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Mrs stationmaster popped into Waitrose this afternoon - after queueing to get into the shop.  Virtually no green veg left on the shelves and she couldn't even find a cabbage.  Does that mean folk have finished up their Christmas Day leftovers I wonder?


BTW I know not everybody buys their magazines by subscription but why is WHS an 'essential' shop?

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56 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

I'm sure I read in the Todeller years ago the treacle mines were in Sabden.  I'm sure there was a wagon.....must be true then.

Do I remember a Treacle Mine layout called Wheal Clidgey? Or something like that?


There is a Clodgey Lane in Helston.

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2 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Do I remember a Treacle Mine layout called Wheal Clidgey? Or something like that?


There is a Clodgey Lane in Helston.

Treacle Bolly by chance?



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1 minute ago, BoD said:

I hope that you get whatever it is sorted but I also hope that you find the time to drop in for a chat and a bit of light banter ... it’s good for the soul.

I agree with that @Bod


Talked to a friend this afternoon. He was quite down as he hadn't been able to see his grandson at Christmas. Suggested he parked outside their home and they could at least wave to each other... result!


Be careful fraternising with the folks from the "Wrong side" of the hills Leopard!  You will be putting gravy on your fish and chips next....


Time for tea, and yes it is going to ne fish and chips.. why? Well they are shut tomorrow night for something to with the "New Years Eve"..


After moving in and ripping out the old fireplace before christmas (and fitting a new fireplace) our new neighbours have had a man in to fit a proper flue.. that will explain their piles of wood in the garden... they need to check the local regs around here though.. no type of wood or coal or smokeless fuel fire can be used.. its an odd local byelaw..



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5 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Be careful fraternising with the folks from the "Wrong side" of the hills Leopard!  You will be putting gravy on your fish and chips next....

Not in my lifetime :mosking:


I've spent a lot of my life working and living on the 'wet side' and I've known Mick (Newbryford) for longer than he will freely admit ;) I just saw, and still see, it as missionary work :D


I used to live within easy walking distance of The Albion in Clayton-le-Moors, brewery tap for the erstwhile Porter Brewery, their 'Sunshine' beer was dangerously drinkable even though it was 5.0%.



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Treacle? That’s craftsmanship right there, lad. Every single ounce was carefully hewn from the living sugar and refined by skilled craftsmen in huge copper cauldrons. What do we have nowadays? High Fructose Corn syrup! That’s right, High bloody fructose bloody corn syrup! Those soft southerners may like it, but up here lad, yes up here lad, we know, we know what’s good for you. Treacle for us lads and golden syrup for her indoors. I wept lad, yes wept and not ashamed to admit it, when they closed the last of the treacle pits and put up a shiny stainless steel godforsaken soulless HFCS production plant. It killed yer Grandad, lad. Killed him

That was an excerpt from the exciting new play “The day they killed treacle” by the provocative and stimulating playwright Mr N Orthern-Cliché

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1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

BTW I know not everybody buys their magazines by subscription but why is WHS an 'essential' shop?

Possibly by the same tenuous and unenforceable system which allows Poundland to also renain open. 

WHS is home to many post office branches and itself is a newsagent. Both counts permit them to stay open and the standard governnent advice suggests that if you normally sell something (including books, paints or other “non-essential” items you may still do so if petmitted to open


Poundland has stubbornly remained open on the grounds tgat they sell food. So they do but only a tiny selection and it is not by any means their main business. Yet they open still. 

WHS around this area closed during Lockdown 1. This made obtaining any Post Office services remarkably difficult. Only the small corner-shop counters were open and with restricted services (such as no overseas mail, no parcel over 2kgs); they then closed too.  We were out of options unless we travelled well out of our area (not advised in L1) and we sat it out. 

Meanwhile Poundland was happily selling all manner of knick-knacks, bits and pieces and even clothes. But not stamps. 

All in all not the unified approach Boris would have wished for at all. 

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3 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

What to do with the cockwombles i dont think fines are enough. The thought of a katyn style massacre in forest is more appealing. They should be kept in a secure camp they cant just walk out of. They should have their human rights rescinded 


Having just checked the rates in my area (now 1116 per 100K) and having been more than a little shocked by the latest figures on the news this evening I'm all for a cockwomble cure.  Memories of various war films where the truck pulls into a clearing in the forest and all the prisoners get out; one asks "why are we stopping here?" and is firmly told that its an exercise break.   Then the tarpaulin on the back of a ten tonner is pulled to one side and......

Incidentally, I'm more than impressed by the approach of the drug company responsible for the Oxford vaccine, i.e. not for profit.  Thumbs up, with a cherry on top.

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12 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:


@newbryford Of course Mick, you do know 'why' there's only one Yorkshire? *


It's because you can't improve on perfection :D


See you all later, make the most of your day.


* Insert county name of choice; but only effective if you're the first to state it. ;)

Rather like ‘you can always tell a Yorkshireman but you can’t tell him much’

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There is no cure for being a cockwomble, I am sure. There may be none for being a covidiot. 

I can at least have a little empathy with those simply bored, frustrated and wondering if this will ever end. And with those “denied” their “right” to do what ever. Including partying. 

Ineffective leadership, constantly-changing rules (many of which turn out to not be rules at all) and a sense of knee-jerk reaction rather than effective pro-action by governnent* has disaffected many.  Then there is the potential for a fair number of people to simply not grasp what is actually going on. And there is entitlenent. The term “BAME” has been hijacked in certain sectors of the community to mean Blacks Are Mask Exempt. 

* other opinions may be available. 

Edited by Gwiwer
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2 hours ago, Barry O said:



Be careful fraternising with the folks from the "Wrong side" of the hills Leopard!  You will be putting gravy on your fish and chips next....





Heck - even I don't stoop that low.


Batter and gravy - no way.

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3 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

I'm sure I read in the Todeller years ago the treacle mines were in Sabden.  I'm sure there was a wagon.....must be true then. :drag:





There was a wagon made by Dapol - Polegate Treacle Mines.


There was also a 009 layout doing the rounds across the northern exhibitions many years ago. Pretty sure that featured in RM.



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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

... they need to check the local regs around here though.. no type of wood or coal or smokeless fuel fire can be used.. its an odd local byelaw..

So what can you burn? If anything?

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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

...Be careful fraternising with the folks from the "Wrong side" of the hills Leopard!  You will be putting gravy on your fish and chips next....

Enlighten me, Good Sir. What is this “fish and chips” you rhapsodise about? Is it the fabled pieces of sea creature covered in a paste of flour, water and egg and thrown into vats of boiling “dripping” together with chunks of edible tuber?
Travellers returning from the wastelands beyond the M25 have told me stories of such, as well as tall tales of things called “gravy”, “brown sauce” and “butties”. Such tales cause much merriment, ridicule and scorn amongst the members of the DAISNAID* club in Islington as they sip their skinny soy milk salted caramel lattes and eat their granola-lentil-kale rice bowls, but I, Sir, remain open minded about such things, for is it not written that “when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains - no matter how improbable - is the truth

* Do As I Say, Not As I Do

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