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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

I'm up too - one of the downsides of being on call with work is that I don't relax as I'm waiting for the phone to ring. Consequently it becomes a week of not much sleep. I've got Fostoria on, just watched a sextuplet (?) header go through - mind you 4 of those looked like brand new BNSF units being ferried somewhere.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Looks like the cloud cover's slowly breaking, though a chance of both rain and thunder will persist for the rest of this day. I'll be off to have my hair cut later on, and then for a course in the afternoon. Tomorrow's a public holiday, so we made all our food purchases yesterday to avoid the supermarket rush which I guess can be expected tonight!


Have a good one, guys... :yes:

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Who has gone??????????? Gordon and Dd.

It can't be Sam. She would be very much missed.

What did I miss?

Cloudy with some rain today, possibly into the weekend.

What has happened to Jam? He hasn't been on for a few days.

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Rest easy Don, Sam is well and tucked up in my shed....


Jelena Jankovic has been DD's girl for the last few years.


He moved on to another young thing.


She called him a two timing bast*rd and devastated, crashed out in the first round of Wimbledon.

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Morning All,


Very grey and wet this morning. I hope that the weather improves for the long weekend!


I made the mistake of falling asleep on the sofa last night :blink:. I woke up at around 1am and went to bed, but I am not sure my neck will ever be the same again!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.Warm and slightly cloudy here.

I haven't watched tennis for years. Yesterday I watched some of the West Indies v India cricket while the tennis was on.



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Morning all,


Well amazingly I got the flex hose for the shower.........and it only cost the equivalent of about a fiver (just over $6.50) So got that fixed last night.


Sorry to hear of your Laryngitis Mike, I do sympathise.........


Off on some site inspections at three of my other projects here today, though the way the traffic goes I will probably only get to two!.


Enjoy your day

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Hope all the sore throats, necks and other bits recover quickly. Big step forward MIck, hope all goes smoothly.


May have to break out the lawn mower this morning otherwise the only way I'll be able to get to the shed will be to call in the Ghurkas with machetes!


Have a good one all.




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"He moved on to another young thing."

I'm still interviewing.

I'm concerned by the insomnia, Gordon.

If healing is still involved then your body doesn't get a fair crack of the whip (!) if you can't rest.

Hope things improve.

I assume the medics are aware of the problem?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Sorry for my absence these last few days. I'm afraid it is all to do with the exam season!

The frustrating thing about this years exams is that they are all in a period of two weeks and not spread out. Not only this, but I have 2 exams per day on days where I do have exam. Tomorrow sees my final exams - one in the morning for 2.5hrs and then I'm in isolation until 2pm where I will have my last exam for 2hrs. I am going to be absolutely shattered! Then it's off to the pub quiz in the evening to unwind with my mates. I'll be revising all day today I suspect. It doesn't help that my product design teacher has left all the revision to me. I was only able to work out what I had to revise by looking for a checklist on the exam board website. Without being rude, I really hope he will consider retiring soon - its fair enough that he enjoys the subject and he has excellent knowledge on it, but he doesn't share it with anyone else!


So I'm revising (sorry, learning) the whole course today! Apologies for not joining in with ERs or indeed the forum for a while. By Friday things will hopefully improve and then I've got the whole summer to myself instead of having other commitments.


Sorry to hear of your collective illnesses and challenges over the past few days. I must admit, after having had the longest day yesterday, the weather is rubbish for June laugh.gif

Now to drink a cup of tea and take my hayfever tablet. (Why do such things always appear in exam periods cray.gif). On a more positive note, little Freda is growing substantially and has really settled in very well. It's lovely to come back home to her and give her some attention. Oh yes, and she also had her first look outside (albeit she wasn't allowed to roam around).


Well, I think that is about everything to report, speak later biggrin.gif

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Good luck with the last 2 exams Jam.


I see Sideshow's on No.1 Court today rather than Centre Court so he could get rained off judging by the forecast.


Spent yesterday afternoon sorting magazines and paperwork, still a lot to do so will carry on with that today, though I do plan to go for a swim. Went climbing last night at short notice. A friend was free and roped me in to climb (if you'll pardon the pun...).

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  • RMweb Premium

Yeah – good luck, Jam! :yes:


I personally don't think it is wise for schools to cram all kinds of exams into that short a period of time either. There actually is a neologism of sorts for the kind of revision which doing so anyway requires over here – "bulimia learning." Perhaps you could also call it "binge learning," however.

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  • RMweb Gold

It would appear that the cloud is going to start raining here soon.

Matthew rang and he has got some good grades this year so he is happy. He was concerned about having to do re-sits and got an overall 2-1 for the year. He has to maintain that grade if he wants to have an year studying in the US or Canada at the end of of his second year.

It has started pouring as I wrote the last sentence!

I think I'll go shopping. Aditi asked for something for dinner tonight to use up the chicken in the refrigerator and suggested a recipe that we don't appear to have any of the other ingredients for!


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Most unusally I am logging on late afternoon. It's DARK and POURING with rain. I have the TV on and hoping to see Andrew play but I'm not sure when he will play or on which chamnel.

Supper will be Curry and rice, all ready (the smell of curry is currenty permeating the air).

Glad to hear your news Jam. I was missing you. Give Frieda a strok from me. :yes:

Good luck with the exams!!!!!!!!

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Is it morning yet......


Or perhaps Evening Risers


Good to see everyone still around :D


Never knew how much rubbish good stuff you accumalate until you have to pack everything up....


Good news is the daft dawg finally has his permit to emigrate :D


catch you later.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Good to see you to Phil.


Today, we received our sixth three page missive from Revenue and Customs. All telling us exactly the same thing, that we won't be eligible for tax credits this year. I know we won't be. Never have been. If this is typical then I think I know why the country is broke.

I would complain but that would probably only trigger more correspondence and waste.

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Thanks Mike, but NO LUCK! :cry:

We have EIGHT sports channels, 6 dedicated to soccer, and actually, tonight 2 to Wimbledon, one to the Nadal match and another to two players I have never heard of but not Andy Murray's match. Obviously the powers that be still have a bias against anything British. I HATE soccer. Here it is played by people of the lowest possible class. Rugby is my ( National Winter game and cricket and tennis, our Summer games.

CURSES!!!!!!! (It's still raining and even blackers than before)

Edited to remove my extremely strong feeings)

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