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Good morning all. 

Welcome to Moan-Boxing-Ban-Collar Day.

Confused?  Not as much as our bin men are.   The normal collection day is Friday. They collected yesterday instead. I was surprised to be woken this morning by the rumble of passing wheelie-bins and the usual bin-emptying-person banter. 

Upon finding all our line of bins empty surprise was expressed vocally enough to be overheard. As was the comment “perhaps they didn’t expect us round on Sunday ..... “. 

I wonder when the penny will drop. 

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13 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

...her family has purchased her (and hubby) a title and plot of land in Scotland for Christmas.  Just the 1m2 you understand, in one of those internet "things", but apparently enough to confer upon her the title of Lady, and of Lord upon her husband.  I shall have to mind my Ps and Qs with both a Dr and a Lady among my close circle these days!  

Intrigued, I looked up how to buy a title and they are bl00dy expensive (up to about £1000). Furthermore, all it does is allow you to call yourself Lord This or Lady That (which is, apparently, something you can do anyway under UK law, as long as you don’t give yourself a title for illegal or fraudulent purposes), your friend won’t be able to take a seat in the House of Lords or pass on the title to the children (and the Court of the Lord Lyon probably won’t be rushing to create a coat of arms). Mind you, it must be very useful for getting restaurant reservations :jester:

12 hours ago, pH said:

....Having been replacing bulbs with LEDs as they burned out for several years...

I have had very mixed experiences with LEDs - either they last seemingly forever or the fail within hours of installation. I suppose it’s down to the QC stringency of the manufacturer.

11 hours ago, grandadbob said:

.... We’ve had a yellow warning for snow

Yellow snow warning? Many Huskies around in your neighbourhood?

8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

It seems that Essex is the national C-19 hot spot..

Having lived for a while in that part of the country I am not surprised. It is claimed that Essex has an undeserved reputation for many things, but I sometimes wonder...

8 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

, crating some bottles (1:76 and without beer inside, sorry) ...

That’s modelling, that is. Aren’t you afraid of Debs and the “Almighty Awl”?

8 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

..a new mattress has been ordered. .... a very highly-rated titanium-sprung one has turned up ...

Good Heavens, Rick. Isn’t that a bit over engineered? Whatever next? Flame proof sheets? Military grade pillows?

6 hours ago, newbryford said:

Anything goes with sausage and chips.

Now you’ve opened a can of worms! How do you define “chip”? Is it bootlace thin and crunchy? thick, greasy, flabby - edible only after being drowned in malt vinegar? triple-cooked - crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside and served in pretentious stacks or wire baskets?

6 hours ago, newbryford said:

My name seems to pop up quite regularly in the "which ER's I've met" lists.

Does that make me some some sort of floozy/gadabout?

I wouldn’t have thought so, although twisting those well known phrases of opprobrium into railway modelling relevant sayings could be quite interesting. A man of loose models?

5 hours ago, newbryford said:

Battered sausage and chips is a better choice.

I’m appalled that you condone sausage abuse. What has the humble breakfast banger ever done to you to deserve being bashed about?  (You may have guessed that I am a member of BABA: Britons Against Banger Abuse)

5 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

I think it was in Preston (in 1986) where I first happened across Saveloy and Parched Peas - weird, just weird :(

Of course it’s weird, it’s positively perverse! A saveloy (preferably with a bright red skin, containing bits of pig that the pig doesn’t know it has) should only be served with piping hot pease pudding. Anything else is a travesty.


A sausage is one of THE perfect foodstuffs: infinitely versatile, can be paired with practically anything and is one of those foods that can never, ever, be gentrified or turned into something for “ladies who lunch“. I have often railed against “industrial food” but the humble and cheap budget pork banger is probably one of the few exceptions to that list. A budget banger, properly fried or grilled, split and put into a buttered bap is one of the best ways I know of keeping out of the cold.


Sadly, my larder and freezer are currently bereft of the humble sausage. I do have all the equipment for making my own, so I might give that a go in the near future. On the positive side, I still have plenty of British black pudding in the freezer!

Have a great day! 2020 is almost over!!!

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Mmmmm Black Pudding.


I was given an omelette making device (they always turn out a scrambled mess when I attempt them in a pan) as part of a healthier eating suggestion; I seem to have acquired an addiction to toasted sandwiches during lockdown.


What does that have to do with black pudding you might ask......


Simples, black pudding omelette (as noted earlier I have to go food shopping today) - s@d the healthy eating :D

Edited by leopardml2341
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  • RMweb Premium

as it happens black pudding was included in my breakfast butty.. along with some smoked bacon and mushrooms.. yummy Diet restarts tomorrow..


I have organised a zoom meeting including a couple of antipodean mates for tonight.. but someone miscalculated as they appeared tomorrow.


Fatchy pog and freezing here

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20 minutes ago, leopardml2341 said:

...Simples, black pudding omelette (as noted earlier I have to go food shopping today) - s@d the healthy eating :D

Apparently, black pudding is a “superfood” Superfood status was given to this humble blood pudding because of its rich iron and protein content. Recipe suggestions include: 

Tossing warm chunks of black pudding into a leafy salad with crispy croutons.

Use in stuffing for both chicken and pork.

Include in a homemade burger mix for a macho punch.

(see: https://www.goodfoodireland.ie/blog/blackpudding-newest-superfood)

14 minutes ago, polybear said:

What is needed is Level 5:  House Arrest.

Just heard on the radio:  200 Britons do a runner from Verbiers Ski Resort in Switzerland after being told to self-isolate for 2 weeks in their Hotels following the discovery in the UK of the new variant C-19.  Seems the hotels were doing their best to keep 'em happy as possible (eg freebie champers on chrimbo day) but it wasn't enough...

Unfortunately, these Brits are the rich and self-entitled - which means it is unlikely that much will come of it. Quite frankly, had I anything do with it, a quick phone call to the Swiss, German and Austrian Grenzpolizei and a word in the shell likes of their French and Italian counterparts and these Brits would end up having the most interesting of Winter holiday experiences. Border guards can be incredibly inventive in finding reasons to detain people (although - TBH - a few examples of “shot whilst trying to escape” pour encourager les autres would not go amiss...)

Alas, we are too wimpy for such measures nowadays (even the relatively benign first option). Perhaps a crusading journalist can find out who these Brits are and “name and shame” on various widely read blogs...

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Because of her profession Flavio.  I've chatted to her on many occasions and she was very pleasant and friendly but according to The Boss that's because I'm a man.  :rolleyes:

She also used to hold some very wild parties which did annoy her neighbours either side.  As we were a few doors away the other side of the road it never affected us.

Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning everyone 


We’ve had some snow overnight, about 1” or so, but I think it’ll all be gone by mid afternoon. Now that breakfast has been consumed, I will make a start on dismantling the Christmas tree and putting everything away until next December and the dining room will then be back to normal. This should all be done for dinner, leaving me just needing to put the boxes in the storage area. After that there’s no plans, but then again, there won’t be much left of the day anyway. 


I like peas, especially mushy peas, never heard of parched peas, but my favourite are raw peas, straight from the pod!


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:



A sausage is one of THE perfect foodstuffs: infinitely versatile, can be paired with practically anything and is one of those foods that can never, ever, be gentrified or turned into something for “ladies who lunch“. I have often railed against “industrial food” but the humble and cheap budget pork banger is probably one of the few exceptions to that list. A budget banger, properly fried or grilled, split and put into a buttered bap is one of the best ways I know of keeping out of the cold.


Sadly, my larder and freezer are currently bereft of the humble sausage. I do have all the equipment for making my own, so I might give that a go in the near future. On the positive side, I still have plenty of British black pudding in the freezer!

Have a great day! 2020 is almost over!!!

Have you ever considered nipping over to Germany for sausages? In my experience they are every bit as good as British ones. After all you could do much wurst. Hat, coat and ready to go...

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I suspect that buying a title and then using the honourific may not guarantee that anyone else will use it. I'd go so far as to say it guarantees they'd call you something  quite different. 


On reflection I think this scales from the budget end up to "party donor". The "Erminerude scale" perhaps?


All this reminds me of a very passable steak frites in a restaurant on Place de la Revolution when I was about 13. 


Bon appetit!

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Morning, minus 2 outside and we have had a few snow flakes, fires lit and I expect a lot of lazing about browsing on stuff I probably shouldn't be eating and inspecting the back of eyelids, listening to Carole Kings "Tapestry" album, mellow even before I hit the Malt Whisky, stay safe and warm all.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The foot woke me up before five this morning but I did manage to get back to sleep and didn't wake up until nearly nine. The Nurofen is now doing its work so I can now walk about without any difficulty.

3 hours ago, Grizz said:

Storm Bella left us some presents, bless her.

Two large boughs broke off of the big old Cedar tree at the front of my father-in-laws house. As well a modifying the front of the plastic radiator grill on the car, it smashed some roof tiles in various places on the edge of the roof.


So back to work, and it’s going to rain, again, just for a change. Good job we only had a few.....several.....some beer last night. Beer n chainsaws can be a bit tricky. 



That looks like the tree had a fungal infection, best have the rest of the tree checked out. 

2 hours ago, polybear said:


What is needed is Level 5:  House Arrest.

Just heard on the radio:  200 Britons do a runner from Verbiers Ski Resort in Switzerland after being told to self-isolate for 2 weeks in their Hotels following the discovery in the UK of the new variant C-19.  Seems the hotels were doing their best to keep 'em happy as possible (eg freebie champers on chrimbo day) but it wasn't enough.



What is different about the latest rise is that the increase is not now in the usual places one would expect but in wealthy areas such as Brentwood and Epping. 


2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


Unfortunately, these Brits are the rich and self-entitled - which means it is unlikely that much will come of it. Quite frankly, had I anything do with it, a quick phone call to the Swiss, German and Austrian Grenzpolizei and a word in the shell likes of their French and Italian counterparts and these Brits would end up having the most interesting of Winter holiday experiences. Border guards can be incredibly inventive in finding reasons to detain people (although - TBH - a few examples of “shot whilst trying to escape” pour encourager les autres would not go amiss...)

Alas, we are too wimpy for such measures nowadays (even the relatively benign first option). Perhaps a crusading journalist can find out who these Brits are and “name and shame” on various widely read blogs...

As I mentioned above, a sense of self entitlement has contributed to the rise in cases. I hope that these covidiots are caught and have to spend their quarantine in a cold and draughty cell instead of the luxury hotel.

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