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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is cloudy here, I think it rained overnight and isn’t frosty. 
I don’t recall hearing any fireworks yesterday evening or night. 

There may be a couple of parcels coming today, some new baking tins and flan thingies I think, no toys.


I am not sure what we are doing today, perhaps a walk. The grass needs cutting but the ground is too wet. We would just end up with a soggy clay patch instead of lawn. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning everyone 


A cold and frosty start to the day, currently -2C outside, apart from going to retrieve the bin from wherever the bin men have decided to leave it and to get a few items from the workshop, the plan is to spend the rest of today in the cellar. Firstly I’m hoping to test the turntable control panel and secondly make up a variable voltage (dc) board to power the turntable motor, this will enable me to eliminate the need for a separate power supply for the turntable drive system. The motor supply is currently 3v reduced to about 2v via a couple of diodes, and the electronics require a 12v and 5v supplies, which both come from the same initial source. I’ve designed and tested (using my simulation software) the circuit, so I just need to build and physically test it. It’s not very big and there’s plenty of room in the control panel and it will mean one less power supply to the panel. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Neil makes a good point about waking up after a couple of hours sleep and the brain wanting to work again. 

I wonder if 35 years of shift work is responsible for this ability to be wide awake in the middle of the night even long after retirement? 

In my case, 12 hour nights included a 90 minute meal break, and I was one of a minority who could sit in a comfortable chair and doze off for an hour as my meal break at silly o’clock and then get straight back to work. 

Maybe the brain just gets used to functioning with disrupted sleep patterns and never loses that ability? 

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  • RMweb Premium

I also worked shifts and it took over 30 years of day work before I stopped waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning. It's only in the last couple of years that I've started sleeping in. On the plus side it meant I was rarely late for work. 

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Morning, slight dusting of snow overnight and it is still freezing, pond ice has been broken up gently to help reduce any damage the expanding ice might do. Sleep disruption from shift work is something I too can have from time to time, even after 17 years since last working them, being retired I just go with the flow and sleep when I'm tired and get up when I want, only down side is I not only don't know what day it is, but sometimes don't even know if it's am or pm lol. Take care all and enjoy your weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday Mike!


We did have blue skies here first thing.. then.. snow! and lots of it  so everywhere is covered again. I don't have to go out so.. who cares?


Youngest Herbert has just done a door step delivery of some fresh eggs (his young lady lives on a farm) including  a blue one..


@The Stationmaster - a few people have not bothered to turn up for vaccine appointments around here. One apparently turned up the next day "demanding" her f.....ing vaccine. When I asked why she hadn't bothered to turn up het response was priceless.. " I didn't have the time yesterday"!  I would have just sent her for a sit down outside!


Blast!  It is snowing.. again!



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All the snow that finally dissappeared yesterday is back with a lot more and its still going.

A quick glance of the tv schedules brings dispair the only highlight being a bridge too far. Sean Connery playing hide and seek with the Germans. Anthony Hopkins as Major Frost telling them he cant accept their surrenders is another classic scene. 

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  • RMweb Premium
44 minutes ago, Barry O said:

........a few people have not bothered to turn up for vaccine appointments around here. One apparently turned up the next day "demanding" her f.....ing vaccine. When I asked why she hadn't bothered to turn up het response was priceless.. " I didn't have the time yesterday"!  I would have just sent her for a sit down outside!



Or even better, send her to the very back of the queue - after the rest of the country have been done.  With any luck she'll contract the virus in the interim

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3 minutes ago, polybear said:


Or even better, send her to the very back of the queue - after the rest of the country have been done.  With any luck she'll contract the virus in the interim

And then, pass it on many times. Just vaccinate her with a blunt needle.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hello again from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns to SM Mick. Arthur Itis does run and hide when the paracetamol comes out but he hasn't troubled me very much recently as the weathers been dry. Also the sore foot appears to be on the mend, walking about seems to be a lot easier. A package arrived this morning, a few months ago I purchased a device for running on two parallel strips of metal. It turned out to be in dire need of lubrication so I ordered the necessary instrument for doing so, that's what arrived this morning.

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  • RMweb Premium
21 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

And then, pass it on many times. Just vaccinate her with a blunt needle.


If she's at the end of the line then everyone else (apart from the anti-vaxxers) will have been vaccinated :)

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1 minute ago, polybear said:


If she's at the end of the line then everyone else (apart from the anti-vaxxers) will have been vaccinated :)

The vaccine is only 90-95% effective. You can still catch COVID even after having been vaccinated. Sh if you want to play out this scenario, whatever this individual does she's going to put more people at risk (bet she doesn't wear a mask) so let's try to reduce that.

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, Dunsignalling said:

Frosty here again but nice and bright. It looks lovely through glass and I may venture out in an hour or so.


Saw news item about warehouse Rave in France with 2,500 cockwombles including contingents from UK and Spain. Police attacked as they tried to disperse the mob.


It occurs to me it might be better to just surround the venue with razor wire to PREVENT them leaving and designate it as Covid Quarantine Facility. Any that want to depart to test negative at least twice before being let out....





Once you've got the wire in place, Ripley has the right idea:


'Nuke the entire site from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure!'



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, polybear said:

I wake at 3 or 4 am and sometimes my brain starts working - that's fatal for not getting back to sleep again.

Something you share with Dr. SWMBO.  And something which troubles her to a greater or lesser extent most days.  I don't mind that she retires by 9pm since, as an ER myself for professional purposes I do likewise, but she does object to being awake with a fully-active brain at such hours and being unable to get back to sleep.  


Afternoon all.  Trying to maintain track of the calendar here - it is Saturday despite the feeling that it is in fact Justanotherday.  Continued very slow fixing-up proceeds in the various departments of unwell and a return to the House of Fun remains on the cards for Stupid O'clock on Moan-day morning.  Long before too many small brown birds have broken wind but there's always one ..... ;) 


Trying not to be unduly perturbed by news reports of events beyond my control and having mixed feelings about the French rave; the organisers might consider they have done a good job by staging the event and outwitting the forces of law with some success for some time.  The attendees seem to be sleeping in cars (if at all bearing in mind the properties of certain substances often associated with such events designed to keep one very awake indeed for a long time) and the nuisance is largely self-contained in both noise and disease-control contexts. Just ensure no-one leaves the site for 14 days and then they have to test negative in order to do so.  


It is time to apply music and see if Arthur Eye-tuss will permit the fingers to work as intended with fine-detail m*d*ll*ng work.  If not then there's always dishes to wash! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon. It's cool and sunny here and I'm rather late on parade. However  I've not been in my pit scoffing cake. We had our usual 09.00 chat with Emily and her mums, that certainly brightened the day.


Then it was off to Angouleme  with the trailer on. The trailer had the shower door in it. They had sent a left handed one rather than a right handed one. An hour later I started to explain the problem to the nice people at the big blue shed, which has the same owners as the big orange sheds in the UK. 30 minutes or so later, they agreed to exchange it. Fortunately  I had the instructions, which were correct, and also my hand drawn plan which showed what I had ordered. Hopefully the new one will be here in a couple of weeks.


Not a lot else to report apart from wishing Mike bon anniversaire.



Edited by jamie92208
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