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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sore foot flared up again last night and despite an earlier night didn't get off to sleep until about four, I then didn't wake up until almost nine. Muggatee is ready so I'll be back shortly.

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Happy Boxing Day!


Just popping out from behind the curtains for a fleeting moment.


8 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Forget to mention the ER's that, I've met, but most of them seem to have forgotten me.  It's nice to be forgettable.  In no particular order the hall of shame includes, Baz, Andyram, Mike (SM) and Station Cat, Mick (NB), Chrisf, ID of course, Rick, Ian(RH), Polly, plus Jones the Steam, i even chatted to the Wielder of the Awl, Debs herself, Dave Hunt and HH, there are probably others but my forgettery is in action.




Jamie, your forgettery is working well and as a co-founding member of the "Brains Trust", I will offer Bill Bishop, Unravelled, il Dottore for your list!


Bacon & Eggs beckons!

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41 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Forget to mention the ER's that, I've met, but most of them seem to have forgotten me.  It's nice to be forgettable.  In no particular order the hall of shame includes, Baz, Andyram, Mike (SM) and Station Cat, Mick (NB), Chrisf, ID of course, Rick, Ian(RH), Polly, plus Jones the Steam, i even chatted to the Wielder of the Awl, Debs herself, Dave Hunt and HH, there are probably others but my forgettery is in action.



Yes Jamie, and I think we met briefly, or at least I shouted hello, when your Layout was at the Nottingham Show a few years ago now.

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Back again, As I started this whole 'have we met other ER's' thing I realised that I have also met NB and Natalie. NB at the Peterborough show several years ago and Natalie last year at Warley but I didn't have the opportunity to introduce myself. My problem is that I have a terrible memory for names so I've probably spoken to many others. In the news about the explosion in Nashville, the vehicle containing the bomb has been identified as a camper van and to quote 'traces of human remains have been found'. What has struck me as unusual is that no organisation has claimed responsibility for this. When it came to cooking Christmas dinner it took me 20 minutes at the most. Simple, pan or grill for the meat, air fryer for the roast veg and microwave for the 'boiled' veg. I wish the washing up afterwards was just as easy.

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3 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Morning all,


Good to hear Rick is recovering from the stomach pestilence although not so bright on the gouty nbit - anda n excellent idea to steer clear of work until properly recovered.

 Getting back to yesterday a good 'Christmas Dinner' was had - starting as usual with snacking on the crackling from the roast pork to accompany a glass of Prosecco then Chateau Neuf du Pape with the main event - yes, I drink boozy stuff at Christmas.  The chicken and pork were both very good and both were of the 'free range' variety while our carefully saved carrots were also excellent.  Even the sprouts were tolerable - or both teh ones I had were - as Mrs Stationmaster does cook them in sensible fashion.   As ever both forms of stuffing were great and the orange stuffing was slightly different this year due to a shortage of orange zest from the ones we have in stock so more flesh was used.  We realised this morning that the apple sauce had been overlooked but no worries as it can accompany the cold cuts today.


A x couple of railway related books came my way - no surprise as I had chosen them on a recent visit to Paul's establishment in Alton, plus a complete set of Amanad Owen's three books about Ravenseat Farm and the family - thoroughly recommended to anybody who has enjoyed the tv series.  as ever the Good doctor Station Cat pulled a rabbit out of the hat for me with something different - the North West Passage and the hunt for Franklin's lost expedition.


To complete this day of listings I'll try to recall all the ERs I have met.  One instant difference from three other RMweb members is that none - so far as I know - ever worked for me in a previous life.  So the ERs - Tony S, Gordon S were I think the first I met - introduced by Andy Y himself, then our one and only Happy Hippo at the Stafford Members' Day.  And in no particular order GDB (and Mrs GDB), Andy B, Mr S.Corn, Chrisf (in better years we have several regular meets at shows) iD, Ian RH, Bokstein,  Rick Gwiwer, Mick Newbryford), Natalie, NHN Neil plus Mrs NHN Debs and Donk, and of course Baz who I also get to see reasonably frequently at shows.  I've also met Polly (Southern 42) although to my eternal shame I didn't latch on to who she was until afterwards so I also missed a possible opportunity to become acquainted with Jones The Steam.   No doubt I have forgotten somebody for which I humbly apologise and there are numerous other members of RMweb some of whom might very occasionally  visit this place and some ERs unknown to me might have been bored by my natter at the RMweb Members' Day at Didcot GWS.


Enjoy the rest pf your day one and all.

I exhibited at two RM Web Members Days at Stafford in 2011 and 2012 Mike so we may have said hello at some point.

From 2012 does anyone know the people in the Background behind our Blurred PeterBB, and Sue operating the original Trebudoc, before it was re built.


And again from 2012, I'm not sure if anyone recognises this chap, looks like his name is John, so is it @Combe Martin? EDIT = NO, Its Combe Barton, and his wife Sandy. I knew it was Combe something.:o. Thanks John for your post below for putting me right.






Edited by Andrew P
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Tigerburnie's mention of a cancelled trip to the Aboyne whiskey shop (aka Stachans?) reminds me of a number of  visits to their Braemar branch (now closed). One half of the shop dealt with general groceries...but if you wandered through to the adjoining half of the shop an Aladin's cave of whisky. iD is quite right about miniatures but if you get half a dozen then it can - and has - made for a convivial tasting evening. 


The Ballater branch is still open in spite of being slap bang next to a large Co-op. But there was something "sweet shop" like about the Braemar shop with shelves loaded with bottles. 

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32 minutes ago, TheQ said:

two couples cycled past female with female male with male less than 2M apart, All I think retired lycra wearers looking at the bikes and the speed they went past without any effort, while they chatted away. Probably older than me, I wonder how that complies with Tier 4..

If they all live together it’s fine. If they don’t then it gets complicated. Are three together and the fourth their “bubble”?  That’s ok. Are they perhaps two couples who don’t share the same home?  It could be ok if you keep 2m apart which isn’t hard for cyclists to do; however some are experienced at riding in closer quarters.  But each household can only meet with one other person under Tier 4.   Four singles?  Not under Tier 4.  

Or was it a question related to aged MAMILs being allowed out together at all? :nono:

In other news my sister, newly promoted from Tier 2 to Tier 4, has pointed out the apparent idiocy of the fact that we could not have met compliantly yesterday (T2/T4) but can today (T4/T4) despite the potential for that to spread the lurgy farther and faster than before. 

Edited by Gwiwer
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4 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


As far as the rest of the recipe is concerned, my personal preference is for a good barm cake, as we used to call them in my childhood in Liverpool......


I recall going into a sit-down chippie for dinner one evening whilst staying in Lytham St. Annes (we were working at BAe Warton at the time).  I asked the waitress for a roll to go with my sausage and chips (ISTR they'd never heard of a saveloy...); this totally threw her.  After some explaining she finally twigged and replied "Oh, you mean't Baaaarm Cake...."


4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Yes! :D

What you need is a Jeeves, a “Gentleman’s Gentleman”. Someone to ensure that you are properly fed, dressed and who will help you fend off fearsome (often elderly and female) relatives.

p.s. Apart from saving having to peel the spuds, what exactly does using frozen roast potatoes bring, apart from the frisson of emulsifiers, anti-oxiding agents and assorted E-numbers? 



My very own Jeeves?  Can I substitute with the delightful Linda Lusardi, Suzi Quattro and/or Felicity Kendal instead please?

As for the benefits of frozen spuds, let's see now..... less time required, less washing up, less aggravation and a known outcome.  Bears like that.....


In other news:

A fairly productive morning working on the kitchen refurb, with mind occupied - which is a bonus.  Buddy from next door phoned from France; they're on a lockdown out there with pretty much everything shut and an 8pm curfew, so activities are pretty much limited to taking doggie for a walk round the village - for which masks have to be worn.  Seems a long way to drive just to do that in my book, though it's kept his OH happy so he's happy.....

Currently watching a pre-recorded film on telly, though I think I'll have an interval in order to raid the loft for my extendable props, which will be used with a sheet of polythene to create a dust screen tomorrow.

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19 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Coombe Barton and Sandy, the year we did the badges.

So close but no Cigar, Sorry John. I still have my Badge I think John, nice one of you both.

Edited by Andrew P
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21 minutes ago, polybear said:

My very own Jeeves?  Can I substitute with the delightful Linda Lusardi, Suzi Quattro and/or Felicity Kendal instead please?

You could be a VERY BUSY Bear with those three to keep happy!

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

...My very own Jeeves?  Can I substitute with the delightful Linda Lusardi, Suzi Quattro and/or Felicity Kendal instead please?

NO! Absolutely NOT! A valet should not be pneumatically endowed.... 

It sounds like you need to set yourself up as a Sultan and acquire a harem of pneumatically endowed females. I am sure that Ms Lusardi could provide some recommendations for your short list.


p.s. And I thought that you were a respectable bear...

Edited by iL Dottore
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Looking at meeting ERs an RMwebbers ... Dave Hunt was the most recent but was at Stafford RM 2011 and 2012 with Andy P and therefore must have met quite a few.  Andy Y Phil (what's his name) etc. and a fair number at other exhibitions over time but, as you see cannot always remember the names - strange as when I was teaching I picked up most names easily.  That leads to a memory, a class with 7 Emma's and also once (peripatetically) a whole class where the same last name but not all related.


Nice to see Gwiwer on the up but hopefully able to do the odd bit of m8888g before returning to the 'house of fun'.

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had to do some intense eyelid inspection this afternoon. Youngest Herbert, plus his squeeze and her dog have visited (at a socially distanced distance).


Not many folks out and about here as it is freezing.


I need a mugacaff..TTFN



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8 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

Lstrange as when I was teaching I picked up most names easily.  That leads to a memory, a class with 7 Emma's and also once (peripatetically) a whole class where the same last name but not all related.


I had an A-level physics class of eight including four Matts...

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18 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


I had an A-level physics class of eight including four Matts...

I had a computer science class with no Matts.  It was un-four-Matt-ed.

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