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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

One apparently turned up the next day "demanding" her f.....ing vaccine. When I asked why she hadn't bothered to turn up het response was priceless.. " I didn't have the time yesterday"!

There are about 3million people in the group currently being vaccinated.  I should imagine there must be a few members of that cohort who are “difficult”. MiL went for hers and was very impressed with the organisation of the procedure. Those who didn’t turn up may have been responsible for some of the medics in our family getting left over about to expire jabs. 


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2 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

Once you've got the wire in place, Ripley has the right idea:


'Nuke the entire site from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure!'




I see Big H isn't in the mood for taking prisoners.

Obviously the cake withdrawal symptoms are kicking in earlier than expected.....

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching some of the old Carry On pics on ITV3. They may have aged well but they are still very much of their time. They could never be made in today's PC climate. Not been doing much else today, just rubbish on the box but I've still got some puzzles to catch up on.

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A late call mostly to wish StationMike a happy birthday, which I had somehow overlooked.


I suppose my sleep patterns have often been disturbed in my life, at sea watchkeeping is in two, 4 hour groups, so say12 noon - 4pm then 12 midnight to 4am (plus any 'overtime', stand-bys etc, usually another 2 hours after your watch.  Or 4-8, 8-12. so sleep. eating, drinking etc is all done twice a day. 


When I came shoreside I worked full shifts for several years too, before office work became my lot.  I used to sleep OK at first in that, perhaps until I was in my late 40's when things started to slide a little, then after the hip issues that started 10 years ago at 51 became steadily worse.  I have only slept one night through in the last 8 years, and its not getting better.  Smashing my left foot to bits in a walking accident was the cherry on top.....pah!


Fraggle Rock has seen road accidents all day as it has been very icy, the Frags are not used to this so of course don't slow down or take due care, as they know they'll be OK.  Similar to covidiots I suppose, it won't happen to them.  

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Bear has just been watching the TV Drama "Casualty" on BBC1 - the first time I've seen it for many moons.

It was the start of a new series apparently, and dealt with the effects of C-19 on an A&E Dept.  It should be compulsory viewing for all those f.wits who think the rules don't apply to them.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still watching TV. Watching 'Drain the oceans' on National Geographic, its fascinating looking at wrecks in their entirety. At the moment they're doing the Spanish Armada. 

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42 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear has just been watching the TV Drama "Casualty" on BBC1 - the first time I've seen it for many moons.

It was the start of a new series apparently, and dealt with the effects of C-19 on an A&E Dept.  It should be compulsory viewing for all those f.wits who think the rules don't apply to them.

I haven't watched it yet i may download it i dont wztch the bbc out of principle for their bias and the fact they want to rob over 75s of their pension just to peddle poop whilst cutting regional programming on both tv and radio

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  • RMweb Gold
7 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Painting done. Hair is a little whiter.

I must be the messiest painter. At least if it drips on me it isn’t hitting the floor. My hair is whiter than the ceiling. White white would be a bit much in our house so all the ceilings are almond white which is less bright. I can’t see myself doing any decorating in the immediate future though. 

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Evening All,

First of all, Happy Birthday to the Station Master, and I hope he enjoyed it.

Not much of a day really, took Mil for a walk late morning/early afternoon and though the day started out clear there was quite a bit of the white stuff before we got home. Missed the first 20 minutes of my football match which we lost 1:0. Not surprising really, Norwich are top of the league and despite our lofty position within the division  I don’t think we’re playing that well. 

After tea we watched a film from Amazon Prime. We picked it because the film featured a border terrier with a passing resemblance to Syd. The film wasn’t  particularly good, something of a romcom,  but the dog did play a nice part so I looked her up on IMDb. It’s amazing what you can find on that website, for instance you can find the phone number for the dogs agent! Anyway I  found she also featured in Wonder, a film also staring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson so I  thought that should be a decent film. The film was both sad and heart warming and that had nothing to do with the fact that Gidget (border terriers real name) didn’t make it to the end.

Anyway, Goodnight.



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3 hours ago, Sir TophamHatt said:

Evening all.


The person who enjoys taking over my role has done so again a fair amount today.

They're just a nightmare...  said they'd be coming in late due to a hospital appointment, which now turns out to be tomorrow.  Still, they had time to stop in and pick up lunch!

Just don't know why they don't take the easy role and chill out for the day.

At least they haven't criticised anything I've done :P


Baby TH had a tumble yesterday and cut...  well, it's not his eyelid but the bit just under his eyebrow.  Didn't do much crying about it but got back to playing pretty much straight away.  Hoping he'll be a fighter but it does give me bad thoughts... what if he falls and pokes out his eye?  Or falls and chops off his hand?  All part of parenting I guess.

Babies bounce! We all face those moments where our parenting does not prevent an accident ( or worse , causes one) and we all feel awful- that’s because it’s the last thing we would ever want. I remember accidentally hurting Elder Lurker in front of my parents; I felt terrible long after he stopped crying and I guess it still comes back to me now the best part of 18 years later...!

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