. I’ll have a play with it again tomorrow to see how it looks moving a bit slower and a bit faster. Unfortunately, the way I’ve set it up, it won’t rotate continuously, it stops at one of 4 exit roads. So, I might look into having an option for continuous rotation as it could have its advantages, I think a switch mounted inside the control panel, that bypasses the whole indexing system could work, it would certainly aid setting the rotational speed and could also be an aid to future maintenance too. It might just be a case of adding a few extra bits in the panel itself, something to think about there perhaps!


Whilst I was in the workshop, I had a look at my Zeus chart, there is no price on it, just a date, I’ve got the ‘New 1970’ updated metric version! It was obtained directly from my old employer British Steel, who I suspect bought them in bulk and we apprentices were able to buy them at cost. I seem to recall I only paid a few pence for it, for some reason the amount of 25p springs to mind.


This evening we opened and drank a nice bottle of Malbec whilst we sat and watched a film we recorded last night called ‘The Wife’ starring Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce and Christian Slater, it was a very enjoyable film. 

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