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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:


But importantly something for Ian (RH) you can forma 'support bubble' with your mum (provided neither household is already in another support bubble) in Tier 3 which means the Tier 3 restrictions about meeting in the garden or indoors would not apply.  Nothing to do with the Christmas debacle it applies all the time in Tier 3 because your mum qualifies by virtue of living alone.  Whether or not you then mix indoors with her is down to a personal assessment of any risk you or she might think arises


Yes Mum is in our support bubble and she is fine with us visiting as we have been doing since Summer as she no longer wants to drive so I am doing all her shopping and running her to hospital etc. We may well visit her boxing day aswell. Might even set up a layout in her conservatory.


Currently in our final bar this year. Pilgrim Brewery. Glad we got here before opening as already a big queue. Luckily we were the few that are from the same house hold so plenty of seats inside. A great place to celebrate both Xmas and New year a week before we would normally do so. They have had to turn away a lot of people. Still waiting for our dessert but no rush. We are enjoying our last beers of the year in a bar.








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19 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Good evening everyone 


I was up later than planned this morning, so after a quick look in to ER I went straight to the butchers for the weekly meat rations and a pastie for dinner. After I’d put away the rations I again went out, but this time to the Trafford Centre, before The Mongol HordesCovidiots other shoppers got there. Principally I went to pick up a click and collect order, but whilst I was there I did the shopping that I normally do on Friday, thus leaving tomorrow free!




, we’ve been in tier since August! The bushy haired imbecile incumbent in No 10 must really be p!ssed of with Mr Burnham. Many businesses around here are on their knees, if there’s another lockdown next year, which, (after the up and coming 5 day free for all), I suspect there will be, I think a lot of business will simply give up, shut up shop and cut their losses! The towns and cities around Britain are I think in the not so distant future, going to be like ghost towns. 

On the other hand, they will be if covid gets enough of the inhabitants.  Its really one or the other; not a good choice either way!:unsure:


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Basildon was in the news today but not for a good reason. It now has the highest Covid infection rate in the country. Not surprising really what with the number of people filmed waking about unmasked. I intend to visit the town centre on Sunday but if too many are walking about unmasked I won't be staying. I could of course put a sign around my neck saying 'I am Covid-19 positive' to keep the cockwombles away but will that be effective.

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I had a look at the vaccination date predictor circulating online.  I appear to be (using the assumptions in the calculator) likely to get a Covid vaccine in February. Aditi’s prediction was March. MiL (age 92) is supposed to be getting hers this Sunday. Nephew has been jabbing older people all week. No surplus almost out of date ones for NHS staff where he is.

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10 hours ago, TheQ said:

It's nothing to do with that , it's everything to do with traffic, New Zealands population is less than 5 million, Heathrow on it's own has nearly 7 million travel through it each month (pre covid) then add all the other international airports in the UK  and there is a massive through put of people travelling in aluminum recycled air virus spreading tubes. 

 It was well into the population long before anyone knew what was happening.


NZ and AUS plus Fraggle rock for that matter are Destinations, no throughput of people just visitors (and not that many), stop the visitors.. easy no covid or very little...


Are people still travelling through Heathrow and other UK airports at the moment? If so where are they ongoing to and  why? Business? Holidays?  Returning residents? Surely apart from the returnees the rest can be shut down while this is going on?


The Australian land mass is big enough and the major population centres far enough apart to make them the equivalent of different countries. The air route between Sydney and Melbourne is the third busiest in the world, it dwarfs anything in Europe (who dont even make the top 50) yet it got shut down overnight when the outbreak in Melbourne occurred over winter . Thats the only  way to stop this thing.


Annoyingly it turns out that  incoming international aircrew here have rules to follow during their turn around time which some airlines have taken to be less rules and more suggestions you don't need to worry about and a US strain (genome tested to find origin) has broken out in the northern beaches.


Currently its about 30 cases which sounds small in a city of 5 million but they go hard early here rather than dither around and there is talk of locking down at least that bit of the city Melbourne hard style, if not the rest of us.  Other states are busy putting up the draw bridges again.

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  • RMweb Premium

@roundhouse... what is a pub? We have been locked in so long up here in the north pibs are a thing of the past.


@Coombe Barton  ..understand your sentiments but cancelling christmas now would be enough to push people over the edge and into mass rebellion..


@monkeysarefun.. our airports are open to most.. transit passengers still transit.. "isolation" on arrival for those staying has just been reduced with no policing of it.. we are an island.. but didn't close our borders at all.. so we have much larger problems than some other islands like New Zealand, Australia, pacific islands...



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I recently received a letter from Matt Hancock telling me about the Christmas arrangements but “advising” me not to join in. Even a “don’t go to a pharmacy to collect prescriptions”. Even if we did want to go to visit someone I think all 3 household slots had other family members occupying them. Not a problem as,we didn’t really want to go anywhere anyway. Aditi would have liked to see her Mum but she is bubbled with Aditi’s sister whose adult children are planning to visit over the Christmas holiday. 

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Good evening everyone 


I think I opened my mouth a bit too soon this morning, as not long after I’d posted, it started to rain and the rain continued to fall until mid afternoon. There followed a brief dry spell before the rain once again started to fall, thankfully it’s not raining at the moment. 


This morning the washing machine took quite a bit of time to clean, I must make sure I don’t leave as long next time. Still it’s done now and a number of brownie points have been banked. Once I’d finished that, I disappeared downstairs and kept out of the way whilst Sheila mopped the kitchen and hall floors. I finished building the delay supply boards for my servo control boards, all that’s left is to fit leads to them, which I’ll do when I’ve decide what type of connectors I’m going to use.

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I disagree that xmas should be cancelled because for a lot of folk its the only thing they have had to look forward to all year.


Lockdown lockdown lockdown on the news again i turned it off its so depressing. If we are not careful the country will be in a worse state than the end of the war. Where you could go to the pub theatre cinema or whatever yes the luftwaffe may have dropped high explosives on you but you had the choice. How many folk refused to go to the shelters or evacuate their kids. People were no different then to now. People fought for freedom then that is being chucked away willy nilly for a virus that for the majority of the population is no worse than the flu


Rant over apologies for any offence 

Ps i have to self shield 

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Our Christmas dinner was delivered just after 11:00 this morning.  The Village had 440 ordered. I was wrong about one thing: It wasn't my birthday dinner; we had them today. It's the first meal since March that was prepared by somebody else. There's still a lot of salad for tomorrow. :D  


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I dream of a dentist bill that small. One child had to go private as the NHS would only treat a dental problem if it was 1mm worse. Take Chris' notional bill and move the decimal point to the right twice!


Morning all so now "broken up" for Christmas. Was difficult to get anything done yesterday as most folk were rounding things off / too frazzled. 


Now for a bit of Christmas shopping.....


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8 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Yet Italy and Austria are going into lockdown over Christmas - why and how are we different?


People in the North have got fed up with being in "

Lockdown". When case numbers were dropping they were kept in lockdown.. london  didn't.  They are just weary.. and we can see that some of the NHS management are using "protect the NHS" as a way of covering the way they have mistreated patients.


Why are we different.. fed up with being regarded as "those people in the North"....


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