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I have just listened to the Radio Norfolk special on the signal boxes on the Wherry  lines that have been resignalled. 

Someone mentioned it on here the other day I can't remember who i think it may have been Q 

Anyway it was on BBC Sounds very interesting thanks for the info

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36 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

I used to know an ambulance man and he had many such stories including one about a man whole was peeling potatoes whilst in the bath. He managed to get one stuck in a certain bodily cavity.


A mate's daughter works at the Lister, Stevenage.  In 2019 (IIRC) some guy was admitted, with something "stuck" and couldn't get it out again.  Seems that he & his missus had been "experimenting" and it all went a bit too far - literally.  Apparently all attempts by the hospital to retrieve it failed, and it took surgery to recover it.  My mate never did find out what the object was though.  His missus never visited him in hospital, as she was too embarrassed.....


Another one I heard was a brass door knob "stuck".  He told A&E (not the Lister) that he was bending over to put his socks on and someone opened the door behind him.  Yeah, like we all believe that one....

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When I was having investigations diagnosing my Prostate Cancer in 2011, the Doc said that he had had an old Warwickshire farmer for the same procedure. When the biopsy instrument was inserted the farmer exclaimed, loudly "OH BU99ER ME!", which the doc thought was worth a mention.

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7 hours ago, laurenceb said:

Localy only heard a few bangs through the evening with a sharp fusalade around midnight, perhaps the cockwombles had run out of fireworks, or money to buy them. We can only hope

Likewise, which is a bit strange considering an important event like New Years went quietly into the night!  Spent the evening watching old MGM musicals which had been seen before.  Always interesting as having seen them many years ago, all the stars are now dead, those whom I had seen in their prime.  Makes you think!:cry:

Happy New Year.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. When looking at the films of the human rocket launchers I can't help thinking some of them must have had some painful injuries and one at least is likely as not lined up for a Darwin award having removed himself from the gene pool, even if he is still walking about albeit in a peculiar way. 

Arthur Itis is making himself felt so there might be a bit of rain/sleet/snow on the way.

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58 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

It also resulted in flatmate posting fairly explicit material to her social media accounts which platforms duly alerted me and what was seen cannot be unseen. In my humble opinion an extremely bad move for a teacher as her children - and their parents - are as likely to end up seeing it as anyone.


Oh dear. The importance of not doing that is drummed into one in basic training. Fortunately I doubt any pupil of mine has ever been on RMWeb.

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Good evening everyone 


Well, apart from making a raspberry and rose chocolate cheesecake, I haven’t done much else. I must say, it’s been rather nice sitting in front of the fire reading a book and listening to CDs.


 Goodnight all 

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9 hours ago, polybear said:

Easy fix, that one.  Make it illegal to manufacture or sell fireworks that are loud.  Pretty lights yes; big bangs/screams etc.?  No.


Delete all after "fireworks"!

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14 hours ago, polybear said:

...As for Police inaction in such circumstances, it's about time a directive came down from upon high to "nail the b'stards good n' proper - with no warnings". ...

Forgive me for being rather cynical so early in the year, but it would seem that re-enacting the Battle of the Somme with fireworks and keeping your neighbours awake, annoyed and in some cases fearful, is not the “right sort” of crime for investigation; had they posted something on social media that is contrary to the current “group think” then the plod would be round to their place “toot sweet”, if not to feel their collars then to lecture them about “correct thinking”.

To get very slightly political, I would imagine that the police frontline are getting very, very frustrated with the police priorities set by their superiors. I think that someone should tell the College of Policing that 1984 is a dystopian novel and not a how-to manual (how else would you explain the fact that a pensioner having been burgled receives scant interest from the police nowadays, whereas if you were to tweet something very “non-group think” like “Venusians are tentacled trisexual scum“ you would very rapidly become the centre of some very intense police attention indeed)

14 hours ago, TheQ said:

Norfolk police are a bit more enthusiastic,

Some people were trying to set up a rave last night near Ludham, in open countryside.., 24 arrested, their equipment confiscated....

And, I hope, destroyed.
In such cases punishments should truly be punitive otherwise the miscreants will shrug off the slap on the wrist taking their equipment and go do it again.

11 hours ago, TheQ said:

...Ben the choosy Collie, ...came to me and gave me the stare, ... This I Ignored, so he then arrived on my lap.. I asked him if he wanted out, he looked at me..looked at the door ..looked at me...looked at the door.. so I said go on then.. he went to the back door.. I then opened the door and he happily trotted out.

Perhaps Ben would enjoy collaborating with Lucy on a project on “the effective dog stare“. Lucy also has “the stare“ down to a fine art, in fact  Lucy has several, each to be used in a different situation. Apart from the “it’s time for a walk“ stare and the “I need to go out to the garden“ stare, she also has what I can only describe as the “Dame Maggie Smith stare“ with which she looks at you with a penetrating and incredibly judgemental stare, displeasure radiating from every fibre of her body (i.e. the look that Dame Maggie Smith has perfected for many of her roles - like the role of the Dowager Duchess of Grantham in Downton Abbey)

6 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

...It also resulted in flatmate posting fairly explicit material to her social media accounts which platforms duly alerted me and what was seen cannot be unseen. In my humble opinion an extremely bad move for a teacher...

Hmm, an interesting post and one that is, perhaps, also a comment on the Anglo-Saxon attitude towards nudity.  Not having seen the images, I cannot begin to comment on how explicit the photos were/are. But if they were simply Page 3 style topless shots, then most of  Europe would have greeted these images with a bored “ho-hum“. For most of Europe, casual nudity is not a big thing.  A considerable number of European women go topless on the beach and throughout most of Europe when you go to the sauna in a fitness centre you go to it completely naked.  In fact, it is very easy to spot an Anglo-Saxon in a European sauna: they are the ones either wearing a bathing suit or are cocooned in a large towel.

The Germans in particular have a very active FKK movement and it is not unknown for many public swimming pools to have an afternoon or a day set aside for FKK swimming (aka Skinny-Dipping in the US), something I cannot see happening at the Acton municipal pool and slipper baths!

5 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

...I’ve seen Sydney have another episode as did SWMBO  but bil seems unconcerned. He needs to speak to the breeder at least if not the vet. If he doesn’t do something soon SWMBO and myself are going to get very angry.

And well you should. You haven’t described what is affecting Sydney, but dogs are very good at hiding pain and injury (something that for them brought an evolutionary advantage), so when a dog expresses pain then the animal really is hurting. Veterinary medicine overlaps considerably with human medicine, and for animals - as with humans - the earlier you medically intervene to address an illness or injury the more favourable the outcome. If BiL remains indifferent to Sydney’s problems and you & SWMBO are extremely concerned, then a quick call to the RSPCA for advice (and maybe intervention on their part) could help. Ultimately, it’s all about what is good for, and in the best interests of, Sydney.


Up fairly early today (hence the pre-dawn post) but I did sleep passably well. Not too much to do today, although if the recycling centre is open I have quite a lot of PET, glass, aluminium, old metal and old electronics to recycle.


Slow Roast Pork Belly with Cauliflower mash awaits tonight and I might try my hand at making a proper apple sauce for the pork...


Enjoy Day 2 of a brand spanking new year.



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Oh well, just spent a while composing some drivel only to switch to another tab and find it's disappeared - why, when sometimes the editor retains the last lot of drivel for days and I have to purposely erase it - Grrrrr!


The essence was:

  1. Morning
  2. Tired
  3. Any tips for staying asleep
  4. Planned wood butchering
  5. It's cold
  6. Look after yourselves
  7. Make the best of your day 


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Ey up!

Not a lot done yesterday but did catch up with some friends via messenger. 


Not a bad nights slepp.. but still could do with some more.


Christmas decorations to be removed and stored until next December. 


Stay safe!


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